                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
vcsh-1.20151229/README.md-38-or interfering otherwise. By default, all Git repositories maintained via
vcsh-1.20151229/README.md:39:`vcsh` store the actual files in `$HOME` but you can override this setting if
vcsh-1.20151229/README.md-40-you want to.
vcsh-1.20151229/changelog-36-	* Support `vcsh list-untracked`, optionally recursively
vcsh-1.20151229/changelog:37:	* Support `vcsh list-untracked $repo`
vcsh-1.20151229/changelog-38-	* Improve error handling of clone()
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-39-or interfering otherwise. By default, all Git repositories maintained via
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:40:`vcsh` store the actual files in `$HOME` but you can override this setting if
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-41-you want to.
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-99-Most people who decide to put their dotfiles under version control start with a
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:100:single repository in `$HOME`, adding all their dotfiles (and possibly more)
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-101-to it. This works, of course, but can become a nuisance as soon as you try to
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-104-The next logical step is to create single-purpose repositories in, for example,
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:105:`~/.dotfiles` and to create symbolic links into `$HOME`. This gives you the
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-106-flexibility to check out only certain repositories on different hosts. The
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-111-repositories and stores them in a hidden directory. However, it does not create
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:112:symbolic links in `$HOME`; it puts the actual files right into `$HOME`.
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-114-As `vcsh` allows you to put an arbitrary number of distinct repositories into
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:115:your `$HOME`, you will end up with a lot of repositories very quickly.
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-132-command to clone the repo, and set the [title] to the desired
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:133:location, e.g. `$HOME/.emacs.d`. Try the `mr register` command in an
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-134-existing repository, then view `~/.mrconfig` for an example.
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-262-* `~/.mrconfig`
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:263:* `$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/mr/available.d/mr.vcsh`
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:264:* `$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/mr/available.d/zsh.vcsh`
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:265:* `$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/mr/config.d/mr.vcsh`
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:266:* `$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/vcsh/repo.d/mr.git/`
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md-447-To interact with a repository, use the regular Git commands, but prepend them
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/README.md:448:with `vcsh run $repository_name`. For example:
vcsh-1.20151229/doc/vcsh.1.ronn:138:  `$repo`: List files not tracked by this specific repository.
vcsh-1.20151229/debian/changelog-44-    + Support `vcsh list-untracked`, optionally recursively
vcsh-1.20151229/debian/changelog:45:    + Support `vcsh list-untracked $repo`
vcsh-1.20151229/debian/changelog-46-    + Improve error handling of clone()