Package ij.gui

Class Plot

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Plot
extends Object
implements Cloneable
This class creates an image that line graphs, scatter plots and plots of vector fields (arrows) can be drawn on and displayed. Note that the clone() operation is a shallow clone: objects like arrays, the PlotProperties, PlotObjects, the ImagePlus etc. of the clone remain the same as those of the original.
Wayne Rasband, Philippe CARL, CNRS, philippe.carl (AT) (log axes, arrows, ArrayList data), Norbert Vischer (overlay range arrows, 'R'eset range, filled plots, dynamic plots, boxes and whiskers), Michael Schmid (axis grid/ticks, resizing/panning/changing range, high-resolution, serialization)
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int AUTO_POSITION
    Legend positions
    static int BAR
    Draw a histogram bar for each point (bars touch each other unless the x axis has categories set via the axis label.
    static int BOTTOM_LEFT
    Legend positions
    static int BOTTOM_MARGIN
    Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area
    static int BOTTOM_RIGHT
    Legend positions
    static int BOX
    Display points using a square box-shaped mark.
    static int CENTER
    Text justification.
    static int CIRCLE
    Display points using a circle (5 pixels in diameter if line thickness<=1, otherwise 7).
    static int CONNECTED_CIRCLES
    Draw black lines between the dots and a circle with the given color at each dot
    static int COPY_AXIS_STYLE
    Flag for copying from a template: copy axis style
    static int COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE
    Flag for copying from a template: copy contents style
    static int COPY_LABELS
    Flag for copying from a template: copy style & text of axis labels
    static int COPY_LEGEND
    Flag for copying from a template: copy legend
    static int COPY_SIZE
    Flag for copying from a template: copy plot size
    static int CROSS
    Display points using an cross-shaped mark.
    static int CUSTOM
    Draw shape using macro code
    static int DEFAULT_FLAGS
    The default axisFlags, will be modified by PlotWindow.noGridLines and PlotWindow.noTicks (see getDefaultFlags)
    static int DIAMOND
    Display points using an diamond-shaped mark.
    static int DOT
    Display points using a single pixel.
    static int FILLED
    Fill area between line plot and x-axis at y=0.
    static int LEFT
    Text justification.
    static int LEFT_MARGIN
    Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area
    static int LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP
    Legend has its curves in bottom-to-top sequence (otherwise top to bottom)
    Legend erases background (otherwise transparent)
    static int LINE
    Connect points with solid lines.
    static int MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT
    minimum width of frame area in plot
    static int MIN_FRAMEWIDTH
    minimum width of frame area in plot
    static String PROPERTY_KEY
    key in ImagePlus properties to access the plot behind an ImagePlus
    static int RIGHT
    Text justification.
    static int RIGHT_MARGIN
    Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area
    static int SEPARATED_BAR
    Draw a free-standing bar for each point.
    static int TOP_LEFT
    Legend positions
    static int TOP_MARGIN
    Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area
    static int TOP_RIGHT
    Legend positions
    static int TRIANGLE
    Display points using an tiangular mark.
    static int X
    Display points using an X-shaped mark.
    static int X_FORCE2GRID
    flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in x direction (results in unused space)
    static int X_GRID
    flag for drawing vertical grid lines for x axis
    static int X_LOG_NUMBERS
    flag for logarithmic x-axis
    static int X_LOG_TICKS
    flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic x axis
    static int X_MINOR_TICKS
    flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis
    static int X_NUMBERS
    flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks
    static int X_RANGE
    Flag for addressing the x axis, for copying from a template: copy/write x axis range.
    static int X_TICKS
    flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis
    static int Y_FORCE2GRID
    flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in y direction (results in unused space)
    static int Y_GRID
    flag for drawing horizontal grid lines for y axis
    static int Y_LOG_NUMBERS
    flag for logarithmic y axis
    static int Y_LOG_TICKS
    flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic y axis
    static int Y_MINOR_TICKS
    flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis
    static int Y_NUMBERS
    flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks
    static int Y_RANGE
    Flag for addressing the y axis, for copying from a template: copy/write y axis range
    static int Y_TICKS
    flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Plot​(ImagePlus imp, InputStream is)
    Constructs a new plot from an InputStream and closes the stream.
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel)
    Constructs a new Plot with the default options.
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] x, double[] y)
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] x, double[] y, int flags)
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] x, float[] y)
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, int flags)
    Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, int flags)
    This version of the constructor has a 'flags' argument for controlling whether ticks, grid, etc.
    Plot​(String dummy, String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] x, float[] y)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void add​(String type, double[] yvalues)
    Adds a curve, set of points or error bars to this plot, where 'type' is "line", "connected circle", "filled", "bar", "separated bar", "circle", "box", "triangle", "diamond", "cross", "x", "dot", "error bars" or "xerror bars".
    void add​(String type, double[] xvalues, double[] yvalues)
    Adds a curve or set of points to this plot, where 'type' is "line", "connected circle", "filled", "bar", "separated bar", "circle", "box", "triangle", "diamond", "cross", "x" or "dot".
    void addErrorBars​(double[] errorBars)
    Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    void addErrorBars​(float[] errorBars)
    Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    void addErrorBars​(String dummy, float[] errorBars)  
    void addHistogram​(double[] values)
    Plots a histogram from an array using auto-binning.
    void addHistogram​(double[] values, double binWidth)
    Plots a histogram from an array using the specified bin width.
    void addHistogram​(double[] values, double binWidth, double binCenter)
    Plots a histogram of the value distribution (bin counts) from an array
    void addHorizontalErrorBars​(double[] xErrorBars)
    Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    void addHorizontalErrorBars​(float[] xErrorBars)
    Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    void addLabel​(double x, double y, String label)
    Draws text at the specified location, where (0,0) is the upper left corner of the the plot frame and (1,1) is the lower right corner.
    void addLegend​(String labels)
    Adds an automatically positioned legend, where 'labels' can be a tab-delimited or newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added.
    void addLegend​(String labels, String options)
    Adds a legend at the position given in 'options', where 'labels' can be tab-delimited or newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added.
    int addObjectFromPlot​(Plot plot, int i)
    Add the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones) from another plot to this one.
    void addPoints​(double[] x, double[] y, double[] errorBars, int shape)
    Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
    void addPoints​(double[] x, double[] y, int shape)
    Adds a set of points to the plot using double arrays.
    void addPoints​(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, String label)
    Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
    void addPoints​(float[] x, float[] y, int shape)
    Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
    void addPoints​(String dummy, float[] x, float[] y, int shape)  
    void addPoints​(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, int shape)
    Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
    void addPoints​(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, ArrayList errorBars, int shape)
    Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
    void addText​(String label, double x, double y)  
    void addToStack()
    Appends the current plot to a virtual stack and resets allPlotObjects for next slice N.
    void adjustCalibration​(Calibration cal)
    Adjusts a Calibration object to fit the current axes.
    void appendToStack()  
    static double calculateDistance​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)  
    void changeFont​(Font font)  
    double descaleX​(int x)
    Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates.
    double descaleY​(int y)
    Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates.
    void dispose()
    Releases the ImageProcessor and ImagePlus associated with the plot.
    void draw()
    Draws the plot specified for the first time.
    void drawArrow​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double size)
    Use as a public method is not supported any more because it is incompatible with rescaling
    void drawDottedLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int step)  
    void drawLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)  
    void drawNormalizedLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    Draws a line using a normalized 0-1, 0-1 coordinate system, with (0,0) at the top left and (1,1) at the lower right corner.
    void drawShapes​(String shapeType, ArrayList floatCoords)
    Adds a set of 'shapes' such as boxes and whiskers
    void drawVectors​(double[] x1, double[] y1, double[] x2, double[] y2)
    Adds a set of points that will be drawn as ARROWs.
    void drawVectors​(ArrayList x1, ArrayList y1, ArrayList x2, ArrayList y2)
    Adds a set of vectors to the plot using double ArrayLists.
    float[][] getDataObjectArrays​(int index)
    Get the data of the n-th Plot Object containing xy data in the sequence they were added (Other Plot Objects such as labels, arrows, lines, shapes and hidden PlotObjects are not counted).
    String[] getDataObjectDesignations()
    Gets an array with human-readable designations of the PlotObjects containing xy data in the sequence they were added.
    static int getDefaultFlags()
    The default flags, taking PlotWindow.noGridLines, PlotWindow.noTicks into account
    double[] getDoubleFromArrayList​(ArrayList list)  
    Rectangle getDrawingFrame()
    Returns the rectangle where the data are plotted.
    int getFlags()
    Returns the flags that control the axes
    ImagePlus getImagePlus()
    Returns the plot as an ImagePlus.
    String getLabel​(char c)
    Gets the label String of the xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y') or the legend ('l').
    double[] getLimits()
    Returns the current limits as an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax.
    Dimension getMinimumSize()
    The minimum plot size including borders, in pixels (at scale=1)
    int getNumPlotObjects()
    Returns the number of PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...) passed with the constructor or added by 'add' or 'draw' methods.
    String[] getPlotObjectDesignations()
    Gets an array with human-readable designations of the PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...) in the sequence they were added (the object passed with the constructor is first, even though it is plotted last).
    int getPlotObjectIndex​(float[][] values)
    Returns the index of the first plot object with x,y data (points, line) or arrows with all data equal to those given.
    String getPlotObjectLabel​(int i)
    Get the label the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones).
    String getPlotObjectStyle​(int i)
    Get the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence they were added (including hidden ones), as String with comma delimiters: Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] [,hidden]
    ImageProcessor getProcessor()
    Draws the plot (if not done before) in an ImageProcessor and returns the ImageProcessor with the plot.
    ResultsTable getResultsTable()
    Creates a ResultsTable with the plot data.
    ResultsTable getResultsTable​(boolean writeFirstXColumn)
    Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot.
    ResultsTable getResultsTableWithLabels()
    Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot.
    Dimension getSize()
    The size of the plot including borders with axis labels etc., in pixels
    PlotVirtualStack getStack()
    Returns the virtual stack created by addToStack().
    String getTitle()
    Returns the title of the image showing the plot (if any) or title of the plot
    String[] getTypes()
    Returns an array of the available curve types ("Line", "Bar", "Circle", etc).
    float[] getXValues()
    Get the x coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null) or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'.
    float[] getYValues()
    Get the y coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null) or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'.
    boolean isFrozen()  
    void killPlotObjectsSnapshot()
    Deletes the snapshot of the plot contents to make space
    ImagePlus makeHighResolution​(String title, float scale, boolean antialiasedText, boolean showIt)
    Creates a new high-resolution plot by scaling it and displays that plot if showIt is true.
    void redrawGrid()  
    void replace​(int index, String type, double[] xvalues, double[] yvalues)
    Replaces the specified plot object (curve or set of points).
    void restorePlotObjects()
    Restores the plot contents (not including axis formats etc) from the snapshot previously created by savePlotObjects().
    void savePlotObjects()
    Creates a snapshot of the plot contents (not including axis formats etc), for later undo by restorePlotObjects.
    double scaleXtoPxl​(double x)
    Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates.
    double scaleYtoPxl​(double y)
    Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates.
    void setAntialiasedText​(boolean antialiasedText)
    Determines whether to use antialiased text (default true)
    void setAxes​(boolean xLog, boolean yLog, boolean xTicks, boolean yTicks, boolean xMinorTicks, boolean yMinorTicks, int tickLenght, int minorTickLenght)
    Sets the properties of the axes.
    void setAxisLabelFont​(int style, float size)
    Sets the size of the x and y label font size and style.
    void setAxisXLog​(boolean axisXLog)
    Sets the X Axis format to Log or Linear.
    void setAxisYLog​(boolean axisYLog)
    Sets the Y Axis format to Log or Linear.
    void setBackgroundColor​(Color c)
    Set the plot frame background color.
    void setBackgroundColor​(String c)
    Set the plot frame background color.
    void setColor​(Color c)
    Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    void setColor​(Color c, Color c2)
    Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    void setColor​(String color)  
    void setColor​(String c1, String c2)
    Sets the drawing colors for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    void setFont​(int style, float size)
    Sets the font size and style for all following addLabel() etc.
    void setFont​(Font font)
    Sets the font for all following addLabel() etc.
    void setFormatFlags​(int flags)
    Sets the flags that control the axes format.
    void setFrameSize​(int width, int height)
    Sets the plot frame size in (unscaled) pixels.
    void setFrozen​(boolean frozen)
    Freezes or unfreezes the plot.
    void setImagePlus​(ImagePlus imp)
    Sets the ImagePlus where the plot will be displayed.
    void setJustification​(int justification)
    Sets the justification used by addLabel(), where justification is Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT.
    void setLabel​(int index, String label)
    Sets the label for the plot object nuber 'index' in the sequence they were added.
    void setLegend​(String labels, int flags)
    Adds a legend.
    void setLimits​(double[] limits)
    Sets the current limits from an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax The array may be also longer or shorter, but should not contain NaN values.
    void setLimits​(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax)
    Sets the x-axis and y-axis range.
    void setLimitsToDefaults​(boolean updateImg)
    Sets the plot range to the initial value determined from minima&maxima or given by setLimits.
    void setLimitsToFit​(boolean updateImg)
    Sets the plot range to encompass all data.
    void setLineWidth​(float lineWidth)
    Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    void setLineWidth​(int lineWidth)
    Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    void setLogScaleX()
    Sets log scale in x.
    void setLogScaleY()  
    void setMaxIntervals​(int intervals)
    Sets the maximum number of intervals in a plot.
    void setMinorTickLength​(int minorTickLength)
    Sets the length of the minor tick in pixels.
    void setPlotMaker​(PlotMaker plotMaker)  
    void setPlotObjectLabel​(int i, String label)
    Set the label the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones)
    void setPlotObjectStyle​(int i, String styleString)  
    void setPreviousMinMax()
    reverts plot range to previous values and updates the image
    void setScale​(float scale)
    Sets the scale.
    void setSize​(int width, int height)
    Sets the canvas size in (unscaled) pixels and sets the scale to 1.0.
    void setStyle​(int index, String style)
    Sets the style of the specified PlotObject (curve, label, etc.) from a comma-delimited string ("color1,color2,lineWidth[,symbol][,hidden]"), where "color2" can be "none" and "symbol" and "hidden" are optional.
    void setTickLength​(int tickLength)
    Sets the length of the major tick in pixels.
    void setXLabelFont​(Font font)
    Sets the xLabelFont; must not be mull.
    void setXMinorTicks​(boolean xMinorTicks)
    Sets whether to show minor ticks on the x axis (if linear).
    void setXTicks​(boolean xTicks)
    Sets whether to show major ticks at the x axis.
    void setXYLabels​(String xLabel, String yLabel)
    Sets the labels of the x and y axes.
    void setYLabelFont​(Font font)
    Sets the yLabelFont; must not be null.
    void setYMinorTicks​(boolean yMinorTicks)
    Sets whether to show minor ticks on the y axis (if linear).
    void setYTicks​(boolean yTicks)
    Sets whether to show major ticks at the y axis.
    PlotWindow show()
    Displays the plot in a PlotWindow.
    byte[] toByteArray()
    Writes this plot into a byte array containing (1) the serialized PlotProperties and (2) the serialized Vector of all 'added' PlotObjects.
    static int toShape​(String str)
    Returns the number for a given plot symbol shape, -1 for xError and -2 for yError (all case-insensitive)
    void update()
    Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen.
    void updateImage()
    Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen.
    void useTemplate​(Plot plot)
    Adjusts the format with another plot as a template, using the current (usually default) flags of this plot.
    void useTemplate​(Plot plot, int templateFlags)
    Adjusts the format (style) with another plot as a template.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel)
      Constructs a new Plot with the default options. Use add(shape,xvalues,yvalues) to add curves.
      title - the window title
      xLabel - the x-axis label; see setXYLabels for seting categories on an axis via the label
      yLabel - the y-axis label; see setXYLabels for seting categories on an axis via the label
      See Also:
      add(String,double[],double[]), add(String,double[])
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] x, float[] y)
      Obsolete, replaced by "new Plot(title,xLabel,yLabel); add(shape,x,y);".
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] x, double[] y)
      Obsolete, replaced by "new Plot(title,xLabel,yLabel); add(shape,x,y);".
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, int flags)
      This version of the constructor has a 'flags' argument for controlling whether ticks, grid, etc. are present and whether the axes are logarithmic
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, int flags)
      Obsolete, replaced by "new Plot(title,xLabel,yLabel,flags); add(shape,x,y);".
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] x, double[] y, int flags)
      Obsolete, replaced by "new Plot(title,xLabel,yLabel,flags); add(shape,x,y);".
    • Plot

