                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:13:16	video.asm	pretend not a vga
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-14-22	lorenz.c	force float for 3D perspective
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-21-92 	parser.c	print out list of FRM files searched
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:22:94      parsera.asm     Use old buggy pwr()
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-23-94      mpmath_c.c      Use old buggy pwr()
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-25-96      parserfp.c      write debug messages to disk files(3)
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:26:100	calcmand.asm	force use of 'code32bit' logic
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-27-110     cmdfiles.c      turns off first-time initialization of variables
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-53-2870	fractint.c	set fpu to max 287
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:54:3000	general.asm	'~' goes to color play mode
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-55-3002	realdos.c	don't show development in heading
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-68-                        parameter is zero
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:69:8088	general.asm	set cpu = 86, ie dont use 32 bit stuff
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt:70:8088	fractint.c	set cpu = 86, (case in general.asm is redundant?)
xfractint-20.4.10/debugfla.txt-71-9002-9100 fractint.c	reduce video_type to (debug-9000)/2 if init was higher
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/xfract_a.inc-52-;  The following defines change the format of the fpu instructions from
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/xfract_a.inc:53:;  the nasm style to the Intel style
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/xfract_a.inc-54-%ifdef NEED_PARENS
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/calmanfx.asm:2:; calmanp5.asm - pentium floating point version of the calcmand.asm file
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/calmanfx.asm:5:; This code started from calmanfp.asm as a base.  This provided the code that
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/calmanfx.asm-6-; takes care of the overhead that is needed to interface with the Fractint
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/video.c:326:; PUTSTR.asm puts a string directly to video display memory. Called from C by:
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/video.c-327-;    putstring(row, col, attr, string) where
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/video.c-332-;    by Bob Montgomery, Orlando, Fla.             7-11-88
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/video.c:333:;    Adapted for MASM 5.1 by Tim Wegner          12-11-89
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/video.c-334-;    Furthur mucked up to handle graphics
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/Makefile-47-ifeq ($(AS),/usr/bin/nasm)
xfractint-20.4.10/unix/Makefile:48:calmanfx.o: calmanfx.asm xfract_a.inc
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/port.h-327-/* #define DO_NOT_USE_LONG_DOUBLE */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/port.h:328:/* #define USE_BIGNUM_C_CODE */  /* ASM code requires using long double */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/fractint.h-71-                                /* NOTE:  IF AX==BX==CX==0, SEE BELOW   */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/fractint.h:72:        int     dotmode;        /* video access method used by asm code */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/fractint.h-73-                                /*      1 == BIOS 10H, AH=12,13 (SLOW)  */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/lsys.h-10-#define size    ssize
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/lsys.h:11:/* Needed for use of asm -- helps decide which pointer to function
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/lsys.h-12- * to put into the struct lsys_cmds.
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/lsys.h:64:/* routines in lsysa.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/lsys.h:76:/* routines in lsysaf.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/big.h:170:/* functions defined in bignuma.asm or bignumc.c */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/big.h-171-extern bn_t clear_bn(bn_t r);
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/big.h:196:/* used to be in bigflta.asm or bigfltc.c */
xfractint-20.4.10/headers/big.h-197-extern bf_t clear_bf(bf_t r);
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-58-Recognizing that not everyone HAS (or even wants) an assembler, much less
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:59:either MASM 5.1 or Turbo-ASM, which are the only two assemblers that the
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-60-authors are aware of that can handle these particular files, it also contains
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:75:Microsoft C 6.00A and MASM 5.1:
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-79-.OBJ files have been included in the .ZIP file, so that you don't really
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:80:need MASM unless you are going to modify one or more of them.  If you ARE
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-81-going to modify one of the assembler files, note that the distributed
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-82-versions rely on some nifty features added to version 5.1 (like the '.model
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:83:medium,c' option) and will not assemble under older versions of MASM without
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-84-a LOT of work.
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-233- FRACSUBA.ASM
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:234:CALCMAND.ASM	- Mandelbrot/Julia set calculations.
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:235:NEWTON.ASM	- Newton calculations
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-236-LORENZ.C	- Attractor fractals and IFS
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:248:VIDEO.ASM	- Assembler code containing all of the video routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-249-		  (setting up the video, reading/writing pixels, zoom-box
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-254- TARGA.H,	  ...
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:255:FR8514A.ASM	- 8514/A Routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-256-TPLUS.C 	- Targa+ video routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-257- TPLUS.H	  ...
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:258: TPLUS_A.ASM	  ...
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:259:HGCFRA.ASM	- Hercules Video Routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-260-DISKVID.C	- "DISK'RAM" video routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:263:GENERAL.ASM	- General assembler code having nothing to do with fractals.
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-264-		  Lots of the tricky stuff is in here, and many of the "C"
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt-294-PRINTER.C,	- The Printer Routines
xfractint-20.4.10/fractsrc.txt:295: PRINTERA.ASM	  Data used by PRINTER.C
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile-101-# Note that because of the differences between the assembler syntaxes,
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile:102:#  nasm is the only one that will work.
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile-103-AS = foo
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile-116-#For Solaris, use CFLAGS = -I. -I/usr/openwin/include $(DEFINES) -g
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile:117:#If you have the nasm assembler on your system add -DNASM to CFLAGS
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile:121:CFLAGS = -I$(HFD) $(DEFINES) -g -DBIG_ANSI_C -DLINUX -DNASM -fno-builtin
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile-122-#CFLAGS = -I. -D_CONST $(DEFINES)
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile-123-#CFLAGS = -I$(HFD) $(DEFINES) -g -DBIG_ANSI_C -DLINUX \
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile:124:#         -march=$(ARCH) -DNASM -fno-builtin
xfractint-20.4.10/Makefile:125:#CFLAGS = -I. $(DEFINES) -g -DBIG_ANSI_C -DLINUX -Os -DNASM -fno-builtin
xfractint-20.4.10/read.me:2:Fractint 20.4 complete C and ASM source for
xfractint-20.4.10/read.me-3-the DOS-based fractal generator. Requires
xfractint-20.4.10/read.me-4-Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 or later or Borland C/C++
xfractint-20.4.10/read.me:5:3.1 or later. Object code of ASM modules 
xfractint-20.4.10/read.me-6-supplied so an assembler is not required.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c-15-                 will typically be empty (in which case the AX/BX/CX/DX values
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c:16:                 in FRACTINT.CFG or FARVIDEO.ASM must be encoded appropriately
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c-17-                 to accomplish the task), but some adapters like the 8514/A
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c-20-                 AX = 0xFF so as to effectively convert the regular
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c:21:                 video-switching code inside VIDEO.ASM to use
xfractint-20.4.10/common/yourvid.c-22-                 an invalid INT 10H call - "do-nothing" logic.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parserfp.c:160:typedef void (near NEW_FN)(void);  /* new 387-only ASM functions  */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parserfp.c:1258:extern int fform_per_pixel(void);       /* these fns are in parsera.asm  */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parserfp.c-1259-extern int BadFormula(void);
xfractint-20.4.10/common/calcfrac.c-9-  FRACSUBR.C    assorted subroutines belonging mainly to calcfrac.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/calcfrac.c:10:  CALCMAND.ASM  fast Mandelbrot/Julia integer implementation
xfractint-20.4.10/common/calcfrac.c-11-Additional fractal-specific modules are also invoked from CALCFRAC:
xfractint-20.4.10/common/calcfrac.c:1663:   /* setup values from far array to avoid using es reg in calcmand.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/calcfrac.c-1664-   linitx = lxpixel();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c-212- *
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c:213: *  920501 Hans Wolfgang Schulze converted from printera.asm for xfractint.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c-214- *         (hans@garfield.metal2.polymtl.ca)
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c-533-                  colors so that they look the same.  For this we use HP's
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c:534:                  color values in printera.asm and modify by gamma separately
xfractint-20.4.10/common/printer.c-535-                  for each of red/green/blue.  This mapping is ok if the
xfractint-20.4.10/common/common.mak:47:# only used for non ASM version
xfractint-20.4.10/common/common.mak-48-#bignumc.obj : bignumc.c $(HFD)\big.h
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractint.c:227:   initasmvars();                       /* initialize ASM stuff */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractint.c-228-   InitMemory();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c-169-                outp( SRCREG,  cnt + 1 );
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c:170:                erasesegment(targa.memloc,0);  /** general.asm **/
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c-171-        }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c-230-        /****************/
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c:231:        /* note that video.asm has already set the regualar video adapter */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/targa.c-232-        /* to text mode (ax in Targa table entries is 3);                 */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c-1175-/*** initial version: Winter '91                                        ***/
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c:1176:/***    Fall '92 integration of Nicholas Wilt's ASM speedups            ***/
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c-1177-/***    Jan 93' integration with calcfrac() yielding boundary tracing,  ***/
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c-1590-  /* needed in each array (max screen width + 1) */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c:1591:   cell_array[0] = (BYTE *)&dstack[0]; /* dstack is in general.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscfrac.c:1592:   cell_array[1] = (BYTE *)&boxy[0]; /* boxy is in general.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/3d.c-229-/* must coordinate calling conventions with */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/3d.c:230:/* mult_vec in general.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/3d.c-231-void mult_vec(VECTOR s)
xfractint-20.4.10/common/realdos.c:1658:/* savegraphics/restoregraphics: video.asm subroutines */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:474:#ifdef XFRACT /* fractint uses the NewtonFractal2 code in newton.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-653-   Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 322 */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:654:   /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-680-   Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 331, example 4.2 */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:681:   /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-750-   /* floating point version of classical Mandelbrot/Julia */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:751:   /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-752-   new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-760-   /* variation of classical Mandelbrot/Julia */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:761:   /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-2444-   /* From Art Matrix via Lee Skinner */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:2445:   /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-2446-   new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + tmp.x + floatparm->x;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-2538-#ifdef XFRACT
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c:2539:/* this code translated to asm - lives in newton.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/fractals.c-2540-/* transform points with reciprocal function */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/decoder.c-25- ==    independent chunks of code.  Also, 'stack' was renamed to 'dstack'
xfractint-20.4.10/common/decoder.c:26: ==    for TASM compatibility.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/decoder.c-27- ==
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-20-/*      Chuck Ebbert (CompuServe [76306,1226] ) changed code marked 'CAE fp'    */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c:21:/*   for fast 387 floating-point math.  See PARSERA.ASM and PARSERFP.C */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-22-/*   (13 Dec 1992.)  */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c:189:/* CAE fp  made some of the following non-static for PARSERA.ASM */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-190-/* Some of these variables should be renamed for safety */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-3790-int BadFormula(void) {
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c:3791:   /*  moved from Parsera.Asm by CAE  12 July 1993  */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-3853-            && !Randomized)
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c:3854:         return CvtStk(); /* run fast assembler code in parsera.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-3855-      return RunFormRes;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c-3866-         && !Randomized)
xfractint-20.4.10/common/parser.c:3867:      return CvtStk(); /* run fast assembler code in parsera.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/comwin.mak:45:# only used for non ASM version
xfractint-20.4.10/common/comwin.mak-46-#bignumc.obj : bignumc.c $(HFD)\big.h
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscovl.c:1566:   char adapter_name[8];        /* entry lenth from VIDEO.ASM */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/miscovl.c-1567-   char *adapter_ptr;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/cmdfiles.c-1145-         int i, j;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/cmdfiles.c:1146:         char adapter_name[8];          /* entry lenth from VIDEO.ASM */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/cmdfiles.c-1147-         char *adapter_ptr;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-249-              calcmandfpasmstart_p5();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:250:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_p5;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-251-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-254-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:255:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_287;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-256-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-260-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:261:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_87;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-262-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-268-              calcmandfpasmstart_p5();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:269:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_p5;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-270-            }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-274-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:275:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_c;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-276-            }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-388-              calcmandfpasmstart_p5();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:389:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_p5;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-390-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-393-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:394:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_287;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-395-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-398-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:399:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_87;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-400-           }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-406-              calcmandfpasmstart_p5();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:407:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_p5;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-408-            }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-412-              calcmandfpasmstart();
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c:413:              calcmandfpasm = (long (*)(void))calcmandfpasm_c;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/frasetup.c-414-            }
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c-127-/*                                                                      */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c:128:/* 2) bignuma.asm - hand coded assembler routines.                      */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c-129-/*                                                                      */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c:130:/* 3) bignumc.c - portable C versions of routines in bignuma.asm        */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c-131-/*                                                                      */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c-453-#ifndef USE_BIGNUM_C_CODE
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c:454:    /* Only use this when using the ASM code as the C version of  */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignum.c-455-    /* floattobf() calls floattobn(), an infinite recursive loop. */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignumc.c:1:/* bignumc.c - C routines equivalent to ASM routines in bignuma.asm */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignumc.c-19- 32 bit integers must be used when doing 16 bit math.  All we really
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignumc.c:20: need is one more bit, such as is provided in asm with the carry bit.
xfractint-20.4.10/common/bignumc.c-21- Functions that don't need the test for over/underflow, such as cmp_bn()
xfractint-20.4.10/common/biginit.c-75-    bnstep = 2;
xfractint-20.4.10/common/biginit.c:76:#else /* use 80x86 asm code */
xfractint-20.4.10/common/biginit.c-77-    if (cpu >= 386)
xfractint-20.4.10/dos_help/help5.src-3576-  Improved <H>elp and sound routines (even a "SOUND=off" argument)\
xfractint-20.4.10/dos_help/help5.src:3577:  Turbo-C and TASM compatibility (really!  Would we lie to you?)
xfractint-20.4.10/dos_help/help.src-596-  Xfractint.  To use it, it is necessary to place the command line switch
xfractint-20.4.10/dos_help/help.src:597:  fpu=387 in your sstools.ini file.  The NASM assembler was used, but if you
xfractint-20.4.10/dos_help/help.src-598-  don't have it available, not to worry, the object file is included.