NFFT  3.5.0
Functions | Variables
Collaboration diagram for linogram_fft_test:


static int linogram_grid (int T, int rr, NFFT_R *x, NFFT_R *w)
 Generates the points x with weights w for the linogram grid with T slopes and R offsets.
static int linogram_dft (NFFT_C *f_hat, int NN, NFFT_C *f, int T, int rr, int m)
 discrete pseudo-polar FFT
static int linogram_fft (NFFT_C *f_hat, int NN, NFFT_C *f, int T, int rr, int m)
 NFFT-based pseudo-polar FFT.
static int inverse_linogram_fft (NFFT_C *f, int T, int rr, NFFT_C *f_hat, int NN, int max_i, int m)
 NFFT-based inverse pseudo-polar FFT.
static int comparison_fft (FILE *fp, int N, int T, int rr)
 Comparison of the FFTW, linogram FFT, and inverse linogram FFT.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
 test program for various parameters


NFFT_R GLOBAL_elapsed_time

Detailed Description