Uses of Class

Packages that use Roi 
Package Description
  • Uses of Roi in ij

    Fields in ij declared as Roi 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected Roi ImagePlus.roi  
    Methods in ij that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Roi ImagePlus.getRoi()
    Returns the current selection, or null if there is no selection.
    static Roi IJ.Roi​(double x, double y, double width, double height)
    Creates an Roi.
    Methods in ij with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void ImagePlus.setOverlay​(Roi roi, Color strokeColor, int strokeWidth, Color fillColor)
    Creates an Overlay from the specified ROI, and assigns it to this image.
    void ImagePlus.setRoi​(Roi newRoi)
    Assigns the specified ROI to this image and displays it.
    void ImagePlus.setRoi​(Roi newRoi, boolean updateDisplay)
    Assigns 'newRoi' to this image and displays it if 'updateDisplay' is true.
  • Uses of Roi in ij.gui

    Subclasses of Roi in ij.gui 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  Arrow
    This is an Roi subclass for creating and displaying arrows.
    class  EllipseRoi
    This class implements the ellipse selection tool.
    class  FreehandRoi
    Freehand region of interest or freehand line of interest
    class  ImageRoi
    An ImageRoi is an Roi that overlays an image.
    class  Line
    This class represents a straight line selection.
    class  OvalRoi
    Oval region of interest
    class  PointRoi
    This class represents a collection of points that can be associated with counters.
    class  PolygonRoi
    This class represents a polygon region of interest or polyline of interest.
    class  RotatedRectRoi
    This class implements the rotated rectangle selection tool.
    class  ShapeRoi
    A subclass of ij.gui.Roi (2D Regions Of Interest) implemented in terms of java.awt.Shape.
    class  TextRoi
    This class is a rectangular ROI containing text.
    Fields in ij.gui declared as Roi 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static Roi Roi.previousRoi  
    Methods in ij.gui that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Roi Roi.convertToPolygon()
    Converts this line selection into an area selection.
    Roi Overlay.get​(int index)
    Returns the ROI with the specified index or null if the index is invalid.
    Roi Overlay.get​(String name)
    Returns the ROI with the specified name or null if not found.
    Roi Roi.getInverse​(ImagePlus imp)
    Returns the inverted roi, or null if this is not an area roi or cannot be converted to a ShapeRoi.
    Roi[] ShapeRoi.getRois()
    Converts a Shape into Roi object(s).
    Roi ShapeRoi.shapeToRoi()
    Attempts to convert this ShapeRoi into a single non-composite Roi.
    Roi[] Overlay.toArray()
    Returns on array containing the ROIs in this Overlay.
    Roi ShapeRoi.trySimplify()
    Attempts to convert this ShapeRoi into a single non-composite Roi.
    Methods in ij.gui with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void Overlay.add​(Roi roi)
    Adds an ROI to this Overlay.
    void Overlay.add​(Roi roi, String name)
    Adds an ROI to this Overlay using the specified name.
    void Overlay.addElement​(Roi roi)
    Adds an ROI to this Overlay.
    PointRoi PointRoi.containedPoints​(Roi roi)
    Returns the points of this Roi that are contained in the specified area ROI.
    boolean Overlay.contains​(Roi roi)
    Returns 'true' if this Overlay contains the specified ROI.
    void Roi.copyAttributes​(Roi roi2)
    Copy the attributes (outline color, fill color, outline width) of 'roi2' to the this selection.
    void Overlay.remove​(Roi roi)
    Removes the specified ROI from this Overlay.
    boolean ImageCanvas.roiManagerSelect​(Roi roi, boolean delete)  
    void Overlay.set​(Roi roi, int index)
    Replaces the ROI at the specified index.
    void ImageCanvas.setDisplayList​(Roi roi, Color color)
    replaced by ImagePlus.setOverlay(Roi, Color, int, Color)
    void TextRoi.setPreviousRoi​(Roi previousRoi)  
    PointRoi PointRoi.subtractPoints​(Roi roi)
    Returns the points of this Roi that are not contained in the specified area ROI.
    Constructors in ij.gui with parameters of type Roi 
    Constructor Description
    Overlay​(Roi roi)
    Constructs an Overlay and adds the specified ROI.
    RoiProperties​(String title, Roi roi)
    Constructs a ColorChooser using the specified title and initial color.
    ShapeRoi​(Roi r)
    Constructs a ShapeRoi from an Roi.
  • Uses of Roi in

    Methods in that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Roi RoiDecoder.getRoi()
    Returns the ROI.
    Roi RoiDecoder.getShapeRoi()  
    static Roi​(String path)
    Opens the Roi at the specified path.
    static Roi RoiDecoder.openFromByteArray​(byte[] bytes)
    Opens an ROI from a byte array.
    Roi Opener.openRoi​(String path)
    Attempts to open the specified ROI, returning null if unsuccessful.
    Methods in with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static boolean​(Roi roi, String path)
    Saves the specified ROI as a file, returning 'true' if successful.
    static byte[] RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray​(Roi roi)
    Saves the specified ROI as a byte array.
    void RoiEncoder.write​(Roi roi)
    Save the Roi to the file of stream.
  • Uses of Roi in ij.measure

