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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/vignettes/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:47:See how easy that was? All I had to do was make the JavaScript function `shinyjs.pageCol`, pass the JavaScript code as an argument to `extendShinyjs()`, and then I can call `js$pageCol()`.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/vignettes/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:49:That's the basic idea: any JavaScript function named `shinyjs.foo` will be available to call as `js$foo()`. You can either pass the JS code as a string to the `text` argument, or place the JS code in a separate JavaScript file and use the `script` argument to specify where the code can be found. Using a separate file is generally preferred over writing the code inline, but in these examples I will always use the `text` argument to keep it simple.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/vignettes/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:80:For example, calling `js$foo("bar", 5)` in R will call `shinyjs.foo(["bar", 5])` in JS, while calling `js$foo(num = 5, id = "bar")` in R will call `shinyjs.foo({num : 5, id : "bar"})` in JS. This means that the `shinyjs.foo` function needs to be able to deal with both types of parameters.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/vignettes/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:99:Note the `defaultParams` that we defined and the call to `shinyjs.getParams`. It ensures that calling `js$backgroundCol("test", "blue")` and `js$backgroundCol(id = "test", col = "blue")` and `js$backgroundCol(col = "blue", id = "test")` are all equivalent, and that if the colour parameter is not provided then "red" will be the default.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/R/extendShinyjs.R-24-#' called "`shinyjs.myfunc`" and used `functions = c("myfunc")`, then you can call it 
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/R/extendShinyjs.R:25:#' from R with `js$myfunc()`.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/R/runcode.R-118-      shiny::isolate(
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/R/runcode.R:119:        eval(parse(text = session$input[['runcode_expr']]), envir = parentFrame)
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/R/runcode.R-120-      ),
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/NEWS.md-351-based on that condition. Useful to do things like
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/NEWS.md:352:`toggleState(id = "submitBtn", condition = nchar(input$text) >= 3)`
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/examples/demo/server.R-18-    isolate(
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/examples/demo/server.R:19:      eval(parse(text = examples[as.numeric(input$expr)]))
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/examples/demo/server.R-20-    )
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/doc/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:47:See how easy that was? All I had to do was make the JavaScript function `shinyjs.pageCol`, pass the JavaScript code as an argument to `extendShinyjs()`, and then I can call `js$pageCol()`.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/doc/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:49:That's the basic idea: any JavaScript function named `shinyjs.foo` will be available to call as `js$foo()`. You can either pass the JS code as a string to the `text` argument, or place the JS code in a separate JavaScript file and use the `script` argument to specify where the code can be found. Using a separate file is generally preferred over writing the code inline, but in these examples I will always use the `text` argument to keep it simple.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/doc/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:80:For example, calling `js$foo("bar", 5)` in R will call `shinyjs.foo(["bar", 5])` in JS, while calling `js$foo(num = 5, id = "bar")` in R will call `shinyjs.foo({num : 5, id : "bar"})` in JS. This means that the `shinyjs.foo` function needs to be able to deal with both types of parameters.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/inst/doc/shinyjs-extend.Rmd:99:Note the `defaultParams` that we defined and the call to `shinyjs.getParams`. It ensures that calling `js$backgroundCol("test", "blue")` and `js$backgroundCol(id = "test", col = "blue")` and `js$backgroundCol(col = "blue", id = "test")` are all equivalent, and that if the colour parameter is not provided then "red" will be the default.
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-shinyjs-2.0.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM