                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
termshark-2.1.1/docs/FAQ.md:162:and checks the return code of the process. If it's zero, termshark assumes the filter expression is valid, and turns the widget green. If the return code is non-zero, termshark assumes the expression is invalid and turns the widget red. The file `empty.pcap` is generated once on startup and cached in `$XDG_CONFIG_CACHE/termshark/empty.pcap` (on Linux, `~/.cache/termshark/empty.pcap`) On slower systems like the Raspberry Pi, you might see this widget go orange for a couple of seconds while termshark waits for tshark to finish.
termshark-2.1.1/docs/FAQ.md:212:then parsing the output into a nested collection of Go maps, and serializing it to `$XDG_CONFIG_CACHE/termshark/tsharkfieldsv2.gob.gz`.
termshark-2.1.1/docs/FAQ.md:284:The profiles are stored under `$XDG_CONFIG_CACHE/termshark` (e.g. ~/.cache/termshark/). You can investigate with `go tool pprof` like this:
termshark-2.1.1/docs/UserGuide.md:313:By default, termshark will now display packets in the packet list view colored according to Wireshark's color rules. With recent installations of Wireshark, you can find this file at `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireshark/colorfilters`. Termshark doesn't provide a way to edit the colors - the colors are provided by `tshark`. You can read about Wireshark's support [here](https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChCustColorizationSection.html). If you don't like the way this looks in termshark, you can turn it off using termshark's main menu.
termshark-2.1.1/docs/UserGuide.md:317:Termshark reads options from a TOML configuration file saved in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/termshark/termshark.toml` (e.g. `~/.config/termshark/termshark.toml` on Linux). All options are saved under the `[main]` section. The available options are:
termshark-2.1.1/docs/UserGuide.md:319:- `browse-command` (string list) - termshark will run this command with a URL e.g. when the user selects "FAQ" from the main menu. Any argument in the list that equals `$1` will be replaced by the URL prior to the command being run e.g.
termshark-2.1.1/docs/UserGuide.md:381:Profiles are stored under `$XDG_CONFIG_CACHE/termshark` (e.g. `~/.cache/termshark/`). If you open a termshark issue on github, these profiles will be useful for debugging.
termshark-2.1.1/format/hexdump.go-38-	res := hex.Dump(data)
termshark-2.1.1/format/hexdump.go:39:	res = re.ReplaceAllString(res, fmt.Sprintf(`${1}%s${2}%s`, opt.LeftAsciiDelimiter, opt.RightAsciiDelimiter))
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go-1002-		if c.chunks[i].Direction() == streams.Server {
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go:1003:			hex = indentRe.ReplaceAllString(hex, `    $1`)
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go-1004-		}
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go-1066-	if c.chunks[row].Direction() == streams.Server {
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go:1067:		datastr = indentRe.ReplaceAllString(datastr, `    $1`)
termshark-2.1.1/widgets/streamwidget/streamwidget.go-1068-	}