                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
xxhash-0.8.0/.gitignore:29:# Wasm / emcc / emscripten artefacts
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile-31-SED_ERE_OPT ?= -E
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile:32:LIBVER_MAJOR_SCRIPT:=`$(SED) -n '/define XXH_VERSION_MAJOR/s/.*[[:blank:]]\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p' < xxhash.h`
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile:33:LIBVER_MINOR_SCRIPT:=`$(SED) -n '/define XXH_VERSION_MINOR/s/.*[[:blank:]]\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p' < xxhash.h`
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile:34:LIBVER_PATCH_SCRIPT:=`$(SED) -n '/define XXH_VERSION_RELEASE/s/.*[[:blank:]]\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p' < xxhash.h`
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile-35-LIBVER_MAJOR := $(shell echo $(LIBVER_MAJOR_SCRIPT))
xxhash-0.8.0/Makefile:366:	! $(GREP) -E "`printf '[ \\t]$$'`" xxhsum.1 *.c *.h LICENSE Makefile cmake_unofficial/CMakeLists.txt
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-2190- *
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h:2191: * Credit: large sections of the vectorial and asm source code paths
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-2192- *         have been contributed by @easyaspi314
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3217-         *   - use less common registers, and avoid pushing these reg into stack
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h:3218:         * The asm hack causes Clang to assume that XXH3_kSecretPtr aliases with
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3219-         * customSecret, and on aarch64, this prevented LDP from merging two
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3564-     *          STR
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h:3565:     * By forcing loads from memory (as the asm line causes Clang to assume
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3566-     * that XXH3_kSecretPtr has been changed), the pipelines are used more
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3579-    /*
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h:3580:     * Note: in debug mode, this overrides the asm optimization
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3581-     * and Clang will emit MOVK chains again.
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3588-            /*
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h:3589:             * The asm hack causes Clang to assume that kSecretPtr aliases with
xxhash-0.8.0/xxhash.h-3590-             * customSecret, and on aarch64, this prevented LDP from merging two