                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/tests/testthat/test-expect-condition.R-61-    conditionCall.Throwable = function(c, ...) unclass(c)$call,
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/tests/testthat/test-expect-condition.R:62:    `$.Throwable` = function(...) stop("forbidden"),
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/tests/testthat/test-expect-condition.R:63:    `$<-.Throwable` = function(...) stop("forbidden"),
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/tests/testthat/test-expect-condition.R-64-    .env = globalenv()
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:126:To support parallel tests, a reporter must set `self$capabilities$parallel_support` to `TRUE` in its `initialize()` method:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd-142-This is because these reporters are not prepared for running multiple test files concurrently.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:143:Once a test file is complete, testthat calls the reporter's `$start_file()` method, relays all `$start_test()` , `$end_test()`, `$add_result()`, etc. calls in the order they came in from the subprocess, and calls `$end_file()` .
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:151:A reporter declares parallel update support by setting `self$capabilities$parallel_updates` to `TRUE`:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:167:-   It calls the `$start_file()` method, letting the reporter know which file the following calls apply to.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:168:    This means that the reporter can receive multiple `$start_file()` calls for the same file.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:170:-   Then relays the message from the subprocess, calling the appropriate `$start_test()` , `$add_result()`, etc. method.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:172:testthat also calls the new `$update()` method of the reporter regularly, even if it does not receive any messages from the subprocess.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/parallel.Rmd:173:(Currently aims to do this every 100ms, but there are no guarantees.) The `$update()` method may implement a spinner to let the user know that the tests are running.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/vignettes/custom-expectation.Rmd:62:Expectation functions are called primarily for their side-effects (triggering a failure), so should invisibly return their input, `act$val`. This allows expectations to be chained:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expectation.R-139-  # Access error fields with `[[` rather than `$` because the
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expectation.R:140:  # `$.Throwable` from the rJava package throws with unknown fields
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expectation.R-141-  if (is.null(x[["trace"]]) || trace_length(x[["trace"]]) == 0L) {
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/reporter-zzz.R-9-#'   as a string (e.g. "summary") or as an R6 object
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/reporter-zzz.R:10:#'   (e.g. `SummaryReporter$new()`).
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/snapshot-file.R-70-  equal <- snapshotter$take_file_snapshot(name, path, compare)
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/snapshot-file.R:71:  hint <- paste0("Run `snapshot_review('", snapshotter$file, "')` to review changes")
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/test-that.R-45-# Access error fields with `[[` rather than `$` because the
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/test-that.R:46:# `$.Throwable` from the rJava package throws with unknown fields
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/test-that.R-47-test_code <- function(test, code, env = test_env(), reporter = get_reporter(), skip_on_empty = TRUE) {
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/snapshot.R-185-  comp <- snapshotter$take_snapshot(val, save = save, load = load)
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/snapshot.R:186:  hint <- paste0("Run `snapshot_accept('", snapshotter$file, "')` if this is a deliberate change")
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R-111-    # Access error fields with `[[` rather than `$` because the
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R:112:    # `$.Throwable` from the rJava package throws with unknown fields
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R-113-    expect(is.null(msg), msg, info = info, trace = act$cap[["trace"]])
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R-229-  # Access error fields with `[[` rather than `$` because the
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R:230:  # `$.Throwable` from the rJava package throws with unknown fields
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/expect-condition.R-231-  expect(is.null(msg), msg, info = info, trace = act$cap[["trace"]])
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/compare.R:224:#'   The default tolerance is `sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)`, unless long doubles
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/R/compare.R-225-#'   are not available, in which case the test is skipped.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/NEWS.md:293:* `test_file()` only calls `Reporter$end_context()` if a context was started,
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/NEWS.md-294-  fixing an error in `TeamcityReporter` (@atheriel, #883).
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/NEWS.md:398:* `reporter$end_reporter()` is now only called when testing completes 
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/NEWS.md-399-  successfully. This ensures that you don't get unnecessary output when the 
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:126:To support parallel tests, a reporter must set `self$capabilities$parallel_support` to `TRUE` in its `initialize()` method:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd-142-This is because these reporters are not prepared for running multiple test files concurrently.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:143:Once a test file is complete, testthat calls the reporter's `$start_file()` method, relays all `$start_test()` , `$end_test()`, `$add_result()`, etc. calls in the order they came in from the subprocess, and calls `$end_file()` .
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:151:A reporter declares parallel update support by setting `self$capabilities$parallel_updates` to `TRUE`:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:167:-   It calls the `$start_file()` method, letting the reporter know which file the following calls apply to.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:168:    This means that the reporter can receive multiple `$start_file()` calls for the same file.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:170:-   Then relays the message from the subprocess, calling the appropriate `$start_test()` , `$add_result()`, etc. method.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:172:testthat also calls the new `$update()` method of the reporter regularly, even if it does not receive any messages from the subprocess.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/parallel.Rmd:173:(Currently aims to do this every 100ms, but there are no guarantees.) The `$update()` method may implement a spinner to let the user know that the tests are running.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/doc/custom-expectation.Rmd:62:Expectation functions are called primarily for their side-effects (triggering a failure), so should invisibly return their input, `act$val`. This allows expectations to be chained:
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/include/testthat/vendor/catch.h-2118-    #if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64))
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/include/testthat/vendor/catch.h:2119:        #define CATCH_TRAP() asm volatile ("int $3")
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/inst/include/testthat/vendor/catch.h-2120-    #else // Fall back to the generic way.
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test-4-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-cran-testthat-3.0.0/debian/tests/run-unit-test:5:  AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX`