=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/ggalluvial.rmd-110-- The `axis[0-9]*` position aesthetics are non-standard: they are not an explicit set of parameters but a family based on a regular expression pattern; and at least one, but no specific one, is required. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/ggalluvial.rmd:111:- `stat_alluvium()` ignores any argument to the `group` aesthetic; instead, `StatAlluvium$compute_panel()` uses `group` to link the rows of the internally-transformed dataset that correspond to the same alluvium. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/ggalluvial.rmd-112-- The `stratum` variable produced by `stat_stratum()` (called by `geom_text()`) is not available before the statistical transformation is performed and must be recovered using `after_stat()`. ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/order-rectangles.rmd-62- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/order-rectangles.rmd:63:(If the data are provided in alluvia format, then `Stat*$setup_data()` converts them to lodes format in preparation for the main transformation. This can be done manually using [the exported conversion functions](http://corybrunson.github.io/ggalluvial/reference/alluvial-data.html), and this vignette will assume the data are already in lodes format.) r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/vignettes/order-rectangles.rmd-64- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/R/stat-alluvium.r-337- } r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/R/stat-alluvium.r:338: # match `lode_ord$x` back to `data$x` r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/R/stat-alluvium.r-339- uniq_x <- sort(unique(data$x)) ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-7- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:8:This patch corrects a bug introduced in v0.12.0 that dropped missing values used internally by `StatFlow$compute_panel()` to keep track of flowless lodes. The problem was illustrated in issue #64. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-9- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-128- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:129:The `width` and `knot.pos` parameters sometimes required by `Geom*$setup_data()` are now set to the same defaults as in the `geom_*()`s when called from a stat. Previously-implemented warnings have been removed. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-130- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-162- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:163:An earlier solution to the z-ordering problem sufficed for matched layers (`*_alluvium()` and `*_flow()`) but failed for the combination of `stat_alluvium()` with `geom_flow()`. This is been corrected in the code for `GeomFlow$draw_panel()`, though a more elegant and general solution is preferred. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-164- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-219- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:220:- `GeomFlow$draw_panel()` now begins by restricting to `complete.cases()`, corresponding to flows with both starting and terminating axes. (This is not done in `StatFlow$compute_panel()`, which would have the effect of excluding missing aesthetic values from legends.) r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:221:- `GeomAlluvium$setup_data()` now throws a warning if some color or differentiation aesthetics vary within alluvia. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md:222:- A bug in the processing of a custom `lode.ordering` argument by `StatAlluvium$compute_panel()` has been fixed. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/NEWS.md-223- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/ggalluvial.rmd-110-- The `axis[0-9]*` position aesthetics are non-standard: they are not an explicit set of parameters but a family based on a regular expression pattern; and at least one, but no specific one, is required. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/ggalluvial.rmd:111:- `stat_alluvium()` ignores any argument to the `group` aesthetic; instead, `StatAlluvium$compute_panel()` uses `group` to link the rows of the internally-transformed dataset that correspond to the same alluvium. r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/ggalluvial.rmd-112-- The `stratum` variable produced by `stat_stratum()` (called by `geom_text()`) is not available before the statistical transformation is performed and must be recovered using `after_stat()`. ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/order-rectangles.rmd-62- r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/order-rectangles.rmd:63:(If the data are provided in alluvia format, then `Stat*$setup_data()` converts them to lodes format in preparation for the main transformation. This can be done manually using [the exported conversion functions](http://corybrunson.github.io/ggalluvial/reference/alluvial-data.html), and this vignette will assume the data are already in lodes format.) r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/inst/doc/order-rectangles.rmd-64- ############################################## r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/debian/tests/run-unit-test-5-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/debian/tests/run-unit-test:6: AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX` r-cran-ggalluvial-0.12.2/debian/tests/run-unit-test-7- trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM