                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
txt2regex-0.9/CHANGELOG.md-76-  (`shfmt`)
txt2regex-0.9/CHANGELOG.md:77:- Unset `$PATH` in the top of the script to make sure only Bash builtin
txt2regex-0.9/CHANGELOG.md-78-  commands are used
txt2regex-0.9/CONTRIBUTING.md:29:- Always use `$"..."` for strings that the user will see (i18n)
txt2regex-0.9/README.md:158:Txt2regex uses the environment variables `$LINES` and `$COLUMNS` to get
txt2regex-0.9/README.md-159-the current terminal size. Make sure you have them exported, otherwise
txt2regex-0.9/tests/features.md:106:The user has typed `.*+?[]{}()|^$\` as a literal string.
txt2regex-0.9/tests/regex-tester.sh-258-test_javascript() { # regex string
txt2regex-0.9/tests/regex-tester.sh:259:    node --eval "String.raw\`$2\`.replace(/$1/, 'x')" --print 2>&1 |
txt2regex-0.9/tests/regex-tester.sh-260-        head -n 1
txt2regex-0.9/debian/tests/make-test-3-if [ -n "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" ]; then
txt2regex-0.9/debian/tests/make-test:4:        TMP=`mktemp -q -d -p $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP`
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/fix-TEXTDOMAINDIR.diff/Makefile-135-	for mofile in $(PODIR)/*.mo; do \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/fix-TEXTDOMAINDIR.diff/Makefile:136:		moinstalldir=$(LOCALEDIR)/`basename $$mofile .mo`/LC_MESSAGES; \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/fix-TEXTDOMAINDIR.diff/Makefile-137-		test -d $$moinstalldir || mkdir -p $$moinstalldir; \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest_and_txt2tags_from_debian.diff/Makefile-135-	for mofile in $(PODIR)/*.mo; do \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest_and_txt2tags_from_debian.diff/Makefile:136:		moinstalldir=$(LOCALEDIR)/`basename $$mofile .mo`/LC_MESSAGES; \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest_and_txt2tags_from_debian.diff/Makefile-137-		test -d $$moinstalldir || mkdir -p $$moinstalldir; \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest-show-progress.diff/Makefile-127-	for mofile in $(PODIR)/*.mo; do \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest-show-progress.diff/Makefile:128:		moinstalldir=$(LOCALEDIR)/`basename $$mofile .mo`/LC_MESSAGES; \
txt2regex-0.9/.pc/clitest-show-progress.diff/Makefile-129-		test -d $$moinstalldir || mkdir -p $$moinstalldir; \
txt2regex-0.9/Makefile-127-	for mofile in $(PODIR)/*.mo; do \
txt2regex-0.9/Makefile:128:		moinstalldir=$(LOCALEDIR)/`basename $$mofile .mo`/LC_MESSAGES; \
txt2regex-0.9/Makefile-129-		test -d $$moinstalldir || mkdir -p $$moinstalldir; \