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          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
whatweb-0.5.3/README.md-74-$ $$     $$$ $ $$  $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$     $$$ $ $$   $$ $ $$$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/README.md:75:$ `$     $$$ $ `$  $$$ $ `$  $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$     $$$ $ `$      $ `$  $$$'
whatweb-0.5.3/README.md-76-$. $     $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$  $. $  :' $. $     $$$ $. $$$$   $. $$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner:56:	if [ -z "`which $c`" ]; then
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-57-		echo "$c not found. Aborting"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-84-# find whatweb
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner:85:WHATWEB=`dirname "$0"`"/../whatweb"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-89-g=`tempfile -d . --prefix scan- --suffix -nmp`
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner:90:h=`tempfile -d . --prefix scan- --suffix "-$CC"`
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-109-	#rm -f "$g"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner:110:	echo "[*] Found "`wc -l "$f" |cut -d ' ' -f 1`" IPs with TCP port 80 open"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-111-	echo
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-116-	echo
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner:117:	FOUND=`wc -l "$h" | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/country-scanner-118-	#rm -f "$f"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto-21-grep -A 999999 "Start Time:" "$fname" | egrep -o "^+.*(/[^:]+)" | cut -d/ -f 2-|cut -d: -f 1| sed 's/^/\//g' > "$tfile"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto:22:hostname=`egrep "+ Target (Host|Hostname): " "$fname" | cut -d : -f2 | tr -d ' '`
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto:23:port=`grep "+ Target Port: " "$fname"|  cut -d : -f2 | tr -d ' '`
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto-32-echo "Checking Nikto Log: $fname"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto:33:echo "Running whatweb on $prefix$hostname:$port with `wc -l $tfile` url paths"
whatweb-0.5.3/addons/verify-nikto-34-whatweb --log-brief "$tlog" -p+ -i $tfile --url-prefix "$prefix$hostname:$port" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
whatweb-0.5.3/lib/whatweb/banner.rb-22-$ $$     $$$ $ $$  $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$     $$$ $ $$   $$ $ $$$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/lib/whatweb/banner.rb:23:$ `$     $$$ $ `$  $$$ $ `$  $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$     $$$ $ `$      $ `$  $$$'
whatweb-0.5.3/lib/whatweb/banner.rb-24-$. $     $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$  $. $  :' $. $     $$$ $. $$$$   $. $$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/plugin-development/wget-list:12:for i in `cat $1` ; do
whatweb-0.5.3/plugin-development/wget-list:13: u=$i; f=`echo $i | sed 's/http:\/\///g' | sed 's/\//-/g'`
whatweb-0.5.3/plugin-development/wget-list-14-# wget -U "$AGENT" -t 2 -O $f.html $u
whatweb-0.5.3/.pc/lib_path.patch/whatweb-5-# $ $$     $$$ $ $$  $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$     $$$ $ $$   $$ $ $$$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/.pc/lib_path.patch/whatweb:6:# $ `$     $$$ $ `$  $$$ $ `$  $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$     $$$ $ `$      $ `$  $$$'
whatweb-0.5.3/.pc/lib_path.patch/whatweb-7-# $. $     $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$  $. $  :' $. $     $$$ $. $$$$   $. $$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/whatweb-5-# $ $$     $$$ $ $$  $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$     $$$ $ $$   $$ $ $$$$$$.
whatweb-0.5.3/whatweb:6:# $ `$     $$$ $ `$  $$$ $ `$  $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$     $$$ $ `$      $ `$  $$$'
whatweb-0.5.3/whatweb-7-# $. $     $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$  $. $  :' $. $     $$$ $. $$$$   $. $$$$$.