      public Plot​(ImagePlus imp, InputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      Constructs a new plot from an InputStream and closes the stream. If the ImagePlus is non-null, its title and ImageProcessor are used, but the image displayed is not modified.
    • Plot

      public Plot​(String dummy, String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] x, float[] y)
      Obsolete, replaced by "new Plot(title,xLabel,yLabel); add(shape,x,y);".
  • Method Details

    • toByteArray

      public byte[] toByteArray()
      Writes this plot into a byte array containing (1) the serialized PlotProperties and (2) the serialized Vector of all 'added' PlotObjects. The plot should have been drawn already. Returns null on error (which should never happen).
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Returns the title of the image showing the plot (if any) or title of the plot
    • setLimits

      public void setLimits​(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax)
      Sets the x-axis and y-axis range. Updates the image if existing. Accepts NaN values to indicate auto-range.
    • getLimits

      public double[] getLimits()
      Returns the current limits as an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax. (note that ImageJ versions before to 1.52i have returned incorrect values in case of log axes) Note that future versions might return a longer array (e.g. for y2 axis limits)
    • setLimits

      public void setLimits​(double[] limits)
      Sets the current limits from an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax The array may be also longer or shorter, but should not contain NaN values. Does not update the plot, does not save the old limits.
    • setSize

      public void setSize​(int width, int height)
      Sets the canvas size in (unscaled) pixels and sets the scale to 1.0. If the scale remains 1.0, this will be the size of the resulting ImageProcessor. When not called, the canvas size is adjusted for the plot frame size specified by setFrameSize or otherwise in Edit>Options>Plots.
    • getSize

      public Dimension getSize()
      The size of the plot including borders with axis labels etc., in pixels
    • setFrameSize

      public void setFrameSize​(int width, int height)
      Sets the plot frame size in (unscaled) pixels. This size does not include the borders with the axis labels. Also sets the scale to 1.0. This frame size in pixels divided by the data range defines the image scale. This method does not check for the minimum size MIN_FRAMEWIDTH, MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT. Note that the black frame will have an outer size that is one pixel larger (when plotted with a linewidth of one pixel).
    • getMinimumSize

      public Dimension getMinimumSize()
      The minimum plot size including borders, in pixels (at scale=1)
    • useTemplate

      public void useTemplate​(Plot plot)
      Adjusts the format with another plot as a template, using the current (usually default) flags of this plot. Used for keeping the style during 'Live' plotting (PlotMaker). plot may be null; then the call has no effect.
    • useTemplate

      public void useTemplate​(Plot plot, int templateFlags)
      Adjusts the format (style) with another plot as a template. Flags determine what to copy from the template; these can be COPY_SIZE, COPY_LABELS, COPY_AXIS_STYLE, COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE (hidden items are ignored), and COPY_LEGEND. plot may be null; then the call has no effect.
    • setScale

      public void setScale​(float scale)
      Sets the scale. Everything, including labels, line thicknesses, etc will be scaled by this factor. Also multiplies the plot size by this value. Used for 'Create high-resolution plot'. Should be called before creating the plot. Note that plots with a scale different from 1.0 must not be shown in a PlotWindow, but only as simple image in a normal ImageWindow.
    • setXYLabels

