                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1246-      line.sub!(/^\*\s*/,"")
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb:1247:      if /[Ii]f / =~ line || /where / =~ line || /^[a-z]/ =~ line || /[a-z]$/ =~ ary[-1] || /is not referenced/ =~ line || /dimension (of [A-Z\d]+ must be )?at least/ =~ ary[-1] || /^Otherwise, / =~ line
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1248-        if /^[^\s]+ is the/ =~ line || /^If [^\.]+ must contain/ =~ line || /where in / =~ line || /At each / =~ line || /^[^\.]+\, [A-Z\d]+ contains / =~ line || /[A-Z]+\(\d\) and [A-Z]+\(\d\) contain the/ =~ line
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1640-              break
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb:1641:            elsif /\((.+?)\)\, where ([A-Z\d]+) >= ([A-Z\d]+) when ([^;]+); otherwise, #{name.upcase} is not referenced\.?$/ =~ str
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1642-              if debug
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1651-              break
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb:1652:            elsif /\((.+)\)[\.\,] where ([A-Z\d]+) = (.+)\.?$/ =~ str
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1653-              if debug
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1668-              str = nil
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb:1669:            elsif (/^\((.+?)\) where ([A-Z\d_]+) = (.*)$/ =~ str) && (dim = $1) && (c0 = $2) && (c1 = $3) && /=/ !~ c1
ruby-lapack-1.8.1/dev/parse.rb-1670-              dims = get_dims(dim)