                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/CONTRIBUTING.md:534:the `2` compared to `$3` is the number of days, so that you get one tab opened in firefox for each draft release, so that you only need 2 clicks and one Ctrl+W (close the tab) to delete those releases.
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/DEVELOP.md:534:the `2` compared to `$3` is the number of days, so that you get one tab opened in firefox for each draft release, so that you only need 2 clicks and one Ctrl+W (close the tab) to delete those releases.
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-148-    `/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/rdiff-backup`
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:149:    and `rdiff-backup` will not be in your `$PATH`. You can copy
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-150-    rdiff-backup out of this folder and into someplace reasonable like
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:151:    `/usr/bin` or another directory in your `$PATH` to use it. For a
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-152-    full explanation of why this happens see this post to the mailing
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-174-        by unmounting the share, running the following command as root:\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:175:        `$ echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/LookupCacheEnabled`\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-176-        and then remounting the CIFS share.\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-488-    `sh: line1: rdiff-backup: command not found`, but rdiff-backup *is*
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:489:    in your `$PATH` when you login to the remote host, it is happening
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:490:    because the value of bash\'s `$PATH` is set differently when you
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-491-    login to an interactive shell than when you run a command remotely
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-497-    Fink on a remote Mac OS X system. `/sw/bin` is magically added to
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:498:    your `$PATH` by the script `/sw/bin/init.sh` when you login with an
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-499-    interactive shell. Fink did this behind the scenes when you set it
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-500-    up. Simply add `/sw/bin` to your path manually, or copy rdiff-backup
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:501:    to a directory that is in your `$PATH`.
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-507-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:508:    `$ rdiff-backup -l /path/to/backup/rdiff-backup-data/`\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-509-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-515-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:516:    `$ rdiff-backup -l /path/to/backup`\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-517-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-532-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md:533:    `$ find rdiff-backup-data -type f -name \*.gz -print0 | xargs -0r gzip --test`\
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/docs/FAQ.md-534-    \
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/tools/windows/roles/rh-base/README.md-49-| `rhbase_stop_services`                    | []              | List of services that should **not** be running                                                                       |
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/tools/windows/roles/rh-base/README.md:50:| `rhbase_tz`                               | :/etc/localtime | Sets the `$TZ` environment variable (5)                                                                               |
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/tools/windows/roles/rh-base/README.md-51-| `rhbase_update`                           | false           | When set, a package update will be performed after installation.                                                      |
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/tools/windows/roles/rh-base/README.md:80:(5) Setting `$TZ` variable may reduce the number of system calls. See <https://blog.packagecloud.io/eng/2017/02/21/set-environment-variable-save-thousands-of-system-calls/>
rdiff-backup-2.0.5/tools/windows/roles/rh-base/README.md:124:(2) The password should be specified as a hash, as returned by [crypt(3)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/crypt.3.html), in the form `$algo$salt$hash`. For tests and proof-of-concept VMs, you can take a look at <https://www.mkpasswd.net/> for generating hashes in the correct form. Typical hash types for Linux are MD5 (crypt-md5, hashes starting with `$1$`) and SHA-512 (crypt-sha-512, hashes starting with `$6$`).