                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/predictLearner.R-7-#' Predictions for the observations in `.newdata` must be made based on the fitted
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/predictLearner.R:8:#' model (`.model$learner.model`).
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/predictLearner.R-9-#' All parameters in `...` must be passed to the underlying predict function.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/removeConstantFeatures.R-24-#'   Variables stored as `double` will get rounded accordingly before computing the mode.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/removeConstantFeatures.R:25:#'   Default is `sqrt(.Maschine$double.eps)`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/removeConstantFeatures.R-26-#' @template arg_showinfo
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleInstances.R-26-    # In the inner call, the implementation is able to adapt by automatically reducing one level (see line if (0 %in% length.test.inds)).
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleInstances.R:27:    # So having always `length(iters) = length(levels(task$blocking)` is the most safe environment for the function to work.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleInstances.R-28-    if (desc$iters != length(levels(task$blocking))) {
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-158-#'  Specify what should be plotted on the x axis. Must be a column from
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:159:#'  `HyperParsEffectData$data`. For partial dependence, this is assumed to
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-160-#'  be a hyperparameter.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-162-#'  Specify what should be plotted on the y axis. Must be a column from
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:163:#'  `HyperParsEffectData$data`
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-164-#' @param z (`character(1)`)\cr
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-166-#'  could be for the fill on a heatmap or color aesthetic for a line. Must be a
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:167:#'  column from `HyperParsEffectData$data`. Default is `NULL`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-168-#' @param plot.type (`character(1)`)\cr
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-176-#'  \dQuote{scatter} or \dQuote{line}. Must be a column from
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:177:#'  `HyperParsEffectData$data`. Not used with partial dependence.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-178-#'  Default is `FALSE`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-181-#'  using nested cross validation, set this to \dQuote{nested_cv_run} to obtain a facet
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:182:#'  for each outer loop. Must be a column from `HyperParsEffectData$data`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-183-#'  Please note that facetting is not supported with partial dependence plots!
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-187-#'  x = "iteration" and y as a performance measure from
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R:188:#'  `HyperParsEffectData$measures`. Set this to FALSE to always plot the
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/generateHyperParsEffect.R-189-#'  performance of every iteration, even if it is not an improvement. Not used
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneControlMBO.R-18-#'   will only include the evaluations after the continuation.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneControlMBO.R:19:#'   The complete [OptPath] will be found in the slot `$mbo.result$opt.path`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneControlMBO.R-20-#' @param mbo.control ([mlrMBO::MBOControl] | `NULL`)\cr
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleResult.R-42-#'   or prediction on test set, operations fail. Therefore the lists have named
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleResult.R:43:#'   slots `$train`, `$predict.train`, or `$predict.test` if relevant.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/ResampleResult.R-44-#'   The error dumps are only saved when option `on.error.dump` is `TRUE`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneResult.R-24-#'   in its `extra` column which contains error dump traces from failed optimization evaluations.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneResult.R:25:#'   It can be accessed by `getOptPathEl(opt.path)$extra$.dump`.}
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/TuneResult.R-26-#' }
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R-12-#' @param col (`character(1)`)\cr
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R:13:#'   Which column of `res$opt.path` should be mapped to ggplot2 color?
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R-14-#'   Default is `NULL`, which means none.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R-15-#' @param shape (`character(1)`)\cr
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R:16:#'   Which column of `res$opt.path` should be mapped to ggplot2 shape?
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R-17-#'   Default is `NULL`, which means none.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/WeightedClassesWrapper.R-35-#'   and must also be in the same order as the class levels are in
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/WeightedClassesWrapper.R:36:#'   `getTaskDesc(task)$class.levels`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/R/WeightedClassesWrapper.R-37-#'   For convenience, one must pass a single number in case of binary classification, which
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md-155-- Instead of a wide `data.frame` filter values are now returned in a long (tidy) `tibble`. This makes it easier to apply post-processing methods (like `group_by()`, etc) (@pat-s, #2456)
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md:156:- `benchmark()` does not store the tuning results (`$extract` slot) anymore by default.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md-157-  If you want to keep this slot (e.g. for post tuning analysis), set `keep.extract = TRUE`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md-158-  This change originated from the fact that the size of `BenchmarkResult` objects with extensive tuning got very large (~ GB) which can cause memory problems during runtime if multiple `benchmark()` calls are executed on HPCs.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md:159:- `benchmark()` does not store the created models (`$models` slot) anymore by default.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md:160:  The reason is the same as for the `$extract` slot above.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/NEWS.md-161-  Storing can be enabled using `models = TRUE`.
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-mlr-2.18.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM