Chapter 13. Miscellaneous

Table of Contents
Environment variables
Using mnoGoSearch as an embedded search library
MySQL fulltext parser plugin
Database schema
Reporting bugs

Environment variables

mnoGoSearch understands a number of environment variables.

Table 13-1. Environment variables mnoGoSearch understands

UDM_CONF_DIR, UDM_ETC_DIR indexer, search.cgi Changes the location of the /etc directory. These two variables are synonyms. If both variables are set, then UDM_ETC_DIR is ignored.
UDM_TMP_DIR, TMPDIR indexer, Changes the directory of the temporary files (e.g. created for external parsers) instead of the default location at /tmp. If both variables are set, then TMPDIR is ignored.
UDM_SHARE_DIR indexer, search.cgi Changes the location of the /share directory.
UDMSEARCH_TEMPLATE search.cgi Specifies the template file to use, instead of the default file at etc/search.htm. See also the Section called Using multiple templates in Chapter 11.