=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R-4- # Make sure that these method aren't used anywhere in internal R6 code r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R:5: `$.AC` <- function(x, name) stop("Attempted to use `$.AC`") r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R-6- `[[.AC` <- function(x, name) stop("Attempted to use `[[.AC`") r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R-7- r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R:8: `$<-.AC` <- function(x, name, value) stop("Attempted to use `$<-.AC`") r-cran-r6-2.5.0/tests/testthat/test-s3-methods.R-9- `[[<-.AC` <- function(x, name, value) stop("Attempted to use `[[<-.AC`") ############################################## r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md-34- r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md:35:* Fixed #158: If a `$set` method of an R6 generator object is given the value `NULL`, it previously removed the named item. Now it adds the named item with the value `NULL`. r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md-36- ############################################## r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md-66- r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md:67:* The `plot` S3 method for R6 objects will call `$plot` on the object if present. (#77) r-cran-r6-2.5.0/NEWS.md-68- ############################################## r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-3-oname=R6 r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test:4:pkg=r-cran-`echo $oname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-5- r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7: AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX` r-cran-r6-2.5.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-fi