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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-react-http-0.8.6/CHANGELOG.md:40:*   Fix: Do not pass `$next` handler to final request handler.
php-react-http-0.8.6/CHANGELOG.md-41-    (#308 by @clue)
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:223:The `listen(React\Socket\ServerInterface $socket): void` method can be used to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-224-start processing connections from the given socket server.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-305-The `getServerParams(): mixed[]` method can be used to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:306:get server-side parameters similar to the `$_SERVER` variable.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-307-The following parameters are currently available:
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-348-The `getQueryParams(): array` method can be used to get the query parameters
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:349:similiar to the `$_GET` variable.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-396-get the parsed request body, similar to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:397:[PHP's `$_POST` variable](https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.post.php).
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-398-This method may return a (possibly nested) array structure with all body
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-444-get the uploaded files in this request, similar to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:445:[PHP's `$_FILES` variable](https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.files.php).
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-446-This method returns a (possibly nested) array structure with all file uploads, each represented by the
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-466-The `getSize(): ?int` method can be used to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:467:get the size of the request body, similar to PHP's `$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']` variable.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-468-This method returns the complete size of the request body measured in number
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-580-The `getSize(): ?int` method can be used to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:581:get the size of the request body, similar to PHP's `$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']` variable.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-582-This method returns the complete size of the request body measured in number
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1060-    signal an error condition and abort the chain.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1061:* It calls `$next($request)` to continue processing the next middleware
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1062:  request handler or returns explicitly without calling `$next` to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1063-  abort the chain.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1064:  * The `$next` request handler (recursively) invokes the next request
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1065-    handler from the chain with the same logic as above and returns (or throws)
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1066-    as above.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1067:  * The `$request` may be modified prior to calling `$next($request)` to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1068-    change the incoming request the next middleware operates on.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1069:  * The `$next` return value may be consumed to modify the outgoing response.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1070:  * The `$next` request handler MAY be called more than once if you want to
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1071-    implement custom "retry" logic etc.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1107-  very simple (and similar) interface. The only difference is that the final
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1108:  request handler does not receive a `$next` handler.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1110:Similarly, you can use the result of the `$next` middleware request handler
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1111-function to modify the outgoing response.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1112:Note that as per the above documentation, the `$next` middleware request handler may return a
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1113-`ResponseInterface` directly or one wrapped in a promise for deferred
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1132:Note that the `$next` middleware request handler may also throw an
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1133-`Exception` (or return a rejected promise) as described above.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1277-`Content-Type: multipart/form-data` to resemble PHP's default superglobals
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1278:`$_POST` and `$_FILES`.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1279-Instead of relying on these superglobals, you can use the
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1280:`$request->getParsedBody()` and `$request->getUploadedFiles()` methods
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1281-as defined by PSR-7.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1285-a `RuntimeException` instead.
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md:1286:You can use `$contents = (string)$file->getStream();` to access the file
php-react-http-0.8.6/README.md-1287-contents and persist this to your favorite data store.
php-react-http-0.8.6/src/Io/MultipartParser.php-11- * This is use internally to parse incoming request bodies into structured data
php-react-http-0.8.6/src/Io/MultipartParser.php:12: * that resembles PHP's `$_POST` and `$_FILES` superglobals.
php-react-http-0.8.6/src/Io/MultipartParser.php-13- *
php-react-http-0.8.6/.pc/use-psr7-from-debian.diff/src/Io/MultipartParser.php-11- * This is use internally to parse incoming request bodies into structured data
php-react-http-0.8.6/.pc/use-psr7-from-debian.diff/src/Io/MultipartParser.php:12: * that resembles PHP's `$_POST` and `$_FILES` superglobals.
php-react-http-0.8.6/.pc/use-psr7-from-debian.diff/src/Io/MultipartParser.php-13- *