                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
sprai-  my $prefix=sprintf("c%02d.fin",$from+1);
sprai-  `ln -s $raw_fastq $out_dirs[$from+1]/$prefix.$suffix.fq`;
sprai-  }
sprai-  `$fastqToCA -libraryname foo -technology pacbio-corrected -reads $out_dirs[$i]/$prefix.$suffix.fq > $out_dirs[$i]/$prefix.$suffix.frg`;
sprai-  my $prefix=sprintf("c%02d.fin",$i);
sprai-  `$runCA stopAfter=unitigger -dir $out_dirs[$i] -p asm_$p2[$i] -s $spec $out_dirs[$i]/$prefix.$suffix.frg 2>> $out_dirs[$i]/do_$prefix.$suffix.$now.log`;
sprai-    print STDERR "         We remove the entire directory and start from scratch.\n";
sprai-    `rm -rf "$temporary_directory_name"`;
sprai-    if($?) {
sprai-  print STDERR "\$ $command_line\n" if($debug > 0);
sprai-  @results = `$command_line`;
sprai-  print @results if($debug > 0);
sprai- STDERR "\$ $command_line\n" if($debug > 0);
sprai- = `$command_line`;
sprai- @results if($debug > 0);
sprai- relative path
sprai-`dirname $0`
sprai- you specify ``--prefix=/some/dir/``, Sprai will be installed under ``/some/dir/bin/`` directory. Otherwise, it will be installed in ``/usr/local/bin``.
sprai- you do not have a root access, probably you want to add ``--prefix=$HOME/local`` or so.
sprai- you are creating RPM package, you would add ``--prefix=/usr``.
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai- the sprai package documentation in /usr/share/doc/sprai,
sprai- the example ec and pbasm spec files in /usr/share/doc/sprai/examples
sprai-!-d $scriptdir){
sprai-  `mkdir $scriptdir`;
sprai-    if(!$opt_dryrun && $index == $from){
sprai-      `qsub $qsub_script`;
sprai-    }
sprai-  `$ca_command`;
sprai-        $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-        last;
sprai-          $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-          `touch $child`;
sprai-          last;
sprai-    if(!$f_do && $child =~ /\.dfq\.gz$/){
sprai-      my $ret = system("gzip -d -c -t $child 2> /dev/null");
sprai-      if($ret){
sprai-        $f_do=1;
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-      }
sprai-      $com1 = sprintf("$pipefail time cat $parent | $PG0 - | $dumbbell_filter - | $PG - --prefix $tmp_dir/db%02d | gzip -c -1 > $child.tmp && mv $child.tmp $child",$from);
sprai-      `$com1`;
sprai-    }
sprai-      }
sprai-      `$com2`;
sprai-    }
sprai-    `$com1 & $com2 & wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    `$command`;
sprai-  }
sprai-      `$command`;
sprai-    }
sprai-        if(-e $child){
sprai-          `rm $child`;
sprai-        }
sprai-            $command .= sprintf("cat $files >> $child.tmp && mv $child.tmp $child");
sprai-            `$command`;
sprai-          }
sprai-    `$com`;
sprai-    `$com1 & $com2 & wait`;
sprai-  if($f_do){
sprai-    `$ca_command_2`;
sprai-  }
sprai-  {
sprai-    `gzip -d -c $tmp_dir/c00_0000.dfq.gz | dfq2fq_v2.pl --orig_depth - | count_chars.pl - > $tmp_dir/tmp.count`;
sprai-    my $count=0;
sprai-  }
sprai-  `(gzip -d -c $result_dir/c01.fin.idfq.gz | $PG1 - -g $estimated_genome_size -q | fq2fa.pl - > $tmp_dir/c01.fin.longestXx.fa) `;
sprai-    $command .= "fa2fq.pl $tmp_dir/c01.fin.longestXx.fa | fq2idfq.pl - | fq2fa.pl - > $tmp_dir/d01.fin.longestXx.fa";
sprai-    `$command`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    $command2.= sprintf("partition_fa.pl $tmp_dir/d01.fin.longestXx.fa $partition -p $tmp_dir/d01");
sprai-    `$command1 & $command2 & wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    }
sprai-    `$command wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-        $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-        last;
sprai-          $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-          `touch $child`;
sprai-          last;
sprai-    printf $mh "$outdir/$ps/9-terminator/$ps.scf.fasta: $outdir/$ps.frg\n";
sprai-    printf $mh "\t${rreq}$ca_path/runCA -dir $outdir/`basename \$< .frg` -p `basename \$< .frg` -s $spec \$< \n";
sprai-  }
sprai- $partition should be run as array job and accessed as $SGE_TASK_ID
sprai- STR0=`expr $SGE_TASK_ID - 1`
sprai- PART=`printf '%04d' $STR0`
sprai-  my $partgen = q(STR0=`expr $SGE_TASK_ID - 1`
sprai-`printf '%04d' $STR0`
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/idfqgz -e log/idfqgz $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/makeblastdb -e log/makeblastdb -hold_jid $idfqjobids[$libi] $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    my $depends = join(",",@jobids);
sprai-    my $retv=`qsub -o log/makeblastdb -e log/makeblastdb -hold_jid $depends $jf`;
sprai-    if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/partition -e log/partition -hold_jid $idfqjobids[$libi] $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/blast -e log/blast -hold_jid $nalfjid,$ipjid $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job-array (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $jobids[$libi];
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log/part_ec -e log/part_ec -hold_jid_ad $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job-array (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $t_jid_lib[$libi];
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $jid_vv{$valid_voters};
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $t_jid;
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-!-d $scriptdir){
sprai-  `mkdir $scriptdir`;
sprai-    if(!$opt_dryrun && $index == $from){
sprai-      `qsub $qsub_script`;
sprai-    }
sprai-  `$ca_command`;
sprai-        $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-        last;
sprai-          $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-          `touch $child`;
sprai-          last;
sprai-    if(!$f_do && $child =~ /\.dfq\.gz$/){
sprai-      my $ret = system("gzip -d -c -t $child 2> /dev/null");
sprai-      if($ret){
sprai-        $f_do=1;
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-      }
sprai-      $com1 = sprintf("$pipefail time cat $parent | $PG0 - | $dumbbell_filter - | $PG - --prefix $tmp_dir/db%02d | gzip -c -1 > $child.tmp && mv $child.tmp $child",$from);
sprai-      `$com1`;
sprai-    }
sprai-      }
sprai-      `$com2`;
sprai-    }
sprai-    `$com1 & $com2 & wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    `$command`;
sprai-  }
sprai-      `$command`;
sprai-    }
sprai-        if(-e $child){
sprai-          `rm $child`;
sprai-        }
sprai-            $command .= sprintf("cat $files >> $child.tmp && mv $child.tmp $child");
sprai-            `$command`;
sprai-          }
sprai-    `$com`;
sprai-    `$com1 & $com2 & wait`;
sprai-  if($f_do){
sprai-    `$ca_command_2`;
sprai-  }
sprai-  {
sprai-    `gzip -d -c $tmp_dir/c00_0000.dfq.gz | dfq2fq_v2.pl --orig_depth - | count_chars.pl - > $tmp_dir/tmp.count`;
sprai-    my $count=0;
sprai-  }
sprai-  `(gzip -d -c $result_dir/c01.fin.idfq.gz | $PG1 - -g $estimated_genome_size -q | fq2fa.pl - > $tmp_dir/c01.fin.longestXx.fa) `;
sprai-    $command .= "fa2fq.pl $tmp_dir/c01.fin.longestXx.fa | fq2idfq.pl - | fq2fa.pl - > $tmp_dir/d01.fin.longestXx.fa";
sprai-    `$command`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    $command2.= sprintf("partition_fa.pl $tmp_dir/d01.fin.longestXx.fa $partition -p $tmp_dir/d01");
sprai-    `$command1 & $command2 & wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-    }
sprai-    `$command wait`;
sprai-  }
sprai-        $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-        `touch $child`;
sprai-        last;
sprai-          $original_time_stamps{"$child"} = $c_fs[9];
sprai-          `touch $child`;
sprai-          last;
sprai-    printf $mh "$outdir/$ps/9-terminator/$ps.scf.fasta: $outdir/$ps.frg\n";
sprai-    printf $mh "\t${rreq}$ca_path/runCA -dir $outdir/`basename \$< .frg` -p `basename \$< .frg` -s $spec \$< \n";
sprai-  }
sprai- $partition should be run as array job and accessed as $SGE_TASK_ID
sprai- STR0=`expr $SGE_TASK_ID - 1`
sprai- PART=`printf '%04d' $STR0`
sprai-  my $partgen = q(STR0=`expr $SGE_TASK_ID - 1`
sprai-`printf '%04d' $STR0`
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/idfqgz -e log/idfqgz $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/makeblastdb -e log/makeblastdb -hold_jid $idfqjobids[$libi] $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    my $depends = join(",",@jobids);
sprai-    my $retv=`qsub -o log/makeblastdb -e log/makeblastdb -hold_jid $depends $jf`;
sprai-    if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/partition -e log/partition -hold_jid $idfqjobids[$libi] $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-    if($submit){
sprai-      my $retv=`qsub -o log/blast -e log/blast -hold_jid $nalfjid,$ipjid $jf`;
sprai-      if($retv =~ /Your job-array (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $jobids[$libi];
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log/part_ec -e log/part_ec -hold_jid_ad $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job-array (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $t_jid_lib[$libi];
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $jid_vv{$valid_voters};
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){
sprai-        my $depend = $t_jid;
sprai-        my $retv=`qsub -o log -e log -hold_jid $depend $jf`;
sprai-        if($retv =~ /Your job (\d+)/){