=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-55-function check_if_docker_image_exists { sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:56: images=`docker image ls | egrep "$IMAGE_NAME[[:space:]]+$IMAGE_VERSION"` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-57-} ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-169- # Check the SHA256 hashes. sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:170: gnutls_actual_sha256=`sha256sum ${gnutls_filename} | cut -f1 -d" "` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:171: nettle_actual_sha256=`sha256sum ${nettle_filename} | cut -f1 -d" "` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-172- ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-402- # Run the container in the background. Route port 4443 on the outside to port 443 on the inside. sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:403: cid=`docker run -d -p 4443:443 -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} ${server_exec}` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-404- if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-436- if [[ ! -f ${expected_result_stdout} ]]; then sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:437: test_result_stdout_actual=`cat ${test_result_stdout}` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-438- echo -e "\n${REDB}Error:${CLR} expected output file for test #${test_number} not found (${expected_result_stdout}). Actual test result is below. Manually verify that this output is correct; if so, then copy it to the expected test file path with:\n\n $ cp ${test_result_stdout} ${expected_result_stdout}\n\n------\n${test_result_stdout_actual}\n" ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-443- # Compare the actual output to the expected output. Any discrepency results in test failure. sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:444: diff=`diff -u ${expected_result_stdout} ${test_result_stdout}` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-445- if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-463- sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:464: `/bin/bash -c "${command} | tail -n +3 > ${test_result_stdout}"` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-465- if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-472- if [[ ! -f ${expected_result_stdout} ]]; then sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:473: test_result_stdout_actual=`cat ${test_result_stdout}` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-474- echo -e "\n${REDB}Error:${CLR} expected output file for test #${test_number} not found (${expected_result_stdout}). Actual test result is below. Manually verify that this output is correct; if so, then copy it to the expected test file path with:\n\n $ cp ${test_result_stdout} ${expected_result_stdout}\n\n------\n${test_result_stdout_actual}\n" ############################################## sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-478- # Compare the actual output to the expected output. Any discrepency results in test failure. sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh:479: diff=`diff -u ${expected_result_stdout} ${test_result_stdout}` sslscan-2.0.0/docker_test.sh-480- if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then