                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/tests/fixtures/gnr_datasources.yml-107-        taxonomic data provide the structure and nomeclature for accessions of the
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/tests/fixtures/gnr_datasources.yml:108:        National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS), part of the National Genetic Resources
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/tests/fixtures/gnr_datasources.yml-109-        Program (NGRP) of the United States Department of Agriculture''s (USDA''s)
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/taxon_state.R-21-#' to use `taxon_state`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/taxon_state.R:22:#' - The passed in `taxon_state` object must have a `$class` matching that of
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/taxon_state.R-23-#' the `get_*` function being called. For example, you can only pass a
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/taxon_state.R:24:#' `taxon_state` with `$class` of `gbifid` to `get_gbifid()`, and so on.
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/taxon_state.R-25-#' - If you run `taxon_clear()` while a `get*` function is running, you may 
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/scrapenames.r-30-#' @param return_content (logical) return OCR'ed text. returns text
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/scrapenames.r:31:#' string in `x$meta$content` slot. Default: `FALSE`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/scrapenames.r-32-#' @param ... Further args passed to [crul::verb-GET]
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/gnr_resolve.R-45-#' vector of taxa unknown to the Global Names Index. Access like
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/gnr_resolve.R:46:#' `attr(output, "not_known")`, or `attributes(output)$not_known`.
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-77-    #' @param att (character) one of "found" or "not found"
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R:78:    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$found` or `$not_found`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-79-    completed = function(name, att) {
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-86-    #' @param name (character) vector of taxon names
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R:87:    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$found`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-88-    completed_found = function(name) self$found <- c(self$found, name),
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-90-    #' @param name (character) vector of taxon names
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R:91:    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$not_found`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/R/progressor.R-92-    completed_not_found = function(name) {
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/debian/tests/run-unit-test:4:pkg=r-cran-`echo $oname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/debian/tests/run-unit-test-6-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/debian/tests/run-unit-test:7:  AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX`
r-cran-taxize-0.9.99/debian/tests/run-unit-test-8-  trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM