                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
smstools-3.1.21/package.sh:4:VERSION=`cat src/version.h | tr -d '"' | awk '/smsd_version/ {print $3}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms-37-  fi
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms:38:  KEY=`$ECHO -n "$KEY" | md5sum | awk '{print $1;}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms-39-  if ! echo "$KEYS" | grep "$KEY" >/dev/null; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms-70-    shift
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms:71:    n=`expr $n - 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sendsms-72-  done
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2xml-9-#Extract data from the SMS file
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2xml:10:FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2xml:11:TEXT=`formail -I "" <$2 | sed -e"1d"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/callhandler-8-if [ "$1" = "CALL" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/callhandler:9:  TO=`formail -zx From: <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/callhandler-10-  FILE=`mktemp /tmp/send_XXXXXX`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-10-  if grep "Status: 0" $2 >/dev/null; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report:11:    FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report:12:    RECEIVED=`formail -zx Received: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-13-    TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/smsd_XXXXXX`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-14-    formail -I "" < $2 | sed -e"1,2d" > $TMPFILE
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report:15:    MESSAGE_ID=`formail -zX Message_id: < $TMPFILE`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-16-    grep -lx "$MESSAGE_ID" $SENTDIR/* > $TMPFILE
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-17-    cat $TMPFILE | while read FNAME; do
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report:18:      OLDRECEIVED=`formail -zx Received: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-19-      if [ "$OLDRECEIVED" = "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report:20:        TO=`formail -zx To: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/eventhandler_report-21-        if [ "$TO" = "$FROM" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/forwardsms-6-if [ "$1" = "RECEIVED" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/forwardsms:7:  TEXT=`formail -I "" <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/forwardsms-8-  FILE=`mktemp /tmp/send_XXXXXX`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/email2sms-34-cat >$tmp
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/email2sms:35:destinations=`formail -zx "To:" < $tmp`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-29-  fi
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend:30:  retry=`formail -zx Retry: < $file`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-31-  if [ "$retry" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend:32:    retry=`expr $retry + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-33-  else
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-36-  if [ $retry -gt $max ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend:37:    notused=`expr $notused + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-38-  else
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend:39:    used=`expr $used + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsresend-40-    mv $file $file.old
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-14-#Extract data from the SMS file
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:15:FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2 | sed 's/"//g'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:16:TO=`formail -zx To: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-17-#Remove plus sign, spaces, minus and short number prefix
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:18:TO=`echo "$TO" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/+//g' | sed 's/s//g' | sed 's/-//g'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:19:SUBJECT=`formail -zx Subject: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:20:SENT=`formail -zx Sent: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-21-#Text is not used but could be used 
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:22:#TEXT=`formail -I "" <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-39-   #Extract more data from the status report file
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:40:   DISCHARGE=`sed -e 1,/SMS\ STATUS/d < $2 | formail -zx Discharge_timestamp:`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:41:   MSGID=`sed -e 1,/SMS\ STATUS/d < $2 | formail -zx Message_id:`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:42:   STATUS=`sed -e 1,/SMS\ STATUS/d < $2 | formail -zx Status: | cut -f1 -d,`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-44-   if [ "$MSGID" != "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:45:     ID=`mysql $SQL_ARGS "select id from $SQL_TABLE where receiver=\"$FROM\" and type=\"SENT\" and msgid=\"$MSGID\" order by id desc limit 1;"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd:46:     mysql $SQL_ARGS "update $SQL_TABLE set received=\"$DISCHARGE\",status=\"$STATUS\" where id=\"$ID\";"
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/mysmsd-47-   fi
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2unicode-16-echo -en "\xFE\xFF"
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2unicode:17:text=`od -t x1 $1 | cut -c8-99`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2html-32-if [ "$ucs2" = "true" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2html:33:  text=`od -t x1 $1 | cut -c8-99`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2html-34-  position="first"
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2html:56:  text=`formail -I "" < $1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms2html-57-  echo "$text"
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sql_demo-15-#Extract data from the SMS file
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sql_demo:16:FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sql_demo:17:TEXT=`formail -I "" <$2 | sed -e"1d"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sql_demo-27-#Do the SQL Query
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sql_demo:28:AMOUNT=`mysql $SQL_ARGS "select amount from $SQL_TABLE where msisdn=\"$FROM\" and password=\"$TEXT\" ;"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/unicode2sms:16:text=`od -t x1 $1 | cut -c8-99`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/pkill:9:  kill `ps -e | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/pkill-10-  exit $?
