                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md-55-- The ``css`` and ``xpath`` filters now accept ``skip`` and ``maxitems`` as subfilter
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md:56:- The ``shellpipe`` filter now inherits all environment variables (e.g. ``$PATH``)
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md-57-  of the ``urlwatch`` process
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md-254-### Changed
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md:255:- File editing: Fix issue when `$EDITOR` contains spaces (Fixes #220)
urlwatch-2.21/CHANGELOG.md-256-- ChangeLog: Add versions to recent ChangeLog entries (Fixes #235)
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/dependencies.rst:22:The dependencies can be installed with (add ``--user`` to install to ``$HOME``):
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/introduction.rst-18-The instructions for each such job are contained in a config file in the `YAML format`_, accessible with the ``urlwatch --edit`` command.
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/introduction.rst:19:If you get an error, set your ``$EDITOR`` (or ``$VISUAL``) environment
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/introduction.rst-20-variable in your shell with a command such as ``export EDITOR=/bin/nano``.
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/filters.rst:499:| ``$URLWATCH_JOB_NAME``     | The name of the job (``name`` key in jobs YAML)      |
urlwatch-2.21/docs/source/filters.rst:501:| ``$URLWATCH_JOB_LOCATION`` | The URL of the job, or command line (for shell jobs) |
urlwatch-2.21/debian/tests/editor.sh-15-    assertEquals "Urlwatch should use editor and not return 1" 0 $result
urlwatch-2.21/debian/tests/editor.sh:16:    lastChar=`tail -c 2 $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP/.urlwatch/urls.yaml`
urlwatch-2.21/debian/tests/editor.sh-17-    assertEquals "last char of edited file should be #" '#' $lastChar
urlwatch-2.21/.pc/removeNonSupportedTestData/docs/source/filters.rst:499:| ``$URLWATCH_JOB_NAME``     | The name of the job (``name`` key in jobs YAML)      |
urlwatch-2.21/.pc/removeNonSupportedTestData/docs/source/filters.rst:501:| ``$URLWATCH_JOB_LOCATION`` | The URL of the job, or command line (for shell jobs) |