                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:109:The constructor of the `Deferred` accepts an optional `$canceller` argument.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-110-See [Promise](#promise-2) for more information.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-127-Resolves the promise returned by `promise()`. All consumers are notified by
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:128:having `$onFulfilled` (which they registered via `$promise->then()`) called with
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:131:If `$value` itself is a promise, the promise will transition to the state of
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-132-this promise once it is resolved.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-141-computation failed.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:142:All consumers are notified by having `$onRejected` (which they registered via
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:143:`$promise->then()`) called with `$reason`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:145:If `$reason` itself is a promise, the promise will be rejected with the outcome
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-146-of this promise regardless whether it fulfills or rejects.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:159:All consumers are notified by having `$onProgress` (which they registered via
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:160:`$promise->then()`) called with `$update`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:192:  * `$onFulfilled` will be invoked once the promise is fulfilled and passed
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-193-    the result as the first argument.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:194:  * `$onRejected` will be invoked once the promise is rejected and passed the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-195-    reason as the first argument.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:196:  * `$onProgress` (deprecated) will be invoked whenever the producer of the promise
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-197-    triggers progress notifications and passed a single argument (whatever it
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-200-It returns a new promise that will fulfill with the return value of either
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:201:`$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected`, whichever is called, or will reject with
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-202-the thrown exception if either throws.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:207:  1. Only one of `$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected` will be called,
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-208-     never both.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:209:  2. `$onFulfilled` and `$onRejected` will never be called more
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-210-     than once.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:211:  3. `$onProgress` (deprecated) may be called multiple times.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:241:It will cause a fatal error if either `$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected` throw or
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-242-return a rejected promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:264:Additionally, you can type hint the `$reason` argument of `$onRejected` to catch
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-265-only specific errors.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:286:It arranges for `$onFulfilledOrRejected` to be called, with no arguments,
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-287-when the promise is either fulfilled or rejected.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:289:* If `$promise` fulfills, and `$onFulfilledOrRejected` returns successfully,
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:290:  `$newPromise` will fulfill with the same value as `$promise`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:291:* If `$promise` fulfills, and `$onFulfilledOrRejected` throws or returns a
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:292:  rejected promise, `$newPromise` will reject with the thrown exception or
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-293-  rejected promise's reason.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:294:* If `$promise` rejects, and `$onFulfilledOrRejected` returns successfully,
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:295:  `$newPromise` will reject with the same reason as `$promise`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:296:* If `$promise` rejects, and `$onFulfilledOrRejected` throws or returns a
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:297:  rejected promise, `$newPromise` will reject with the thrown exception or
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-298-  rejected promise's reason.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-366-Creates a promise whose state is controlled by the functions passed to
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:395:  * `$resolve($value)` - Primary function that seals the fate of the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-396-    returned promise. Accepts either a non-promise value, or another promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-397-    When called with a non-promise value, fulfills promise with that value.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:398:    When called with another promise, e.g. `$resolve($otherPromise)`, promise's
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:399:    fate will be equivalent to that of `$otherPromise`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:400:  * `$reject($reason)` - Function that rejects the promise. It is recommended to
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:401:    just throw an exception instead of using `$reject()`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:402:  * `$notify($update)` - Deprecated function that issues progress events for the promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:418:Note, that `$value` **cannot** be a promise. It's recommended to use
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-419-[resolve()](#resolve) for creating resolved promises.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:429:Note, that `$reason` **cannot** be a promise. It's recommended to use
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-430-[reject()](#reject) for creating rejected promises.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:434:Creates a promise which will be lazily initialized by `$factory` once a consumer
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-435-calls the `then()` method.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:469:Creates a promise for the supplied `$promiseOrValue`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:471:If `$promiseOrValue` is a value, it will be the resolution value of the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-472-returned promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:474:If `$promiseOrValue` is a thenable (any object that provides a `then()` method),
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-475-a trusted promise that follows the state of the thenable is returned.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:477:If `$promiseOrValue` is a promise, it will be returned as is.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-481-promise which only implements [PromiseInterface](#promiseinterface), this
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:482:promise will be assimilated to a extended promise following `$promiseOrValue`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:490:Creates a rejected promise for the supplied `$promiseOrValue`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:492:If `$promiseOrValue` is a value, it will be the rejection value of the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-493-returned promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:495:If `$promiseOrValue` is a promise, its completion value will be the rejected
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-496-value of the returned promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-508-Returns a promise that will resolve only once all the items in
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:509:`$promisesOrValues` have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-510-will be an array containing the resolution values of each of the items in
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-528-Returns a promise that will resolve when any one of the items in
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:529:`$promisesOrValues` resolves. The resolution value of the returned promise
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-530-will be the resolution value of the triggering item.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:532:The returned promise will only reject if *all* items in `$promisesOrValues` are
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-533-rejected. The rejection value will be an array of all rejection reasons.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-535-The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:536:if `$promisesOrValues` contains 0 items.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:544:Returns a promise that will resolve when `$howMany` of the supplied items in
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:545:`$promisesOrValues` resolve. The resolution value of the returned promise
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:546:will be an array of length `$howMany` containing the resolution values of the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-547-triggering items.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:549:The returned promise will reject if it becomes impossible for `$howMany` items
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:550:to resolve (that is, when `(count($promisesOrValues) - $howMany) + 1` items
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-551-reject). The rejection value will be an array of
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:552:`(count($promisesOrValues) - $howMany) + 1` rejection reasons.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-554-The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:555:if `$promisesOrValues` contains less items than `$howMany`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-563-Traditional map function, similar to `array_map()`, but allows input to contain
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:564:promises and/or values, and `$mapFunc` may return either a value or a promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-566-The map function receives each item as argument, where item is a fully resolved
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:567:value of a promise or value in `$promisesOrValues`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-575-Traditional reduce function, similar to `array_reduce()`, but input may contain
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:576:promises and/or values, and `$reduceFunc` may return either a value or a
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:577:promise, *and* `$initialValue` may be a promise or a value for the starting
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-632-Resolved promises forward resolution values to the next promise.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:633:The first promise, `$deferred->promise()`, will resolve with the value passed
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:634:to `$deferred->resolve()` below.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-784-error (either a thrown exception or returned rejection) escapes the
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:785:`$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected` callbacks you provide to done, it will be
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md-786-rethrown in an uncatchable way causing a fatal error.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/README.md:835:You can get the original rejection reason by calling `$exception->getReason()`.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/ExtendedPromiseInterface.php-8-     *
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/ExtendedPromiseInterface.php:9:     * The `$onProgress` argument is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/ExtendedPromiseInterface.php-10-     *
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/PromiseInterface.php-8-     *
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/PromiseInterface.php:9:     * The `$onProgress` argument is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
php-react-promise-2.7.0/src/PromiseInterface.php-10-     *