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-12-  if grep "Status: 0" $2 >/dev/null; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:13:    FROM=`formail -zx From: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:14:    RECEIVED=`formail -zx Received: < $2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-15-    TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/smsd_XXXXXX`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-16-    formail -I "" < $2 | sed -e"1,2d" > $TMPFILE
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:17:    MESSAGE_ID=`formail -zX Message_id: < $TMPFILE`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-18-    grep -lx "$MESSAGE_ID" $SENTDIR/* > $TMPFILE
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-19-    cat $TMPFILE | while read FNAME; do
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:20:      OLDRECEIVED=`formail -zx Received: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-21-      if [ "$OLDRECEIVED" = "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:22:        TO=`formail -zx To: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-23-        if [ "$TO" = "$FROM" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-45-  if ! test -f "${FNAME}.LOCK" ; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:46:    ALT_TO=`formail -zx Alternate_to: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-47-    if [ "$ALT_TO" != "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:48:      MSG_ID=`formail -zx Message_id: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-49-      if [ "$MSG_ID" != "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:50:        RECEIVED=`formail -zx Received: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-51-        if [ "$RECEIVED" = "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-52-          #This message is not yet received
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:53:          SENT=`formail -zx Sent: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-54-          if [ "$SENT" = "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-59-            cur_timestamp=`date +%s`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:60:            msg_timestamp=`date +%s -d "$SENT"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:61:            time_diff=`expr $cur_timestamp - $msg_timestamp` 
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-62-            if [ $time_diff -gt $max_delay ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-74-        formail -f -I Alternate_to: -i "To: $ALT_TO" < ${FNAME} > $TMPFILE2
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:75:        TMPFILE3=`mktemp $OUTGOINGDIR/regr_XXXXXX`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-76-        echo "$$" > $TMPFILE3.LOCK
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:104:    schedule=`formail -zx Send: < ${FNAME}`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-105-    if [ "x$schedule" != "x" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-106-      cur_timestamp=`date +%s`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run:107:      schedule_timestamp=`date +%s -d "$schedule"`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/regular_run-108-      time_diff=$(($schedule_timestamp - $cur_timestamp))
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-22-#if [ "$1" = "RECEIVED" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:23:#  receiver=`cat $2 | grep '^.*@.*' | sed -n 1p | cut -f1 -d' '`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-24-#  if [ $receiver ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-30-#if [ "$1" = "RECEIVED" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:31:#  FROM=`formail -zx From: <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-32-#  formail -f -I "To: 491721234567" <$2 >$2.forward
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-41-      # This is a multipart text message
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:42:      FROM=`formail -zx From: <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:43:      UDHDATA=`formail -zx UDH-DATA: <$2`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-44-      # Extract information from UDH using awk to convert hex to dec
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:45:      MSGID=`echo "$UDHDATA" | awk '{printf "%d",strtonum("0x"$4)}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:46:      PARTS=`echo "$UDHDATA" | awk '{printf "%d",strtonum("0x"$5)}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:47:      PART=`echo "$UDHDATA" | awk '{printf "%d",strtonum("0x"$6)}'`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-48-      # Rename the file
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-50-      # Check if all parts have been received
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:51:      received=`ls -1 "$FROM.$MSGID."* | wc -l`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-52-      if [ "$PARTS" -eq "$received" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-61-          rm $FROM.$MSGID.$counter
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent:62:          counter=`expr $counter + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smsevent-63-        done
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smstest.php-64-    $tmpfilename = tempnam("/tmp", "smstest-");
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smstest.php:65:    exec("/usr/bin/hexdump -C < $filename.LOCK > $tmpfilename");
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/smstest.php-66-    if (($handle = fopen($tmpfilename, "r")) == false)
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh-52-  then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh:53:    COUNTER=`formail -zx $1: < $FILE`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh-54-    if [ "$COUNTER" != "" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh-62-# If there is Queue (or Provider) defined, load balancing is ignored:
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh:63:QUEUE=`formail -zx Queue: < $1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh-64-if [ -z "$QUEUE" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh:65:  QUEUE=`formail -zx Provider: < $1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/load_balancing.sh-66-  if [ -z "$QUEUE" ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-53-	[ "x$LOGFILE" != x ] && ARGS="$ARGS -l$LOGFILE"
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:54:	PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-55-	if [ "x$PID" != x ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-67-	    sleep 1
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:68:	    PIDS=`ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-69-	    [ "x$PIDS" = x ] && MSG=" failed."
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-76-	if ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep >/dev/null; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:77:	  PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-78-	  if [ "x$PID" != x ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:79:	    P=`kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-80-	    [ "x$P" != x ] && PID=""
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-84-	  else
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:85:	    kill `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-86-	  fi
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-106-	      fi
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:107:	      [ $infofound -lt 1 ] && seconds=`expr $seconds + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-108-	      $ECHO -n "."
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:109:	      dots=`expr $dots + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-110-	      if [ "$seconds" -ge $MAXWAIT ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-115-	        echo "Timeout occurred, killing $NAME hardly."
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:116:	        kill -9 `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-117-	        [ -f $PIDFILE ] && rm $PIDFILE
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-135-	  echo "Killing $NAME."
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3:136:	  kill -9 `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/scripts/sms3-137-	fi
smstools-3.1.21/install.sh-19-    # This will break if $1 contains a space.
smstools-3.1.21/install.sh:20:    for c in `echo $p | tr '/' ' '`
smstools-3.1.21/install.sh-21-    do
smstools-3.1.21/src/Makefile:74:	$(CC) `mm-config --cflags` $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ `mm-config --ldflags --libs` $(LFLAGS)
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-51-		# dpkg-statoverride
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:52:		D_USER="`dpkg-statoverride --list $rundir|cut -d' ' -f1`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:53:		D_GROUP="`dpkg-statoverride --list $rundir|cut -d' ' -f2`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:54:		PERMS="`dpkg-statoverride --list $rundir|cut -d' ' -f3`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-88-	if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:89:                PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-90-        fi
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-130-	if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:131:		PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-132-	fi
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-166-			if [ $infofound -lt 1 ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d:167:				seconds=`expr $seconds + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/debian/init.d-168-			fi
smstools-3.1.21/debian/patches/spelling.patch-139-+	        echo "Timeout occurred, killing $NAME hardly."
smstools-3.1.21/debian/patches/spelling.patch:140: 	        kill -9 `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/debian/patches/spelling.patch-141- 	        [ -f $PIDFILE ] && rm $PIDFILE
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst-51-			# Normalize device lists
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst:52:			devices="`echo $devices|sed 's|^ ||g;s| $||g'`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst:53:			devicenames="`echo $devicenames|sed 's|^ ||g;s| $||g'`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst-55-			# Update global smsd configuration to contain modems
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst:56:			DEVICES="`echo $devicenames|sed 's| |, |g'`"
smstools-3.1.21/debian/postinst-57-			sed -i "s|@DEVICES@|$DEVICES|g" $CONFIG_TEMP
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/enable-statistics.patch/src/Makefile:65:	$(CC) `mm-config --cflags` $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ `mm-config --ldflags --libs` $(LFLAGS)
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/fix-makefile-override.patch/src/Makefile:65:	$(CC) `mm-config --cflags` $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ `mm-config --ldflags --libs` $(LFLAGS)
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/hardening.patch/src/Makefile:66:	$(CC) `mm-config --cflags` $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ `mm-config --ldflags --libs` $(LFLAGS)
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-53-	[ "x$LOGFILE" != x ] && ARGS="$ARGS -l$LOGFILE"
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:54:	PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-55-	if [ "x$PID" != x ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-67-	    sleep 1
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:68:	    PIDS=`ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-69-	    [ "x$PIDS" = x ] && MSG=" failed."
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-76-	if ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep >/dev/null; then
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:77:	  PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-78-	  if [ "x$PID" != x ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:79:	    P=`kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-80-	    [ "x$P" != x ] && PID=""
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-84-	  else
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:85:	    kill `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-86-	  fi
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-106-	      fi
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:107:	      [ $infofound -lt 1 ] && seconds=`expr $seconds + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-108-	      $ECHO -n "."
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:109:	      dots=`expr $dots + 1`
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-110-	      if [ "$seconds" -ge $MAXWAIT ]; then
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-115-	        echo "Timeout occured, killing $NAME hardly."
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:116:	        kill -9 `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-117-	        [ -f $PIDFILE ] && rm $PIDFILE
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-135-	  echo "Killing $NAME."
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3:136:	  kill -9 `ps $PSOPT | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'` >/dev/null 2>&1
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/spelling.patch/scripts/sms3-137-	fi
smstools-3.1.21/.pc/kfreebsd.patch/src/Makefile:69:	$(CC) `mm-config --cflags` $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ `mm-config --ldflags --libs` $(LFLAGS)