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        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
unknown-horizons-2019.1/content/packages/unknown-horizons.xpm-1707-"                                      G ; H I J K L L L L L L L L M N O x P Q R S T U C V W 6 -                                 ",
unknown-horizons-2019.1/content/packages/unknown-horizons.xpm:1708:"                                    - 6 X Y Z ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `  ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.` >.,.'.-                               ",
unknown-horizons-2019.1/content/packages/unknown-horizons.xpm-1709-"                                  - ).!.~.{.{.{.{.{.{.{.{.{.{.].^./.(._.#.:.<.[.}.|.1.2.{.{.3.4.5.-                             ",
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/combat_ai/documentation/diplomacy.tex-32-		\item terrain size - $(TSize(ai) / TSize(player)) * (lenIsl(ai) / lenIsl(player))$, where $TSize(X)$ is amount of ground tiles owned by given player, and $lenIsl(X)$ is amount of separate islands owner by given player.
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/combat_ai/documentation/diplomacy.tex:33:		\item wealth - $(Wres * Res(ai) + Wgold * Gold(ai) / (Wres * Res(player) + Wgold * Gold(player))$ - Where $Res(X)$ is total worth of resources by given player, and $Gold(X)$ is amount of Gold by given player. $Wres$ and $Wgold$ are weights each values has in equation. Currently $Wres = 0.75$ while $Wgold = 0.25$, so resources are valued three times as much as raw gold.
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/combat_ai/documentation/diplomacy.tex-34-	\end{enumerate}
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/help_me.sh-9-$q "SELECT rowid FROM settlement" | while read settlement_id; do
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/help_me.sh:10:	$q "DELETE FROM storage WHERE object = $settlement_id"
unknown-horizons-2019.1/development/help_me.sh-11-	for res in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 18 21 22 23 25 26 29 31 32 35 36 38 40 41 43 44 46 47 54 55 56 58 60; do