                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/benchmark/run.pl-119-    my ($cmd) = @_;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/benchmark/run.pl:120:    system($cmd);
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/benchmark/seqkit_multi_threads/run.pl-119-    my ($cmd) = @_;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/benchmark/seqkit_multi_threads/run.pl:120:    system($cmd);
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/doc/docs/faq.md-257-capture the ID (`^([^ ]+ )`) so we can restore it in "replacement" with
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/doc/docs/faq.md:258:capture variable  `${1}` (robuster than `$1`).
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/doc/docs/faq.md-259-And flag `-I/--key-capt-idx` (default: 1) is set to 2 because the key `(\w+)`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/translate.go-122-		allowUnknownCodon := getFlagBool(cmd, "allow-unknown-codon")
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/translate.go:123:		markInitCodonAsM := getFlagBool(cmd, "init-codon-as-M")
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/translate.go-124-		listTable := getFlagInt(cmd, "list-transl-table")
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/replace.go-235-			`use the \ escape character. Record number is also supported by "{nr}".`+
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/replace.go:236:			`use ${1} instead of $1 when {kv} given!`)
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/seqkit/cmd/replace.go-237-	replaceCmd.Flags().IntP("nr-width", "", 1, `minimum width for {nr} in flag -r/--replacement. e.g., formatting "1" to "001" by --nr-width 3`)
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-608-	SIZE=3
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh:609:        for i in `seq 0 $SIZE`;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-610-        do
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh:611:                for j in `seq 0 $SIZE`;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-612-                do
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-655-	SIZE=3
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh:656:        for i in `seq 0 $SIZE`;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-657-        do
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh:658:                for j in `seq 0 $SIZE`;
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/tests/test.sh-659-                do
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/createmanpages:5:VERSION=`dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/ {print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[0-9]*://' -e 's/-.*//' -e 's/[+~]dfsg$//'`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/createmanpages-6-NAME=`grep "^Description:" debian/control | sed 's/^Description: *//' | head -n1`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/patches/spellings.patch-49- 			`use the \ escape character. Record number is also supported by "{nr}".`+
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/patches/spellings.patch:50: 			`use ${1} instead of $1 when {kv} given!`)
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/patches/spellings.patch-51--	replaceCmd.Flags().IntP("nr-width", "", 1, `minimum width for {nr} in flag -r/--replacement. e.g., formating "1" to "001" by --nr-width 3`)
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test-19-echo "Test 1"
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test:20:filegrep=`grep -c '^>' $file`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test:21:testfilegrep=`grep -c '^>' $file`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test-22-if [ "$filegrep" != "$testfilegrep" ]
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test:28:cksumfile=`cat $file | md5sum | cut -d" " -f 1`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/debian/tests/run-unit-test-29-cksumtestfile=`cat testfile | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f 1`
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/.pc/spellings.patch/seqkit/cmd/replace.go-235-			`use the \ escape character. Record number is also supported by "{nr}".`+
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/.pc/spellings.patch/seqkit/cmd/replace.go:236:			`use ${1} instead of $1 when {kv} given!`)
seqkit-0.14.0+ds/.pc/spellings.patch/seqkit/cmd/replace.go-237-	replaceCmd.Flags().IntP("nr-width", "", 1, `minimum width for {nr} in flag -r/--replacement. e.g., formating "1" to "001" by --nr-width 3`)