                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/man/data.table.Rd-204-    X[c>1, sum(a), by=c]        # get rows where c>1 is TRUE, and on those rows, get sum(a) grouped by 'c'
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/man/data.table.Rd:205:    X[Y, .(a, b), on="c"]       # get rows where Y$c == X$c, and select columns 'X$a' and 'X$b' for those rows
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/man/data.table.Rd:206:    X[Y, .(a, i.a), on="c"]     # get rows where Y$c == X$c, and then select 'X$a' and 'Y$a' (=i.a)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/man/data.table.Rd-207-    X[Y, sum(a*i.a), on="c" by=.EACHI] # for *each* 'Y$c', get sum(a*i.a) on matching rows in 'X$c'
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-6-  R_len_t n, l, tl;
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c:7:  if(!R_ExternalPtrAddr(p)) error(_("Internal error: finalizer hasn't received an ExternalPtr")); // # nocov
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-8-  p = R_ExternalPtrTag(p);
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-118-  }
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c:119:  p = R_ExternalPtrAddr(v);
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-120-  if (p==NULL) {
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-134-    return 0;                      // # nocov ; see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15342227/getting-a-random-internal-selfref-error-in-data-table-for-r
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c:135:  if (x!=R_ExternalPtrAddr(prot) && !ALTREP(x))
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c-136-    SET_TRUELENGTH(x, LENGTH(x));  // R copied this vector not data.table, it's not actually over-allocated
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/assign.c:137:  return checkNames ? names==tag : x==R_ExternalPtrAddr(prot);
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/fastmean.c-36-  if (length(args)>2) {
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/fastmean.c:37:    tmp = CADDR(args);
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/src/fastmean.c-38-    if (!isLogical(tmp) || LENGTH(tmp)!=1 || LOGICAL(tmp)[0]==NA_LOGICAL)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/vignettes/datatable-faq.Rmd:46:Say column 5 is named `"region"` and you really must extract that column as a vector not a data.table. It is more robust to use the column name and write `DT$region` or `DT[["region"]]`; i.e., the same as base R. Using base R's `$` and `[[` on data.table is encouraged. Not when combined with `<-` to assign (use `:=` instead for that) but just to select a single column by name they are encouraged.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/vignettes/datatable-faq.Rmd:56:See the [answer above](#j-num). Try `DT$region` instead. Or `DT[["region"]]`.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/vignettes/datatable-intro.Rmd:133:* Within the frame of a `data.table`, columns can be referred to *as if they are variables*, much like in SQL or Stata. Therefore, we simply refer to `origin` and `month` as if they are variables. We do not need to add the prefix `flights$` each time. Nevertheless, using `flights$origin` and `flights$month` would work just fine.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/data.table.R-2060-  if (!cedta()) {
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/data.table.R:2061:    ans = `$<-.data.frame`(x, name, value)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/data.table.R-2062-    return(setalloccol(ans))           # over-allocate (again)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/test.data.table.R-99-  # are R's messages being translated to a foreign language? #3039, #630
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/test.data.table.R:100:  txt = eval(parse(text="tryCatch(mean(not__exist__), error = function(e) e$message)"), envir=.GlobalEnv)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/test.data.table.R-101-  foreign = txt != "object 'not__exist__' not found"
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/setops.R-186-    if (between(tolerance, 0, sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), incbounds=FALSE)) {
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/setops.R:187:      warning("Argument 'tolerance' was forced to lowest accepted value `sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)` from provided ", format(tolerance, scientific=FALSE))
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/R/setops.R-188-      tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/NEWS.md:522:14. Subassigning using `$<-` to a `data.table` embedded in a list column of a single-row `data.table` could fail, [#3474](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/3474). Note that `$<-` is not recommended; please use `:=` instead which already worked in this case. Thanks to Jakob Richter for reporting.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/NEWS.md:625:9. `DT[col]` where `col` is a column containing row numbers of itself to select, now suggests the correct syntax (`DT[(col)]` or `DT[DT$col]`), [#697](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/697). This expands the message introduced in [#1884](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/1884) for the case where `col` is type `logical` and `DT[col==TRUE]` is suggested.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/NEWS.md:911:6. New `options(datatable.CJ.names=TRUE)` changes `CJ()` to auto-name its inputs exactly as `data.table()` does, [#1596](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/1596). Thanks @franknarf1 for the suggestion. Current default is `FALSE`; i.e. no change. The option's default will be changed to `TRUE` in v1.12.0 and then eventually the option will be removed. Any code that depends on `CJ(x,y)$V1` will need to be changed to `CJ(x,y)$x` and is more akin to a bug fix due to the inconsistency with `data.table()`.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/NEWS.md:1003:3. Tests 1590.3 & 1590.4 now pass when users run `test.data.table()` on Windows, [#2856](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/pull/2856). Thanks to Avraham Adler for reporting. Those tests were passing on AppVeyor, win-builder and CRAN's Windows because `R CMD check` sets `LC_COLLATE=C` as documented in R-exts$1.3.1, whereas by default on Windows `LC_COLLATE` is usually a regional Windows-1252 dialect such as `English_United States.1252`.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/inst/doc/datatable-faq.Rmd:46:Say column 5 is named `"region"` and you really must extract that column as a vector not a data.table. It is more robust to use the column name and write `DT$region` or `DT[["region"]]`; i.e., the same as base R. Using base R's `$` and `[[` on data.table is encouraged. Not when combined with `<-` to assign (use `:=` instead for that) but just to select a single column by name they are encouraged.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/inst/doc/datatable-faq.Rmd:56:See the [answer above](#j-num). Try `DT$region` instead. Or `DT[["region"]]`.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/inst/doc/datatable-intro.Rmd:133:* Within the frame of a `data.table`, columns can be referred to *as if they are variables*, much like in SQL or Stata. Therefore, we simply refer to `origin` and `month` as if they are variables. We do not need to add the prefix `flights$` each time. Nevertheless, using `flights$origin` and `flights$month` would work just fine.
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/po/R-zh_CN.po-2265-msgstr ""
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/po/R-zh_CN.po:2266:"参数 'tolerance' 被强制设定为最低接受值 `sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)`,此值来自"
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/po/R-data.table.pot:1633:msgid "Argument 'tolerance' was forced to lowest accepted value `sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)` from provided"
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/po/R-data.table.pot-1634-msgstr ""
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure-3-# Find R compilers
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure:4:CC=`${R_HOME}/bin/R CMD config CC`
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure:5:CFLAGS=`${R_HOME}/bin/R CMD config CFLAGS`
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure-6-# compiler and flags to 'cc' file
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure-11-case $CC in gcc*)
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure:12:  GCCV=`${CC} -dumpfullversion -dumpversion`
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/configure-13-  echo "$CC $GCCV"
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-data.table-1.13.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM