                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md:325:`r_session$run()` is a synchronous call, that works similarly to `r()`,
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md:326:but uses the persistent session. `r_session$call()` starts the function
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md:327:call and returns immediately. The `r_session$poll_process()` method or
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md-328-`processx::poll()` can then be used to wait for the completion or other
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md-332-Once an R session is done with an asynchronous computation, its
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md:333:`poll_process()` method returns `"ready"` and the `r_session$read()`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/README.md-334-method can read out the result.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-75-    #' @description
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:76:    #' Similar to `$run()`, but returns the standard output and error of
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-77-    #' the child process as well. It does not throw on errors, but
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-140-    #'   a `code` entry which is the type of the event. See also
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:141:    #'   `r_session$public_fields$status` for symbolic names of the
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-142-    #'   event types.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:884:#' The `r_session$debug()` method is an interactive debugger to inspect
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-885-#' the stack of the background process after an error.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:887:#' `$debug()` starts a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), that evaluates R
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-888-#' expressions in the subprocess. It is similar to [browser()] and
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-892-#' * `.where` prints the complete stack trace of the error. (The same as
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:893:#'   the `$traceback()` method.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-894-#' * `.inspect <n>` switches the "focus" to frame `<n>`. Frame 0 is the
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R:900:#' Here is an example session that uses `$debug()` (some output is omitted
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/r-session.R-901-#' for brevity):
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R-21-#   common for the whole error hierarchy.) The trace is accessible within
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R:22:#   the error, e.g. `.Last.error$trace`. The trace of the last error is
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R-23-#   also at `.Last.error.trace`.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R-157-      cond$call <- cond$parent$`_childcall`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R:158:      cond$`_nframe` <- cond$parent$`_childframe`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R:159:      cond$`_ignore` <- cond$parent$`_childignore`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/errors.R-160-    }
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/rcmd.R-32-#' @inheritSection r Security considerations
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/rcmd.R:33:#' @return A list with the command line `$command`),
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/rcmd.R:34:#'   standard output (`$stdout`), standard error (`stderr`),
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/rcmd.R:35:#'   exit status (`$status`) of the external `R CMD` command, and
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/R/rcmd.R:36:#'   whether a timeout was reached (`$timeout`).
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-11-  package in a subprocess. See the `package` argument of `r()`, `r_bg()`,
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:12:  `r_session$run()`, etc. (#147).
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-17-  if the session is started with `wait = TRUE`. For `wait = FALSE` the
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:18:  first `$read()` operation will return with an error (#162).
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-50-* The stacking of error objects is slightly different now, as we keep the
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:51:  unmodified error from the subprocess in `$parent$error`.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:66:* New `$debug()` method for `r_session` to inspect the dumped frames
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-67-  in the subprocess, after an error.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:77:* New `$traceback()` method for `r_session`, to run `traceback()` in the
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-78-  subprocess, after an error.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-94-  the `processx::process` constructor. For `r_process`, `rcmd_process`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:95:  and `rscript_process` extra arguments can be specified as `options$extra`,
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-96-  these are also passed to the `processx::process` constructor (#100).
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:118:* `r_session$run_with_output()` now returns an S3 object with class
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-119-  `callr_session_result`.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md:121:* `r_session$run*()` handle interrupts properly. It tries to interrupt
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/NEWS.md-122-  the background process fist, kills it if it is not interruptible,
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R-21-#   common for the whole error hierarchy.) The trace is accessible within
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R:22:#   the error, e.g. `.Last.error$trace`. The trace of the last error is
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R-23-#   also at `.Last.error.trace`.
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R-149-      cond$call <- cond$parent$`_childcall`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R:150:      cond$`_nframe` <- cond$parent$`_childframe`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R:151:      cond$`_ignore` <- cond$parent$`_childignore`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/inst/client.R-152-    }
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-callr-3.5.1/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM