                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/unix/SocketUDPUnix.cpp-121-    // try converting it from aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/unix/SocketUDPUnix.cpp:122:    int convertedAddress = inet_addr( inAddress );
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/gnut_net.c-88-	}
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/gnut_net.c:89:	if ((sinptr = get_if_addr(iface))==NULL) {
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/gnut_net.c-90-		g_debug(1,"Can't get local IP address through interface, trying host name...\n");
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/SocketClientLinux.cpp-198-    // this is obsolete on linux
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/SocketClientLinux.cpp:199:    // saddr.s_addr = inet_addr( inAddress );
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/SocketLinux.cpp-193-    //
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/SocketLinux.cpp:194:    // struct hostent *host = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &sin.sin_addr,
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/SocketLinux.cpp-195-    //                                       sizeof sin.sin_addr,
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/linux/gnut_lib.h:89:#define inet_aton(string, ip) (ip)->s_addr = inet_addr(string)
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketWin32.cpp-251-    //
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketWin32.cpp:252:    // struct hostent *host = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &sin.sin_addr,
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketWin32.cpp-253-    //                                       sizeof sin.sin_addr,
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/HostAddressWin32.cpp:140:    int returnedValue = inet_addr( mAddressString );
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketClientWin32.cpp-161-	/* First try it as aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd. */
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketClientWin32.cpp:162:	saddr.s_addr = inet_addr( inAddress );
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/network/win32/SocketClientWin32.cpp-163-	if( saddr.s_addr != -1 ) {
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze:3:CHECKER=`dirname $0`/LeakCheck" $@"
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze:4:ANALYZER=`dirname $0`/leak-analyze" $1 leak.out"
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck-9-# needs:
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck:10:SHLIB=`dirname $0`/LeakTracer.so
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck-11-if [ ! -x $SHLIB ] ; then
transcend-0.3.dfsg2/minorGems/protocol/p2p/notes.tex:37:For a more complex example, consider the case where $r$ is a search results set.  Note that a search is itself a resource that might be offered by a host, and we might have specially-designated index nodes in the network that offer the resource of searching.  Suppose $A$ sends $D_r$ to $B$.  $D_r$ might contain information about the resource types to search for, as well as a set of resource descriptors.  Suppose that $B$ does not have the capability to perform the requested search, but is aware of a super-node $B'$ that does have searching capabilities.  $B$ has two options at this point:  return a description of $B'$, or forward $D_r$ to $B'$.  Since the method of executing the first option is obvious, consider the second option.  $B$ forwards $D_r$ to $B'$, and $A$ waits for a response.  $B'$ performs the search, constructing the set $R = \{D_{r'} \mid r'$ matches the search criteria of $r \}$.  $B'$ attaches the identifier from $D_r$ to $R$ and then sends it to the return address found in $D_r$.  $A$ receives $R$.  By examining the identifier, $A$ knows $R$ is a response to $D_r$.  