                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:449:		res = @conn.exec_params( "SELECT name FROM students WHERE age >= $1", [6] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-450-		expect( res.values ).to eq( [ ['Wally'], ['Sally'] ] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-632-		@conn.transaction do
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:633:			@conn.exec( "CREATE FUNCTION errfunc() RETURNS int AS $$ BEGIN RAISE 'test-error'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-634-			expect {
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-997-		conn_name = conn_string[ /application_name='(.*?)'/, 1 ]
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:998:		expect( conn_name ).to include( $0[0..10] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:999:		expect( conn_name ).to include( $0[-10..-1] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1000-		expect( conn_name.length ).to be <= 64
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1008-			conn_name = conn_string[ /application_name='(.*?)'/, 1 ]
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1009:			expect( conn_name ).to include( $0[0..10] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1010:			expect( conn_name ).to include( $0[-10..-1] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1011-			expect( conn_name.length ).to be <= 64
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1221-		it "should receive rows before entire query fails" do
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1222:			@conn.exec( "CREATE FUNCTION errfunc() RETURNS int AS $$ BEGIN RAISE 'test-error'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1223-			@conn.send_query( "SELECT generate_series(0,999), NULL UNION ALL SELECT 1000, errfunc();" )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1876-			it "should forward exec to exec_params" do
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1877:				res = @conn.exec("VALUES($1::INT)", [7]).values
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1878-				expect(res).to eq( [["7"]] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1879:				res = @conn.exec("VALUES($1::INT)", [7], 1).values
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1880-				expect(res).to eq( [[[7].pack("N")]] )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1912-				expect do
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb:1913:					@conn.exec("VALUES($1::INT)", [7])
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/connection_spec.rb-1914-				end.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/result_spec.rb-373-	it "returns the parameter type of the specified prepared statement parameter" do
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/result_spec.rb:374:		query = 'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user = $1::name AND query = $2::text'
ruby-pg-1.2.3/spec/pg/result_spec.rb-375-		@conn.prepare( 'queryfinder', query )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/Rakefile.cross-15-elsif RUBY_PLATFORM.include?( 'darwin' )
ruby-pg-1.2.3/Rakefile.cross:16:	`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Cores' | awk '{print $5}'`.chomp
ruby-pg-1.2.3/ext/pg_result.c-798- *   typename = conn.
ruby-pg-1.2.3/ext/pg_result.c:799: *     exec( "SELECT format_type($1,$2)", [res.ftype(1), res.fmod(1)] ).
ruby-pg-1.2.3/ext/pg_result.c-800- *     getvalue( 0, 0 )