Class UnsharpMask

All Implemented Interfaces:
DialogListener, ExtendedPlugInFilter, PlugInFilter

public class UnsharpMask
extends Object
implements ExtendedPlugInFilter, DialogListener
This plugin-filter implements ImageJ's Unsharp Mask command. Unsharp masking subtracts a blurred copy of the image and rescales the image to obtain the same contrast of large (low-frequency) structures as in the input image. This is equivalent to adding a high-pass filtered image and thus sharpens the image. "Radius (Sigma)" is the standard deviation (blur radius) of the Gaussian blur that is subtracted. "Mask Weight" determines the strength of filtering, where "Mask Weight"=1 would be an infinite weight of the high-pass filtered image that is added.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setup

      public int setup​(String arg, ImagePlus imp)
      Method to return types supported
      Specified by:
      setup in interface PlugInFilter
      arg - Not used by this plugin
      imp - The image to be filtered
      Code describing supported formats etc. (see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter & ExtendedPlugInFilter)
    • run

      public void run​(ImageProcessor ip)
      This method is invoked for each slice or color channel. It filters an image by enhancing high-frequency components. Since this PlugInFilter specifies the CONVERT_TO_FLOAT and SNAPHOT flags, 'ip' is always a FloatProcessor with a valid snapshot.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugInFilter
      ip - The image, slice or channel to filter
    • sharpenFloat

      public void sharpenFloat​(FloatProcessor fp, double sigma, float weight)
      Unsharp Mask filtering of a float image. 'fp' must have a valid snapshot.
    • showDialog

      public int showDialog​(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr)
      Ask the user for the parameters
      Specified by:
      showDialog in interface ExtendedPlugInFilter
      imp - The active image already passed in the setup(arg, imp) call. It will be null, however, if the NO_IMAGE_REQUIRED flag has been set.
      command - The command that has led to the invocation of the plugin-filter. Useful as a title for the dialog.
      pfr - The PlugInFilterRunner calling this plugin-filter. It can be passed to a GenericDialog by addPreviewCheckbox to enable preview by calling the run(ip) method of this plugin-filter. pfr can be also used later for calling back the PlugInFilterRunner, e.g., to obtain the slice number currently processed by run(ip).
      The method should return a combination (bitwise OR) of the flags specified in interfaces PlugInFilter and ExtendedPlugInFilter.
    • dialogItemChanged

      public boolean dialogItemChanged​(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: DialogListener
      This method is invoked by a Generic Dialog if any of the inputs have changed (CANCEL does not trigger it; OK and running the dialog from a macro only trigger the first DialogListener added to a GenericDialog).
      Specified by:
      dialogItemChanged in interface DialogListener
      gd - A reference to the GenericDialog.
      e - The event that has been generated by the user action in the dialog. Note that e is null if the dialogItemChanged method is called after the user has pressed the OK button or if the GenericDialog has read its parameters from a macro.
      Should be true if the dialog input is valid. False disables the OK button and preview (if any).
    • setNPasses

      public void setNPasses​(int nPasses)
      Since most computing time is spent in GaussianBlur, forward the information about the number of passes to Gaussian Blur. The ProgressBar will be handled by GaussianBlur.
      Specified by:
      setNPasses in interface ExtendedPlugInFilter