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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
sgb-20090810/words.dat:3677:plasm 1,1
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w-1308-@ The number of vertices is the coefficient of $z^n$
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w:1309:in the power series $G_h$, where $h=|max_height|$ and $G_h$ satisfies
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w-1310-the recurrence
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w-2128-For example, suppose |g| is a circuit with vertices $\{0,1,\ldots,9\}$,
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w:2129:where |j| is adjacent to~|k| if and only if $k=(j\pm1)\bmod10$.
sgb-20090810/gb_basic.w-2130-If we set
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w-290-because of the nature of preorder. (Think of Polish prefix notation,
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w:291:in which a formula like `${+}x{+}xx$' means `${+}(x,{+}(x,x))$'; the
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w-292-parentheses in Polish notation are redundant.)
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w-414-Suppose the given tree~$T$ has subtrees $T_0$ and $T_1$. Then it has
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w:415:$T(l)$ subtrees with |l|~leaves, where $T(l)=\sum_k T_0(k)T_1(l-k)$.
sgb-20090810/gb_econ.w-416-We choose a random number $r$ between 0 and $T(l)-1$, and we find the
sgb-20090810/gb_gates.w-1552-$$ x+y+z=s+2c,\qquad
sgb-20090810/gb_gates.w:1553:   \hbox{where $s=x\oplus y\oplus z$ and $c=xy\lor yz\lor zx$},$$
sgb-20090810/gb_gates.w-1554-can be applied to each bit of an $N$-bit number, thereby providing us
sgb-20090810/gb_plane.w-170-mapped to
sgb-20090810/gb_plane.w:171:$$\bigl(2x/(r^2+1),2y/(r^2+1),(r^2-1)/(r^2+1)\bigr)\,,$$ where $r^2=x^2+y^2$.
sgb-20090810/gb_plane.w-172-If we now extend the configuration by adding $(0,0,1)$,
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w-356-noncommutative multiplication rules $i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1$. If we write
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w:357:$\alpha=a+A$, where $a$ is the ``scalar'' $a_0$ and $A$ is the ``vector''
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w-358-$a_1i+a_2j+a_3k$, the product of quaternions $\alpha=a+A$ and $\beta=b+B$
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w-575-  \left(\matrix{2-s&-t\cr-t&2+s\cr}\right)\,,$$
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w:576:where $s^2\=-2$ and $t^2\=-26$ (mod~$q$). The determinants of
sgb-20090810/gb_raman.w-577-these matrices are respectively $-1$, $32$, and~$32$; the product of
sgb-20090810/gb_rand.w-334-computed, the code above selects vertex~|k| with probability
sgb-20090810/gb_rand.w:335:|(p+1-(k<<kk))|/$2^{31}$, where |p=magic->prob| and |magic| is the $k$th
sgb-20090810/gb_rand.w-336-element of the magic table; otherwise the code selects
sgb-20090810/assign_lisa.w-223-  \dash c^{(q)}\ddash r^{(q)}\,,\eqno(*)$$
sgb-20090810/assign_lisa.w:224:where $r^{(0)}$ is unmatched, $q\ge1$, and $c=c^{(q)}$. Row~$r$ is chosen if
sgb-20090810/assign_lisa.w-225-and only if it is matched with a column that is not chosen. Thus exactly
sgb-20090810/econ_order.w-106-@ Besides the matrix $M$ of input/output coefficients, we will find it
sgb-20090810/econ_order.w:107:convenient to use the matrix $\Delta$, where $\Delta_{jk}=M_{jk}-M_{kj}$.
sgb-20090810/miles_span.w-783-we say that the node has $l$ {\sl critical\/} children if there are
sgb-20090810/miles_span.w:784:$l$ cases of equality, where $r_j=j-2$. Our implementation will
sgb-20090810/miles_span.w-785-guarantee that any node with $l$ critical children will have at