      public void setXYLabels​(String xLabel, String yLabel)
      Sets the labels of the x and y axes. 'xLabel', 'yLabel' may be null. If a label has the form {txt1,txt2,txt3}, the corresponding axis will be labeled not by numbers but rather with the texts "txt1", "txt2" ... instead of 0, 1, ... In this special case, there will be no label for the axis on the plot. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already).
    • setMaxIntervals

      public void setMaxIntervals​(int intervals)
      Sets the maximum number of intervals in a plot. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setTickLength

      public void setTickLength​(int tickLength)
      Sets the length of the major tick in pixels. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setMinorTickLength

      public void setMinorTickLength​(int minorTickLength)
      Sets the length of the minor tick in pixels.
    • setFormatFlags

      public void setFormatFlags​(int flags)
      Sets the flags that control the axes format. Does not modify the flags for logarithmic axes on/off and the FORCE2GRID flags. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already).
    • getFlags

      public int getFlags()
      Returns the flags that control the axes
    • setAxisXLog

      public void setAxisXLog​(boolean axisXLog)
      Sets the X Axis format to Log or Linear. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already).
    • setAxisYLog

      public void setAxisYLog​(boolean axisYLog)
      Sets the Y Axis format to Log or Linear. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already).
    • setXTicks

      public void setXTicks​(boolean xTicks)
      Sets whether to show major ticks at the x axis. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setYTicks

      public void setYTicks​(boolean yTicks)
      Sets whether to show major ticks at the y axis. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setXMinorTicks

      public void setXMinorTicks​(boolean xMinorTicks)
      Sets whether to show minor ticks on the x axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setYMinorTicks

      public void setYMinorTicks​(boolean yMinorTicks)
      Sets whether to show minor ticks on the y axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setAxes

      public void setAxes​(boolean xLog, boolean yLog, boolean xTicks, boolean yTicks, boolean xMinorTicks, boolean yMinorTicks, int tickLenght, int minorTickLenght)
      Sets the properties of the axes. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setLogScaleX

      public void setLogScaleX()
      Sets log scale in x. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setLogScaleY

      public void setLogScaleY()
    • getDefaultFlags

      public static int getDefaultFlags()
      The default flags, taking PlotWindow.noGridLines, PlotWindow.noTicks into account
    • add

      public void add​(String type, double[] xvalues, double[] yvalues)
      Adds a curve or set of points to this plot, where 'type' is "line", "connected circle", "filled", "bar", "separated bar", "circle", "box", "triangle", "diamond", "cross", "x" or "dot". Run Help>Examples>JavaScript>Graph Types to see examples. If 'type' is in the form "code: ", the macro given is executed to draw the symbol; macro variables 'x' and 'y' are the pixel coordinates of the point, 'xval' and 'yval' are the plot data and 'i' is the index of the data point (starting with 0 for the first point in the array). The drawing including line thickness, font size, etc. be scaled by scale factor 's' (to make high-resolution plots work). Example: "code: setFont('sanserif',12*s,'bold anti');drawString(d2s(yval,1),x-14*s,y-4*s);" writes the y value for each point above the point.
    • replace

      public void replace​(int index, String type, double[] xvalues, double[] yvalues)
      Replaces the specified plot object (curve or set of points). Equivalent to add() if there are no plot objects.
    • add

      public void add​(String type, double[] yvalues)
      Adds a curve, set of points or error bars to this plot, where 'type' is "line", "connected circle", "filled", "bar", "separated bar", "circle", "box", "triangle", "diamond", "cross", "x", "dot", "error bars" or "xerror bars".
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, String label)
      Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
      xValues - the x coordinates, or null. If null, integers starting at 0 will be used for x.
      yValues - the y coordinates (must not be null)
      yErrorBars - error bars in y, may be null
      label - Label for this curve or set of points, used for a legend and for listing the plots
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(float[] x, float[] y, int shape)
      Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
      x - the x coordinates
      y - the y coordinates
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(double[] x, double[] y, int shape)
      Adds a set of points to the plot using double arrays.
    • toShape

      public static int toShape​(String str)
      Returns the number for a given plot symbol shape, -1 for xError and -2 for yError (all case-insensitive)
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, int shape)
      Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists. Must be called before the plot is displayed.
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(double[] x, double[] y, double[] errorBars, int shape)
      Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
      x - the x-coodinates
      y - the y-coodinates
      errorBars - half-lengths of the vertical error bars, may be null
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, ArrayList errorBars, int shape)
      Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists. Must be called before the plot is displayed.
    • getDoubleFromArrayList

      public double[] getDoubleFromArrayList​(ArrayList list)
    • drawVectors

      public void drawVectors​(double[] x1, double[] y1, double[] x2, double[] y2)
      Adds a set of points that will be drawn as ARROWs.
      x1 - the x-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
      y1 - the y-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
      x2 - the x-coodinates of the end of the arrow
      y2 - the y-coodinates of the end of the arrow
    • drawShapes

