=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== rhino- Remove `-SNAPSHOT` from version in `gradle.properties` in project root folder rhino- Create file `gradle.properties` in `$HOME/.gradle` folder with following properties. Populate them with maven repo credentials and repo location. rhino-``` ############################################## rhino- rhino-`egrep '^version:' ../build.properties | awk '{print $2}'` rhino- ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_caddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_caaddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car.car; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_cdaddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car.cdr; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_caddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_caaddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car.car; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino-*/ rhino- sc_cdaddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.car.cdr; } rhino-*** META ((export #t) ############################################## rhino- cat <<EOF rhino-`basename $0`: error rhino- ############################################## rhino- # convert dates to seconds for ordering rhino- localgood=`dateparse.pl $bisect_good` rhino- localbad=`dateparse.pl $bisect_bad` rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- let seconds_start="`dateparse.pl $bisect_start`" rhino- let seconds_stop="`dateparse.pl $bisect_stop`" rhino- ############################################## rhino- eval $TEST_DIR/bin/builder.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -B "checkout" > /dev/null rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$bisect_log" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$bisect_log" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- pushd $BUILDTREE/mozilla rhino- date_array=(`cvs -q -z3 log -N -d "$bisect_start<$bisect_stop" | grep "^date: " | sed 's|^date: \([^;]*\).*|\1|' | sort -u`) rhino- popd ############################################## rhino- while (( $date_index < ${#date_array[@]} )); do rhino- seconds_array[$seconds_index]=`dateparse.pl "${date_array[$date_index]} ${date_array[$date_index+1]} UTC"` rhino- let seconds_index=$seconds_index+1 ############################################## rhino- if (( $seconds_index_start+1 >= $seconds_index_stop )); then rhino- echo "*** date `perl -e 'print scalar localtime $ARGV[0];' ${seconds_array[$seconds_index_stop]}` found ***" rhino- break; ############################################## rhino- rhino- bisect_middle="`perl -e 'print scalar localtime $ARGV[0];' $seconds_middle`" rhino- export MOZ_CO_DATE="$bisect_middle" ############################################## rhino- rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$bisect_log" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- rhino- TEST_MOZILLA_HG_LOCAL=${TEST_MOZILLA_HG_LOCAL:-$BUILDDIR/hg.mozilla.org/`basename $TEST_MOZILLA_HG`} rhino- hg -R $TEST_MOZILLA_HG_LOCAL pull -r tip ############################################## rhino- # convert revision numbers to local revision numbers for ordering rhino- localgood=`hg -R $REPO id -n -r $bisect_good` rhino- localbad=`hg -R $REPO id -n -r $bisect_bad` rhino- ############################################## rhino- hg -R $REPO update -C -r $bisect_bad rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$bisect_log" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- hg -R $REPO update -C -r $bisect_good rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$bisect_log" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- # changes in the working directory. rhino- rev=`hg -R $REPO id -i` rhino- rhino- bisect_log=`eval $TEST_JSDIR/runtests.sh -p $bisect_product -b $bisect_branch $bisect_extraflag -T $bisect_buildtype -I $bisect_test -B "build" -c -t -X /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '_js.log $' | sed 's|log: \([^ ]*\) |\1|'` rhino- # remove extraneous in-tree changes ############################################## rhino- echo "test failure $bisect_test.*$bisect_string found, marking revision bad" rhino- if ! result=`hg -R $REPO bisect --bad 2>&1`; then rhino- echo "bisect bad failed" ############################################## rhino- echo "test failure $bisect_test.*$bisect_string not found, marking revision good" rhino- if ! result=`hg -R $REPO bisect --good 2>&1`; then rhino- echo "bisect good failed" ############################################## rhino- echo "test failure $bisect_test.*$bisect_string found, marking revision good" rhino- if ! result=`hg -R $REPO bisect --good 2>&1`; then rhino- echo "bisect good failed" ############################################## rhino- echo "test failure $bisect_test.*$bisect_string not found, marking revision bad" rhino- if ! result=`hg -R $REPO bisect --bad 2>&1`; then rhino- echo "bisect bad failed" ############################################## rhino- if echo $result | egrep -q "The first (good|bad) revision is:"; then rhino- result_revision=`echo $result | sed "s|The first .* revision is:.*changeset: [0-9]*:\([^ ]*\).*|\1|"` rhino- echo $result | sed "s|The first .* revision is:|$searchtype|" ############################################## rhino- echo "$OS_ARCH" | grep -iq CYGWIN_NT; then rhino- OS_RELEASE="`echo $OS_ARCH|sed 's/CYGWIN_NT-//'`" rhino- OS_ARCH="WINNT" ############################################## rhino- echo "$OS_ARCH" | grep -iq MINGW32_NT; then rhino- OS_RELEASE="`echo $OS_ARCH|sed 's/MINGW32_NT-//'`" rhino- OS_ARCH="WINNT" ############################################## rhino- cat <<EOF rhino-`basename $0`: error rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- TestCase( SECTION, "var $123 = 5", 5, eval("var $123 = 5;$123") ); rhino- TestCase( SECTION, "var _123 = 5", 5, eval("var _123 = 5;_123") ); ############################################## rhino- rhino- TestCase( SECTION, "var $0abc = 5", 5, eval("var $0abc = 5; $0abc") ); rhino- ############################################## rhino- TestCase ( SECTION, "'`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+'.match(new RegExp('.