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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/man/CHFLS.Rd-105-                "AincomeEst",            ### estimated partner A income
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/man/CHFLS.Rd:106:                "orgasm",                ### orgasm frequency
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/man/CHFLS.Rd-107-                "AincomeComp",           ### imputed partner A income
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/man/CHFLS.Rd-116-    olevels <- c("never", "rarely", "sometimes", "often", "always")
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/man/CHFLS.Rd:117:    tmpA <- subset(tmp, Rgender == "female" & Rhomosexual != "yes" & orgasm \%in\% olevels)
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/inst/slides/Ch_cluster_analysis.Rnw-159-We also introduce a vector $\gamma = (\gamma_1, \dots, \gamma_n)$,
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/inst/slides/Ch_cluster_analysis.Rnw:160:where $\gamma_i = j$ of $\x_i$ is from the $j$ subpopulation. The $\gamma_i$
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/inst/slides/Ch_cluster_analysis.Rnw-161-label the subpopulation for each observation $i = 1, \dots, n$.
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/inst/slides/Ch_logistic_regression_glm.Rnw-87-The ordinary multiple regression model is described
r-cran-hsaur3-1.0-10/inst/slides/Ch_logistic_regression_glm.Rnw:88:as $y \sim \N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ where $\mu = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \dots + \beta_q x_q$.