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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-81-      print "Turning off swap partition...\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl:82:      system ($swapoff_cmd . " " . $to_wipe) and
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-83-	die "Failed to turn off swap partition.\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-85-    }
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl:86:    system ($wipe_cmd . " " . $to_wipe) and die "Failed to wipe.\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-87-    print "Recreating swap partition...\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl:88:    system ($mkswap_cmd . " " . $to_wipe) and
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-89-      die "Failed to recreate swap partition.\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-91-      print "Turning on swap partition...\n";
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl:92:      system ($swapon_cmd . " " . $to_wipe) and
wipe-0.24/examples/wswap.pl-93-	die "Failed to turn on swap partition.\n";