      public void drawShapes​(String shapeType, ArrayList floatCoords)
      Adds a set of 'shapes' such as boxes and whiskers
      shapeType - e.g. "boxes width=20"
      floatCoords - eg[6][3] holding 1 Xval + 5 Yvals for 3 boxes
    • calculateDistance

      public static double calculateDistance​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    • drawVectors

      public void drawVectors​(ArrayList x1, ArrayList y1, ArrayList x2, ArrayList y2)
      Adds a set of vectors to the plot using double ArrayLists. Does not support logarithmic axes. Must be called before the plot is displayed.
    • addErrorBars

      public void addErrorBars​(float[] errorBars)
      Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    • addErrorBars

      public void addErrorBars​(double[] errorBars)
      Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    • addHorizontalErrorBars

      public void addHorizontalErrorBars​(float[] xErrorBars)
      Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    • addHorizontalErrorBars

      public void addHorizontalErrorBars​(double[] xErrorBars)
      Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints).
    • addLabel

      public void addLabel​(double x, double y, String label)
      Draws text at the specified location, where (0,0) is the upper left corner of the the plot frame and (1,1) is the lower right corner. Uses the justification specified by setJustification().
    • addText

      public void addText​(String label, double x, double y)
    • addLegend

      public void addLegend​(String labels)
      Adds an automatically positioned legend, where 'labels' can be a tab-delimited or newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added. Hidden data sets are ignored. If 'labels' is null or empty, the labels of the data set previously (if any) are used. To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'.
    • addLegend

      public void addLegend​(String labels, String options)
      Adds a legend at the position given in 'options', where 'labels' can be tab-delimited or newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added. Hidden data sets are ignored. If 'labels' is null or empty, the labels of the data set previously (if any) are used. To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'.
    • setLegend

      public void setLegend​(String labels, int flags)
      Adds a legend. The legend will be always drawn last (on top of everything). To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'
      labels - labels of the points or curves in the sequence of the data were added, tab-delimited or linefeed-delimited. The labels of the datasets will be set to these values. If null or not given, the labels set previously (if any) will be used. Hidden data sets are ignored.
      flags - Bitwise or of position (AUTO_POSITION, TOP_LEFT etc.), LEGEND_TRANSPARENT, and LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP if desired. Updates the image (if it is shown already).
    • setLabel

      public void setLabel​(int index, String label)
      Sets the label for the plot object nuber 'index' in the sequence they were added. With index=-1, sets the label for the last object added. For x/y data, the label is used for the legend and as header in getResultsTableWithLabels. For Text/Label objects, it affects the label shown (but the plot is not redisplayed).
    • getTypes

      public String[] getTypes()
      Returns an array of the available curve types ("Line", "Bar", "Circle", etc).
    • setJustification

      public void setJustification​(int justification)
      Sets the justification used by addLabel(), where justification is Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT. Default is LEFT.
    • setColor

      public void setColor​(Color c)
      Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot. For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor, use setColor before draw. The frame and labels are always drawn in black.
    • setColor

      public void setColor​(String color)
    • setColor

      public void setColor​(Color c, Color c2)
      Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot. It also sets secondary color: This is the color of the line for CONNECTED_CIRCLES, and the color for filling open symbols (CIRCLE, BOX, TRIANGLE). Set it to null or use the one-argument call setColor(color) to disable filling. For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor, use setColor before draw. The frame and labels are always drawn in black.
    • setColor

      public void setColor​(String c1, String c2)
      Sets the drawing colors for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    • setBackgroundColor

      public void setBackgroundColor​(Color c)
      Set the plot frame background color.
    • setBackgroundColor

      public void setBackgroundColor​(String c)
      Set the plot frame background color.
    • setLineWidth

      public void setLineWidth​(int lineWidth)
      Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    • setLineWidth

      public void setLineWidth​(float lineWidth)
      Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
    • drawLine

      public void drawLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    • drawNormalizedLine

      public void drawNormalizedLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
      Draws a line using a normalized 0-1, 0-1 coordinate system, with (0,0) at the top left and (1,1) at the lower right corner. This is the same coordinate system used by addLabel(x,y,label).
    • drawDottedLine

      public void drawDottedLine​(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int step)
    • setFont

      public void setFont​(Font font)
      Sets the font for all following addLabel() etc. operations. The currently set font when displaying the plot determines the font of all labels & numbers. After the plot has been shown, sets the font for the numbers and the legend (if present). Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setFont

      public void setFont​(int style, float size)
      Sets the font size and style for all following addLabel() etc. operations. This leaves the font name and style of the previously used fonts unchanged. The currently set font when displaying the plot determines the font of the numbers at the axes. That font also sets the default label font size, which may be overridden by setAxisLabelFontSize or setXLabelFont, setYLabelFont. After the plot has been shown, sets the font for the numbers and the legend (if present). Styles are defined in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD. Set style to -1 to leave the style unchanged. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setAxisLabelFont

      public void setAxisLabelFont​(int style, float size)
      Sets the size of the x and y label font size and style. Styles are defined in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD. Set style to -1 to leave the style unchanged. Call update() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already).
    • setXLabelFont

      public void setXLabelFont​(Font font)
      Sets the xLabelFont; must not be mull. If this method is not used, the last setFont of setFontSize call before displaying the plot determines the font, or if neither was called, the font size of the Plot Options is used.
    • setYLabelFont

      public void setYLabelFont​(Font font)
      Sets the yLabelFont; must not be null.
    • setAntialiasedText

      public void setAntialiasedText​(boolean antialiasedText)
      Determines whether to use antialiased text (default true)
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel​(char c)
      Gets the label String of the xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y') or the legend ('l'). Returns null if the given PlotObject does not exist or its label is null
    • getXValues

      public float[] getXValues()
      Get the x coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null) or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists
    • getYValues

      public float[] getYValues()
      Get the y coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null) or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists
    • getDataObjectArrays

      public float[][] getDataObjectArrays​(int index)
      Get the data of the n-th Plot Object containing xy data in the sequence they were added (Other Plot Objects such as labels, arrows, lines, shapes and hidden PlotObjects are not counted). The array returned has elements [0] x data, [1] y data, [2] x error bars, [3] y error bars. If no error bars are given, the corresponding arrays are null. Returns null if there is no Plot Object with xy data with this index.
      See Also:
    • getPlotObjectDesignations

      public String[] getPlotObjectDesignations()
      Gets an array with human-readable designations of the PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...) in the sequence they were added (the object passed with the constructor is first, even though it is plotted last). Hidden PlotObjects are included.
    • getDataObjectDesignations

      public String[] getDataObjectDesignations()
      Gets an array with human-readable designations of the PlotObjects containing xy data in the sequence they were added. Other Plot Objects such as labels, arrows, lines, shapes and hidden PlotObjects are not counted. (the object passed with the constructor is first, even though it is plotted last).
    • getNumPlotObjects

      public int getNumPlotObjects()
      Returns the number of PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...) passed with the constructor or added by 'add' or 'draw' methods. Legend, frame and axes (though internally PlotObjects) are not included
    • addObjectFromPlot

      public int addObjectFromPlot​(Plot plot, int i)
      Add the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones) from another plot to this one. Use 'update' to update the plot thereafter.
      Index of the plotObject added in the sequence they were added
    • getPlotObjectStyle

      public String getPlotObjectStyle​(int i)
      Get the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence they were added (including hidden ones), as String with comma delimiters: Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] [,hidden]
    • getPlotObjectLabel

      public String getPlotObjectLabel​(int i)
      Get the label the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones). Returns null if no label
    • setPlotObjectLabel

      public void setPlotObjectLabel​(int i, String label)
      Set the label the i-th PlotObject (in the sequence how they were added, including hidden ones)
    • setStyle

      public void setStyle​(int index, String style)
      Sets the style of the specified PlotObject (curve, label, etc.) from a comma-delimited string ("color1,color2,lineWidth[,symbol][,hidden]"), where "color2" can be "none" and "symbol" and "hidden" are optional.
    • setPlotObjectStyle

      public void setPlotObjectStyle​(int i, String styleString)
    • getPlotObjectIndex

      public int getPlotObjectIndex​(float[][] values)
      Returns the index of the first plot object with x,y data (points, line) or arrows with all data equal to those given. Returns or -1 is no such plot object exists. The array 'values' should contain the x, y, x error bar, yerror bar data. The 'values' array may have any size; only the data given are compared (e.g. for an array with length 2, there is no check for erro bars). Used when adding data from a table not to suggest the same data twice.
    • savePlotObjects

      public void savePlotObjects()
      Creates a snapshot of the plot contents (not including axis formats etc), for later undo by restorePlotObjects. See also killPlotObjectsSnapshot
    • restorePlotObjects

      public void restorePlotObjects()
      Restores the plot contents (not including axis formats etc) from the snapshot previously created by savePlotObjects(). See also killPlotObjectsSnapshot Use 'update' to update the plot thereafter.
    • killPlotObjectsSnapshot

      public void killPlotObjectsSnapshot()
      Deletes the snapshot of the plot contents to make space
    • setLimitsToDefaults

      public void setLimitsToDefaults​(boolean updateImg)
      Sets the plot range to the initial value determined from minima&maxima or given by setLimits. Updates the image if existing and updateImg is true
    • setLimitsToFit

      public void setLimitsToFit​(boolean updateImg)
      Sets the plot range to encompass all data. Updates the image if existing and updateImg is true.
    • setPreviousMinMax

      public void setPreviousMinMax()
      reverts plot range to previous values and updates the image
    • getProcessor

      public ImageProcessor getProcessor()
      Draws the plot (if not done before) in an ImageProcessor and returns the ImageProcessor with the plot.
    • getImagePlus

      public ImagePlus getImagePlus()
      Returns the plot as an ImagePlus. If an ImagePlus for this plot already exists, displays the plot in that ImagePlus and returns it.
    • setImagePlus

