Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExtendedPlugInFilter 
Package Description
  • Uses of ExtendedPlugInFilter in ij.plugin.filter

    Classes in ij.plugin.filter that implement ExtendedPlugInFilter 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  BackgroundSubtracter
    Implements ImageJ's Subtract Background command.
    class  Binary
    Implements the Erode, Dilate, Open, Close, Outline, Skeletonize and Fill Holes commands in the Process/Binary submenu.
    class  Convolver
    This plugin convolves images using user user defined kernels.
    class  EDM
    This plugin implements the Euclidean Distance Map (EDM), Watershed, Ultimate Eroded Points and Voronoi commands in the Process/Binary submenu.
    class  GaussianBlur
    This plug-in filter uses convolution with a Gaussian function for smoothing.
    class  ImageMath
    This plugin implements ImageJ's Process/Math submenu.
    class  MaximumFinder
    This ImageJ plug-in filter finds the maxima (or minima) of an image.
    class  RankFilters
    This plugin implements the Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Variance, Median, Open Maxima, Close Maxima, Remove Outliers, Remove NaNs and Despeckle commands.
    class  Rotator
    This plugin implements the Image/Rotate/Arbitrarily command.
    class  StackLabeler
    This plugin implements the Image/Stacks/Label command.
    class  Translator
    This plugin implements the Image/Translate command.
    class  UnsharpMask
    This plugin-filter implements ImageJ's Unsharp Mask command.