+'))", rhino- String(["`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+"]), String('`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+'.match(new RegExp('.+')))); rhino- ############################################## rhino- # escape non word chars that aren't surrounded by `` rhino- $s =~ s/(?<!`)([$regchars])(?!`)/\\$1/g; rhino- $s =~ s/(?<!`)([$regchars])(?=`)/\\$1/g; rhino- $s =~ s/(?<=`)([$regchars])(?!`)/\\$1/g; rhino- ############################################## rhino- # quote the unescaped non word chars rhino- $trailing =~ s/(?<!\\)([$regchars])/`$1`/g; rhino- ############################################## rhino- dbg "sorting temp file $temp"; rhino- system("sort -u < $temp"); rhino- dbg "finished sorting"; ############################################## rhino- cat <<EOF rhino-`basename $0`: error rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- testlogfile in `ls $testlogfiles`; do rhino- ############################################## rhino- *.log.bz2) rhino- worktestlogfile=`mktemp $testlogfile.XXXXXX` rhino- bunzip2 -c $testlogfile > $worktestlogfile ############################################## rhino- *.log.gz) rhino- worktestlogfile=`mktemp $testlogfile.XXXXXX` rhino- gunzip -c $testlogfile > $worktestlogfile ############################################## rhino- rhino- branch=`echo $testlogfile | sed 's|.*,\([0-9]\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*|\1|'` rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- repo=`grep -m 1 '^environment: TEST_MOZILLA_HG=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*TEST_MOZILLA_HG=http://hg.mozilla.org.*/\([^\/]*\)|\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$repo" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- *) rhino- OSID=`grep -m 1 '^environment: OSID=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*OSID=\(.*\)|\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$OSID" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- rhino- kernel=`grep -m 1 '^environment: TEST_KERNEL=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*TEST_KERNEL=\(.*\)|\1|'` rhino- if [[ "$OSID" == "linux" ]]; then rhino- kernel=`echo $kernel | sed 's|\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*|\1.\2.\3|'` rhino- fi ############################################## rhino- rhino- arch=`grep -m 1 '^environment: TEST_PROCESSORTYPE=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*TEST_PROCESSORTYPE=\(.*\)|\1|'` rhino- debug "arch=$arch" rhino- rhino- memory=`grep -m 1 '^environment: TEST_MEMORY=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*TEST_MEMORY=\(.*\)|\1|'` rhino- rhino- timezone=`basename $testlogfile | sed 's|^[-0-9]*\([-+]\)\([0-9]\{4,4\}\),.*|\1\2|'` rhino- debug "timezone=$timezone" rhino- rhino- jsoptions=`grep -m 1 '^arguments: javascriptoptions=' $worktestlogfile | sed 's|.*javascriptoptions=\(.*\)|\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$jsoptions" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- cat <<EOF rhino-`basename $0`: error rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino-`combo.sh -d - "$branches" "$extra"` rhino- ############################################## rhino- -t "$TEST_JSDIR/test.sh" $verboseflag "$products" "$branchesextra" "$buildtypes" 2>&1 | tee -a $testlogfilelist rhino-"`grep '^log:' $testlogfilelist|sed 's|^log: ||'`" rhino- rhino-`grep 'FATAL ERROR' $testlogfiles | cat` rhino- [[ -n "$fatalerrors" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- let itestlog=${#testlogarray[*]}-1 rhino- error "`tail -n 20 ${testlogarray[$itestlog]}`" $LINENO rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- branch=`echo $testlogfile | sed 's|.*,\([0-9]\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*|\1|'` rhino- rhino- rhino- repo=`grep -m 1 '^environment: TEST_MOZILLA_HG=' $testlogfile | sed 's|.*TEST_MOZILLA_HG=http://hg.mozilla.org.*/\([^\/]*\)|\1|'` rhino- if [[ -z "$repo" ]]; then ############################################## rhino- rhino- if let npass="`grep TEST_RESULT=PASSED ${outputprefix}-results-all.log | wc -l`"; then true; fi rhino- if let nfail="`cat ${outputprefix}-results-failures.log | wc -l`"; then true; fi rhino- if let nfixes="`cat ${outputprefix}-results-possible-fixes.log | wc -l`"; then true; fi rhino- if let nregressions="`cat ${outputprefix}-results-possible-regressions.log | wc -l`"; then true; fi rhino- ############################################## rhino- cat <<EOF rhino-`basename $0`: error rhino- ############################################## rhino-${TEST_JSALL_TIMEOUT:-21600} rhino-`echo $TEST_JSDIR|sed "s|$TEST_DIR||"` rhino- ############################################## rhino- testtype=browser rhino- executable=`get_executable $product $branch $executablepath` rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- repo=`basename $TEST_MOZILLA_HG` rhino- ############################################## rhino- rhino- version=`shellfileversion $jsfile` rhino- rhino- subsuitetestdir=`dirname $jsfile` rhino- suitetestdir=`dirname $subsuitetestdir` rhino- echo "JavaScriptTest: Begin Test $jsfile" ############################################## rhino- rhino- version=";version=`browserfileversion $jsfile`" rhino- ############################################## rhino- edit-talkback.sh -p "$product" -b "$branch" -x "$executablepath" -i "$url" rhino- jsfile=`echo $url | sed "s|http://$TEST_HTTP/$TEST_WWW_JS/js-test-driver-standards.html?test=\([^;]*\);.*|\1|"` rhino- echo "JavaScriptTest: Begin Test $jsfile" ############################################## rhino- rhino- bn=`basename $n .xml` rhino- mv $n ${BUILDROOT}/buildGradle/test-results/${bn}_sponge_log.xml