                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/src/Makevars-1-## Use the R_HOME indirection to support installations of multiple R version
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/src/Makevars:2:PKG_LIBS = `$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"`
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/src/Makevars:6:##    PKG_LIBS=`${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"`
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/mice.mids.R-148-    data = obj$data, imp = imp, m = obj$m,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/mice.mids.R:149:    where = where, blocks = obj$blocks,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/mice.mids.R-150-    call = call, nmis = obj$nmis,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-44-  if (!identical(x$where, y$where)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:45:    stop("Differences detected between `x$where` and `y$where`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-46-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-47-  if (!identical(x$blocks, y$blocks)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:48:    stop("Differences detected between `x$blocks` and `y$blocks`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-49-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-50-  if (!identical(x$method, y$method)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:51:    stop("Differences detected between `x$method` and `y$method`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-52-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-53-  if (!identical(x$predictorMatrix, y$predictorMatrix)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:54:    stop("Differences detected between `x$predictorMatrix` and `y$predictorMatrix`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-55-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-56-  if (!identical(x$visitSequence, y$visitSequence)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:57:    stop("Differences detected between `x$visitSequence` and `y$visitSequence`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-58-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-59-  if (!identical(x$post, y$post)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:60:    stop("Differences detected between `x$post` and `y$post`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-61-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-62-  if (!identical(x$blots, y$blots)) {
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:63:    stop("Differences detected between `x$blots` and `y$blots`")
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-64-  }
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-86-    data = x$data, imp = imp, m = m,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R:87:    where = x$where, blocks = x$blocks,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/ibind.R-88-    call = call, nmis = x$nmis,
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/cbind.R-121-  # where argument
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/cbind.R:122:  where <- cbind(x$where, matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(x$where), ncol = ncol(y)))
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/R/cbind.R-123-  colnames(where) <- varnames
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/NEWS.md-348-* Fix error in `mice.impute.rf()` if just one `NA` (thanks Anoop Shah)
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/NEWS.md:349:* Fix error in `summary.mipo()` when `names(x$qbar)` equals `NULL` (thanks Aiko Kuhn)
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/NEWS.md-350-* Fix improper testing in `ncol()` in `mice.impute.2lonly.mean()` 
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-mice-3.12.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM