                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoujc:1:saoimage -reg `imujc -r 10 $1` -wcscom sujc_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoact:1:saoimage -reg `imact -r 15 $1` -wcscom sact_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saobsc:1:saoimage -reg `imbsc -q 0 $1` -wcscom sbsc_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saocata-5-    do
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saocata:6:    a=`echo $a $3`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saocata-7-    shift
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saocata:10:saoimage -reg `imcat -c $c -r 15 $f` -f5 $w $a $f
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saogsc:1:saoimage -reg `imgsc -r 15 $1` -wcscom sgsc_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saogsc2:1:saoimage -reg `imgsc2 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sgsc2_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saogsc2x200:1:saoimage -reg `imgsc2 -n 200 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sgsc2_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saogsca:1:saoimage -reg `imgsca -r 15 $1` -wcscom sgsca_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoiras:1:saoimage -reg `imiras -r 15 $1` -wcscom siras_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsc:1:b=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsc:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imgsc -r 15 $1` -wcscom sgsc_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$b $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsc2:1:b=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsc2:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imgsc2 -r 15 $1` -wcscom sgsc2_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$b $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsca:1:b=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomgsca:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imgsca -r 15 $1` -wcscom sgsca_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$b $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomtmc:1:b=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomtmc:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imtmc -r 15 $1` -wcscom stmc_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$b $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomua2:1:a=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomua2:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imua2 -r 15 $1` -wcscom sua2_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$a $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomub1:1:a=`fileroot -r _ x $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saomub1:2:saoimage -quiet -reg `imub1 -r 15 $1` -wcscom sub1_-u_%x_-a_%s_-zo_$a $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoppm:1:saoimage -reg `imppm -r 15 $1` -wcscom sppm_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saosao:1:saoimage -reg `imsao -r 15 $1` -wcscom ssao_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saotmc:1:saoimage -reg `imtmc -r 10 $1` -wcscom stmc_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoty2:1:saoimage -reg `imty2 -r 15 $1` -wcscom sty2_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saotycho:1:saoimage -reg `imtycho -r 15 $1` -wcscom stycho_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoua1:1:saoimage -reg `imua1 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sua1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoua2:1:saoimage -reg `imua2 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sua2_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saouac:2:saoimage -reg `imuac -r 10 $1` -wcscom suac_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoub1:1:saoimage -reg `imub1 -n 1000 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sub1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoub1i3:1:saoimage -reg `imub1 -n 1000 -r 10 $1 minid=3` -wcscom sub1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoub1i4:1:saoimage -reg `imub1 -n 1000 -r 10 $1 minid=4` -wcscom sub1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoub1i5:1:saoimage -reg `imub1 -n 1000 -r 10 $1 minid=5` -wcscom sub1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoucac1:1:saoimage -reg `imucac1 -n 1000 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sucac1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoucac2:1:saoimage -reg `imucac2 -n 1000 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sucac2_-Ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saousa1:1:saoimage -reg `imusa1 -r 10 $1` -wcscom susa1_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saousa2:1:saoimage -reg `imusa2 -r 10 $1` -wcscom susa2_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saousac:2:saoimage -reg `imusac -r 15 $1` -wcscom susac_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/SAOimage.scripts/saoucac3:1:saoimage -reg `imucac3 -r 10 $1` -wcscom sucac3_-ha_%s $*
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-33-	then
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:34:	isfits=`echo $1 | grep fits`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:35:	bzcomp=`echo $1 | grep \.bz2`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:36:	gzcomp=`echo $1 | grep \.gz`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:37:	zcomp=`echo $1 | grep \.Z`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-38-	#echo isfits: $isfits
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-74-	else
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:75:	    args=`echo $args $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-76-	fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-79-    else
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1:80:	args=`echo $args $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead1-81-    fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-38-    # Set full pathname to list of files if list file encountered
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:39:    fromfile=`isimlist $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:40:    isfits=`echo $1 | grep fits`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-41-    if test $fromfile
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-64-    else
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:65:	args=`echo $args $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:76:for file in `cat $fromfile`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-77-    do
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-81-	fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:82:    bzcomp=`echo $file | grep \.bz2`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:83:    gzcomp=`echo $file | grep \.gz`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:84:    zcomp=`echo $file | grep \.Z`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-85-    if test $bzcomp
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-88-	   then
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:89:	   filein=`echo $dir/$file`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-90-	else
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-92-	fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:93:#	file=`echo $file | sed s/\.bz2//`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:94:#	file=`echo $file | sed s/\\\//_/`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:95:#	sedarg1=`echo -e s/stdin/$file/`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-96-#	sedarg2=`echo -e s/_/\\\//`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-107-	   then
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:108:	   file=`echo $dir/$file`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-109-	   fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-118-	   then
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:119:	   file=`echo $dir/$file`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-120-	   fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-128-    fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead:129:    args=`echo $args | sed s/-h//`
wcstools-3.9.6/zgethead-130-    done
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-41-	vb=true
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:42:	args=`echo $args -v`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-55-    else
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:56:	listfile=`isimlist $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:57:	isfits=`echo $1 | grep fits`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-58-	if test $listfile
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-78-	else
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:79:	    args=`echo $args $1`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-80-	fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:94:for file in `cat $fromfile`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-95-    do
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-99-	fi
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:100:    bzcomp=`echo $file | grep \.bz2`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:101:    gzcomp=`echo $file | grep \.gz`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:102:    zcomp=`echo $file | grep \.Z`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-106-	then
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead:107:	filein=`echo $dir/$file`
wcstools-3.9.6/zimhead-108-    else
wcstools-3.9.6/httpget.c:355:    if (!(hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &addr->sin_addr, sizeof(addr->sin_addr)
wcstools-3.9.6/httpget.c-356-                        , AF_INET))) {
wcstools-3.9.6/httpscat.c:247:    if (!(hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &addr->sin_addr, sizeof(addr->sin_addr)
wcstools-3.9.6/httpscat.c-248-                        , AF_INET))) {
wcstools-3.9.6/debian/rules-35-	  if [ ! -f man/man1/$$i.1 ] ; then \
wcstools-3.9.6/debian/rules:36:	    NAME=`fgrep $$i wcstools | sed "s/:/ \\\\- /"` ; \
wcstools-3.9.6/debian/rules-37-	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:libwcs help2man --no-discard-stderr --version-string="$DEB_SOURCE" -N -h "" -n "$NAME" bin/$$i | fgrep -v WCSTools > man/man_generated/$$i.1 ; \