    Methods in ij.measure with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static boolean ResultsTable.selectRow​(Roi roi)
    Selects the row in the "Results" table assocuiated with the specified Roi.
    void ResultsTable.update​(int measurements, ImagePlus imp, Roi roi)  
  • Uses of Roi in ij.plugin

    Methods in ij.plugin that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Roi RoiEnlarger.enlarge​(Roi roi, double pixels)  
    static Roi Selection.lineToArea​(Roi roi)
    Converts a line selection into an area selection.
    static Roi RoiRotator.rotate​(Roi roi, double angle)  
    static Roi RoiRotator.rotate​(Roi roi, double angle, double xcenter, double ycenter)  
    static Roi RoiScaler.scale​(Roi roi, double xscale, double yscale, boolean centered)  
    Methods in ij.plugin with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Roi RoiEnlarger.enlarge​(Roi roi, double pixels)  
    static Roi Selection.lineToArea​(Roi roi)
    Converts a line selection into an area selection.
    static void OverlayCommands.listRois​(Roi[] rois)  
    static Roi RoiRotator.rotate​(Roi roi, double angle)  
    static Roi RoiRotator.rotate​(Roi roi, double angle, double xcenter, double ycenter)  
    static Roi RoiScaler.scale​(Roi roi, double xscale, double yscale, boolean centered)  
    ImageProcessor Straightener.straighten​(ImagePlus imp, Roi roi, int width)  
    ImageStack Straightener.straightenStack​(ImagePlus imp, Roi roi, int width)  
  • Uses of Roi in ij.plugin.filter

    Methods in ij.plugin.filter that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Roi ThresholdToSelection.convert​(ImageProcessor ip)
    Returns a selection created from the thresholded pixels in the specified image, or null if there are no thresholded pixels.
    static Roi​(ImagePlus imp)
    Returns a selection created from the thresholded pixels in the specified image, or null if there are no thresholded pixels.
    Methods in ij.plugin.filter with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected void ParticleAnalyzer.drawParticle​(ImageProcessor drawIP, Roi roi, ImageStatistics stats, ImageProcessor mask)
    Draws a selected particle in a separate image.
    void Analyzer.saveResults​(ImageStatistics stats, Roi roi)
    Saves the measurements specified in the "Set Measurements" dialog, or by calling setMeasurements(), in the default results table.
    protected void ParticleAnalyzer.saveResults​(ImageStatistics stats, Roi roi)
    Saves statistics for one particle in a results table.
  • Uses of Roi in ij.plugin.frame

    Methods in ij.plugin.frame that return Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Roi RoiManager.getRoi​(int index)
    Returns a reference to the ROI at the specified index.
    Roi[] RoiManager.getRoisAsArray()
    Returns the ROIs as an array.
    Roi[] RoiManager.getSelectedRoisAsArray()
    Returns the selected ROIs as an array, or all the ROIs if none are selected.
    Methods in ij.plugin.frame with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void RoiManager.add​(Roi roi, int n)
    Adds the specified ROI to the list.
    void RoiManager.add​(ImagePlus imp, Roi roi, int n)
    Adds the specified ROI to the list.
    void RoiManager.addRoi​(Roi roi)
    Adds the specified ROI.
    void RoiManager.deselect​(Roi roi)
    Deselect the specified ROI if it is the only one selected.
    int RoiManager.getRoiIndex​(Roi roi)
    Returns the index of the specified Roi, or -1 if it is not found.
    static void Recorder.recordRoi​(Roi roi)  
    void SyncWindows.setCursor​(ImagePlus imp, Roi cursor)  
    void RoiManager.setRoi​(Roi roi, int index)
    Replaces the ROI at the specified index.
  • Uses of Roi in ij.process

    Methods in ij.process with parameters of type Roi 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void ImageProcessor.draw​(Roi roi)
    Draws the specified ROI on this image using the line width and color defined by ip.setLineWidth() and ip.setColor().
    void ImageProcessor.drawRoi​(Roi roi)
    Draws the specified ROI on this image using the stroke width, stroke color and fill color defined by roi.setStrokeWidth, roi.setStrokeColor() and roi.setFillColor().
    void ImageProcessor.fill​(Roi roi)
    Fills the ROI with the current fill/draw value.
    void ImageProcessor.fillOutside​(Roi roi)
    Fills outside an Roi.
    void​(ImagePlus image, Roi[] rois)  
    void ImageProcessor.setRoi​(Roi roi)
    Defines a non-rectangular region of interest that will consist of a rectangular ROI and a mask.