                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
vis-0.6/lua/lexer.lua-871--- @field property_expanded (table, Read-only)
vis-0.6/lua/lexer.lua:872:--   Map of key-value string pairs with `$()` and `%()` variable replacement
vis-0.6/lua/lexer.lua-873---   performed in values.
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md:13: * `$VIS_PATH/lexers`
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md-14- * `./lua/lexers` relative to the binary location (using `/proc/self/exe`)
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md:15: * `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vis/lexers` where `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` refers to
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md:16:   `$HOME/.config` if unset.
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md-17- * `/etc/vis/lexers`
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md-19-    the build configuration
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/README.md:20: * `package.path` the standard Lua search path is queried for `lexers/$name`
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/asm.lua-1--- Copyright 2006-2017 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/asm.lua:2:-- NASM Assembly LPeg lexer.
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/lexer.lua-871--- @field property_expanded (table, Read-only)
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/lexer.lua:872:--   Map of key-value string pairs with `$()` and `%()` variable replacement
vis-0.6/lua/lexers/lexer.lua-873---   performed in values.
vis-0.6/lua/plugins/filetype.lua-29-	},
vis-0.6/lua/plugins/filetype.lua:30:	asm = {
vis-0.6/lua/plugins/filetype.lua-31-		ext = { "%.asm$", "%.ASM$", "%.s$", "%.S$" },
vis-0.6/test/fuzz/README.md:16: * `$APP-fuzzer.c` application exposing a simple text interface
vis-0.6/test/fuzz/README.md-17- * `fuzzer.h` common code used among different fuzzing drivers
vis-0.6/test/fuzz/README.md:18: * `./input/$APP/` intial test input, one file per test
vis-0.6/test/fuzz/README.md:19: * `./dictionaries/$APP.dict` a dictionary with valid syntax tokens
vis-0.6/test/fuzz/README.md:20: * `./results/$APP/` the fuzzing results are stored here
vis-0.6/vis-clipboard-10-vc_usage() {
vis-0.6/vis-clipboard:11:	vc_fatal "`basename $0` [--usable|--copy|--paste]"