      public void setImagePlus​(ImagePlus imp)
      Sets the ImagePlus where the plot will be displayed. If the ImagePlus is not known otherwise (e.g. from getImagePlus), this is needed for changes such as zooming in to work correctly. It also sets the calibration of the ImagePlus. The ImagePlus is not displayed or updated unless its ImageProcessor is no that of the current Plot (then it gets this ImageProcessor). Does nothing if imp is unchanged and has the ImageProcessor of this plot. 'imp' may be null to disconnect the plot from its ImagePlus
    • adjustCalibration

      public void adjustCalibration​(Calibration cal)
      Adjusts a Calibration object to fit the current axes. For log axes, the calibration refers to the base-10 logarithm of the value
    • show

      public PlotWindow show()
      Displays the plot in a PlotWindow. Plot stacks are shown in a StackWindow, however; in this case the return value is null. Also returns null in BatchMode. Note that the PlotWindow might get closed immediately if its 'listValues' and 'autoClose' flags are set.
      See Also:
    • addToStack

      public void addToStack()
      Appends the current plot to a virtual stack and resets allPlotObjects for next slice N. Vischer
    • appendToStack

      public void appendToStack()
    • getStack

      public PlotVirtualStack getStack()
      Returns the virtual stack created by addToStack().
    • draw

      public void draw()
      Draws the plot specified for the first time. Does nothing if the plot has been drawn already. Call getProcessor to retrieve the ImageProcessor with it. Does no action with respect to the ImagePlus (if any)
    • setFrozen

      public void setFrozen​(boolean frozen)
      Freezes or unfreezes the plot. In the frozen state, the plot cannot be resized or updated, and the Plot class does no modifications to the ImageProcessor. Changes are recorded nevertheless and become effective with setFrozen(false).
    • isFrozen

      public boolean isFrozen()
    • update

      public void update()
      Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen.
    • updateImage

      public void updateImage()
      Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen. If the ImagePlus exist, updates it and its calibration.
    • getDrawingFrame

      public Rectangle getDrawingFrame()
      Returns the rectangle where the data are plotted. This rectangle includes the black outline frame at the top and left, but not at the bottom and right (when the frame is plotted with 1 pxl width). The image scale is its width or height in pixels divided by the data range in x or y.
    • makeHighResolution

      public ImagePlus makeHighResolution​(String title, float scale, boolean antialiasedText, boolean showIt)
      Creates a new high-resolution plot by scaling it and displays that plot if showIt is true. title may be null, then a default title is used.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Releases the ImageProcessor and ImagePlus associated with the plot. May help garbage collection because some garbage collectors are said to be inefficient with circular references.
    • descaleX

      public double descaleX​(int x)
      Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also works with log axes and inverted x axes
    • descaleY

      public double descaleY​(int y)
      Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also works with log axes
    • scaleXtoPxl

      public double scaleXtoPxl​(double x)
      Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also works with log x axis and inverted x axis
    • scaleYtoPxl

      public double scaleYtoPxl​(double y)
      Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also works with log y axis
    • redrawGrid

      public void redrawGrid()
    • drawArrow

      @Deprecated public void drawArrow​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double size)
      Use as a public method is not supported any more because it is incompatible with rescaling
      Adds an arrow from position 1 to 2 given in pixels; 'size' is the length of the arrowhead
    • setPlotMaker

      public void setPlotMaker​(PlotMaker plotMaker)
    • getResultsTable

      public ResultsTable getResultsTable()
      Creates a ResultsTable with the plot data. Returns an empty table if no data.
    • getResultsTable

      public ResultsTable getResultsTable​(boolean writeFirstXColumn)
      Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot. Returns null if no data. Does not write the first x column if writeFirstXColumn is false. When all columns are the same length, x columns equal to the first x column are not written, independent of writeFirstXColumn. Column headings are "X", "Y", "X1", "Y1", etc, irrespective of any labels of the data sets
    • getResultsTableWithLabels

      public ResultsTable getResultsTableWithLabels()
      Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot. Returns null if no data. When all columns are the same length, x columns equal to the first x column are not written, independent of writeFirstXColumn. When the data sets have labels, they are used for column headings
    • addPoints

      public void addPoints​(String dummy, float[] x, float[] y, int shape)
    • addHistogram

      public void addHistogram​(double[] values)
      Plots a histogram from an array using auto-binning.
      values - array containing the population N.Vischer
    • addHistogram

      public void addHistogram​(double[] values, double binWidth)
      Plots a histogram from an array using the specified bin width.
      values - array containing the population
      binWidth - set zero for auto-binning N.Vischer
    • addHistogram

      public void addHistogram​(double[] values, double binWidth, double binCenter)
      Plots a histogram of the value distribution (bin counts) from an array
      values - array containing the values for the population
      binWidth - set zero for auto-binning
      binCenter - any x value can be the center of a bin N.Vischer
    • addErrorBars

      public void addErrorBars​(String dummy, float[] errorBars)
    • changeFont

      public void changeFont​(Font font)