                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
rasterio-1.1.8/CHANGES.txt:837:- Addition of ``rasterio.shutil.delete()`` and ``$ rio rm`` for deleting
rasterio-1.1.8/CHANGES.txt-838-  datasets (#929).
rasterio-1.1.8/CHANGES.txt-843-- Allow setting band color interpretation in a ``set_colorinterp()`` method
rasterio-1.1.8/CHANGES.txt:844:  and in ``$ rio edit-info --colorinterp`` (#1133).
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-42-Please provide these details as well as tracebacks and relevant logs.  When
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst:43:using the ``$ rio`` CLI logging can be enabled with ``$ rio -v`` and verbosity
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-44-can be increased with ``-vvv``.  Short scripts and datasets demonstrating the
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-184-Rasterio, its Cython extensions, normal dependencies, and dev dependencies can
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst:185:be installed with ``$ pip``.  Installing Rasterio in editable mode while
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-186-developing is very convenient but only affects the Python files.  Specifying the
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst:187:``[test]`` extra in the command below tells ``$ pip`` to also install
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-188-Rasterio's dev dependencies.
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-201-When switching between Python versions the extension modules must be recompiled,
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst:202:which can be forced with ``$ touch rasterio/*.pyx`` and then re-installing with
rasterio-1.1.8/CONTRIBUTING.rst-203-the command above.  If this is not done an error claiming that an object ``has
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/cli.rst:519:Invoking the shell's ``$ rm <path>`` on a dataset can be used to
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/cli.rst-520-delete a dataset referenced by a file path, but it won't handle
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/topics/virtual-warping.rst-67-image with drastically different dimensions and cell size, and reproject to
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/topics/virtual-warping.rst:68:WGS84.  As of this writing ``$ rio warp`` implements only a subset of
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/topics/virtual-warping.rst:69:`$ gdalwarp <http://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html>`__'s features, so
rasterio-1.1.8/docs/topics/virtual-warping.rst:70:``$ gdalwarp`` must be used to achieve the desired transform:
rasterio-1.1.8/rasterio/rio/rm.py:1:"""``$ rio rm``"""
rasterio-1.1.8/rasterio/plot.py-4-Most can handle a numpy array or `rasterio.Band()`.
rasterio-1.1.8/rasterio/plot.py:5:Primarily supports `$ rio insp`.
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_edit_info.py:1:"""Tests for ``$ rio edit-info``."""
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_mask.py:1:"""Tests for ``$ rio mask``."""
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_rasterize.py:1:"""Tests for ``$ rio rasterize``."""
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_rm.py:1:"""Tests for ``$ rio rm``."""
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_shapes.py:1:"""Tests for ``$ rio shapes``."""
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_warp.py-487-def test_warp_dst_crs_empty_string(runner, tmpdir):
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_warp.py:488:    """`$ rio warp --dst-crs ''` used to perform a falsey check that would treat
rasterio-1.1.8/tests/test_rio_warp.py-489-    `--dst-crs ''` as though `--dst-crs` was not supplied at all.  If the user
rasterio-1.1.8/.pc/python3.8.patch/rasterio/plot.py-4-Most can handle a numpy array or `rasterio.Band()`.
rasterio-1.1.8/.pc/python3.8.patch/rasterio/plot.py:5:Primarily supports `$ rio insp`.