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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-slim-3.12.3/Slim/Http/Request.php-561-     * You can opt-in to preserving the original state of the Host header by
php-slim-3.12.3/Slim/Http/Request.php:562:     * setting `$preserveHost` to `true`. When `$preserveHost` is set to
php-slim-3.12.3/Slim/Http/Request.php-563-     * `true`, this method interacts with the Host header in the following ways:
php-slim-3.12.3/tests/Http/RequestTest.php-507-    {
php-slim-3.12.3/tests/Http/RequestTest.php:508:        // When `$preserveHost` is set to `true`, this method interacts with
php-slim-3.12.3/tests/Http/RequestTest.php-509-        // the Host header in the following ways:
php-slim-3.12.3/.pc/support-phpunit-6-and-later.patch/tests/Http/RequestTest.php-507-    {
php-slim-3.12.3/.pc/support-phpunit-6-and-later.patch/tests/Http/RequestTest.php:508:        // When `$preserveHost` is set to `true`, this method interacts with
php-slim-3.12.3/.pc/support-phpunit-6-and-later.patch/tests/Http/RequestTest.php-509-        // the Host header in the following ways: