                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/vignettes/Working_with_rsets.Rmd:122:Keep in mind that the baseline accuracy to beat is the rate of non-attrition, which is `r round(mean(attrition$Attrition == "No"), 3)`. Not a great model so far.
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/vignettes/Basics.Rmd:55:This indicates that there were `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["analysis"]` data points in the analysis set, `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["assessment"]` instances were in the assessment set, and that the original data contained `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["n"]` data points. These results can also be determined using the `dim` function on an `rsplit` object. 
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/vignettes/Applications/Recipes_and_rsample.Rmd:18:The [`recipes`](https://topepo.github.io/recipes/) package contains a data preprocessor that can be used to avoid the potentially expensive formula methods as well as providing a richer set of data manipulation tools than base R can provide. This document uses version `r packageDescription("recipes")$Version` of `recipes`. 
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/lables.R-178-  } else {
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/lables.R:179:    outer_label <- paste0("`", deparse(details$outside), "`")
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/lables.R-180-  }
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/lables.R-184-  else
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/lables.R:185:    paste0("`", deparse(details$inside), "`")
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R-128-  if (nrow(x) > 0) {
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R:129:    terms <- paste0("`", x$term, "`")
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R-130-    msg <-
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R-358-  # To test, we run on the first LOO data set and see if it is a vector or df
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R:359:  loo_test <- try(rlang::exec(.fn, loo_rs$splits[[1]], ...), silent = TRUE)
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/bootci.R-360-  if (inherits(loo_test, "try-error")) {
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/caret.R-39-  if (is.null(ctrl$index))
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/caret.R:40:    stop("`ctrl$index` should be populated with integers", call. = FALSE)
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/caret.R-41-  if (is.null(ctrl$indexOut))
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/R/caret.R:42:    stop("`ctrl$indexOut` should be populated with integers", call. = FALSE)
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/inst/doc/Working_with_rsets.Rmd:122:Keep in mind that the baseline accuracy to beat is the rate of non-attrition, which is `r round(mean(attrition$Attrition == "No"), 3)`. Not a great model so far.
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/inst/doc/Basics.Rmd:55:This indicates that there were `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["analysis"]` data points in the analysis set, `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["assessment"]` instances were in the assessment set, and that the original data contained `r dim(bt_resamples$splits[[1]])["n"]` data points. These results can also be determined using the `dim` function on an `rsplit` object. 
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-rsample-0.0.8/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM