Command: hh_psc_alpha_gap

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hh_psc_alpha_gap - Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model with gap-junction support.
hh_psc_alpha_gap is an implementation of a spiking neuron using the
Hodgkin-Huxley formalism. In contrast to hh_psc_alpha the implementation
additionally supports gap junctions.

1. Post-synaptic currents
Incoming spike events induce a post-synaptic change of current modelled
by an alpha function. The alpha function is normalised such that an event of
weight 1.0 results in a peak current of 1 pA.

2. Spike Detection
Spike detection is done by a combined threshold-and-local-maximum search: if
there is a local maximum above a certain threshold of the membrane potential,
it is considered a spike.

3. Gap Junctions
Gap Junctions are implemented by a gap current of the form
\f$ g_ij( V_i - V_j) \f$.
The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.

\verbatim embed:rst
=========== ====== ============================================================
tau_ex ms Rise time of the excitatory synaptic alpha function
tau_in ms Rise time of the inhibitory synaptic alpha function
g_K nS Potassium peak conductance
V_m mV Membrane potential
E_L mV Leak reversal potential
g_L nS Leak conductance
C_m pF Capacity of the membrane
tau_syn_ex ms Rise time of the excitatory synaptic alpha function
tau_syn_in ms Rise time of the inhibitory synaptic alpha function
E_Na mV Sodium reversal potential
g_Na nS Sodium peak conductance
E_K mV Potassium reversal potential
g_Kv1 nS Potassium peak conductance
g_Kv3 nS Potassium peak conductance
Act_m real Activation variable m
Inact_h real Inactivation variable h
Act_n real Activation variable n
I_e pA External input current
=========== ====== ============================================================
SpikeEvent, GapJunctionEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
SpikeEvent, GapJunctionEvent
\verbatim embed:rst
.. [1] Gerstner W, Kistler W. Spiking neuron models: Single neurons,
populations, plasticity. Cambridge University Press
.. [2] Mancilla JG, Lewis TG, Pinto DJ, Rinzel J, Connors BW (2007).
Synchronization of electrically coupled pairs of inhibitory
interneurons in neocortex, Journal of Neurosciece, 27:2058-2073
(parameters taken from here)
.. [3] Hodgkin AL and Huxley A F (1952). A quantitative description of
membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in
nerve. The Journal of Physiology 117.
.. [4] Hahne J, Helias M, Kunkel S, Igarashi J, Bolten M, Frommer A, Diesmann M
(2015). A unified framework for spiking and gap-junction interactions
in distributed neuronal netowrk simulations. Frontiers in
Neuroinformatics, 9:22. DOI:
Jan Hahne, Moritz Helias, Susanne Kunkel
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