                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/sys.vim-73-        else
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/sys.vim:74:            let which = substitute(system('which '. shellescape(a:cmd)), '\n$', '', '')
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/sys.vim-75-            " echom "DBG which:" which
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim-33-"     file, make sure to include inheritance information and the like 
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim:34:"     (command-line options like --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q should be ok).
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim-35-"     In this example, we want tags only for public methods (there are 
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim-36-"     most likely better ways to do this): >
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim:37:"          ctags -R --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q ${JAVA_HOME}/src
vim-tlib-1.27/autoload/tlib/tag.vim-38-"          head -n 6 tags > tags0
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt-1374-        file, make sure to include inheritance information and the like 
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt:1375:        (command-line options like --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q should be ok).
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt-1376-        In this example, we want tags only for public methods (there are 
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt-1377-        most likely better ways to do this): >
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt:1378:             ctags -R --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q ${JAVA_HOME}/src
vim-tlib-1.27/doc/tlib.txt-1379-             head -n 6 tags > tags0