Command: testsuite::test_pp_psc_delta

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testsuite::test_pp_psc_delta - test of pp_psc_delta neuron functionality
(test_pp_psc_delta) run -> compare spike train statistics with expectations
This simulation tests the basic functionality of the pp_psc_delta neuron model.
Specifically, it checks whether:

• the firing rate is close to the preset one

• the fixed dead-time is respected in all cases

• for randomly distributed dead-times, the mean and the variance of the
dead-times are close to the theoretical values

• the threshold adaptation works by looking for negative serial correlation of
the inter-spike intervals

• that threshold adaptation with time constant of the membrane is equivalent
to an inhibitory self-connection with the same strength

All of these tests are based on random number realizations, which is necessary
since the model is stochastic. Thus there is a finite probability for the test
to fail, even if everything is fine.

The choice of the variable err, which is the allowed relative deviation from
the reference value, can be used to make the test more or less strict.
Increasing T inside the test functions can also help to get more reliable
statistics and a reduced probability of false alarms.

The values are chosen to have a reasonable execution time. False alarms were
never observed yet. Since random numbers are preserved through repetitions of
the simulations, the test should work for sure as long as the random number
generation procedure of NEST is not changed. If it is changed, failure of the
test is still very unlikely.

The intention of this script is to make sure that there are no gross errors in
the functionality of the neuron model pp_psc_delta.
This test script is based on the python version

and was adapted to SLI using


as a guideline. The commented code is the original python test code.

Test 5) was added later (2014), when support for several adaptation time
constants was added to pp_psc_delta.
June 2011, Deger, Zaytsev
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