NFFT  3.5.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2017 Jens Keiner, Stefan Kunis, Daniel Potts
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
5  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
6  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
7  * version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
12  * details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
15  * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
16  * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17  */
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <math.h>
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include <string.h>
42 #include <complex.h>
46 #include "nfft3mp.h"
49 /*#define KERNEL(r) 1.0 */
50 #define KERNEL(r) (NFFT_K(1.0)-NFFT_M(fabs)((NFFT_R)(r))/((NFFT_R)S/2))
55 static int polar_grid(int T, int S, NFFT_R *x, NFFT_R *w)
56 {
57  int t, r;
58  NFFT_R W = (NFFT_R) T * (((NFFT_R) S / NFFT_K(2.0)) * ((NFFT_R) S / NFFT_K(2.0)) + NFFT_K(1.0) / NFFT_K(4.0));
60  for (t = -T / 2; t < T / 2; t++)
61  {
62  for (r = -S / 2; r < S / 2; r++)
63  {
64  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 0] = (NFFT_R) r / (NFFT_R)(S) * NFFT_M(cos)(NFFT_KPI * (NFFT_R)(t) / (NFFT_R)(T));
65  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 1] = (NFFT_R) r / (NFFT_R)(S) * NFFT_M(sin)(NFFT_KPI * (NFFT_R)(t) / (NFFT_R)(T));
66  if (r == 0)
67  w[(t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)] = NFFT_K(1.0) / NFFT_K(4.0) / W;
68  else
69  w[(t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)] = NFFT_M(fabs)((NFFT_R) r) / W;
70  }
71  }
73  return 0;
74 }
79 static int linogram_grid(int T, int S, NFFT_R *x, NFFT_R *w)
80 {
81  int t, r;
82  NFFT_R W = (NFFT_R) T * (((NFFT_R) S / NFFT_K(2.0)) * ((NFFT_R) S / NFFT_K(2.0)) + NFFT_K(1.0) / NFFT_K(4.0));
84  for (t = -T / 2; t < T / 2; t++)
85  {
86  for (r = -S / 2; r < S / 2; r++)
87  {
88  if (t < 0)
89  {
90  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 0] = (NFFT_R) r / (NFFT_R)(S);
91  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 1] = NFFT_K(4.0) * ((NFFT_R)(t) + (NFFT_R)(T) / NFFT_K(4.0)) / (NFFT_R)(T) * (NFFT_R)(r)
92  / (NFFT_R)(S);
93  }
94  else
95  {
96  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 0] = -NFFT_K(4.0) * ((NFFT_R)(t) - (NFFT_R)(T) / NFFT_K(4.0)) / (NFFT_R)(T)
97  * (NFFT_R)(r) / (NFFT_R)(S);
98  x[2 * ((t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)) + 1] = (NFFT_R) r / (NFFT_R)(S);
99  }
100  if (r == 0)
101  w[(t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)] = NFFT_K(1.0) / NFFT_K(4.0) / W;
102  else
103  w[(t + T / 2) * S + (r + S / 2)] = NFFT_M(fabs)((NFFT_R) r) / W;
104  }
105  }
107  return 0;
108 }
114 static int inverse_radon_trafo(int (*gridfcn)(), int T, int S, NFFT_R *Rf, int NN, NFFT_R *f,
115  int max_i)
116 {
117  int j, k;
118  NFFT(plan) my_nfft_plan;
119  SOLVER(plan_complex) my_infft_plan;
121  NFFT_C *fft;
122  FFTW(plan) my_fftw_plan;
124  int t, r;
125  NFFT_R *x, *w;
126  int l;
128  int N[2], n[2];
129  int M = T * S;
131  N[0] = NN;
132  n[0] = 2 * N[0];
133  N[1] = NN;
134  n[1] = 2 * N[1];
136  fft = (NFFT_C *) NFFT(malloc)((size_t)(S) * sizeof(NFFT_C));
137  my_fftw_plan = FFTW(plan_dft_1d)(S, fft, fft, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
139  x = (NFFT_R *) NFFT(malloc)((size_t)(2 * T * S) * (sizeof(NFFT_R)));
140  if (x == NULL)
141  return EXIT_FAILURE;
143  w = (NFFT_R *) NFFT(malloc)((size_t)(T * S) * (sizeof(NFFT_R)));
144  if (w == NULL)
145  return EXIT_FAILURE;
148  NFFT(init_guru)(&my_nfft_plan, 2, N, M, n, 4,
154  SOLVER(init_advanced_complex)(&my_infft_plan,
155  (NFFT(mv_plan_complex)*) (&my_nfft_plan), CGNR | PRECOMPUTE_WEIGHT);
158  gridfcn(T, S, x, w);
159  for (j = 0; j < my_nfft_plan.M_total; j++)
160  {
161  my_nfft_plan.x[2 * j + 0] = x[2 * j + 0];
162  my_nfft_plan.x[2 * j + 1] = x[2 * j + 1];
163  if (j % S)
164  my_infft_plan.w[j] = w[j];
165  else
166  my_infft_plan.w[j] = NFFT_K(0.0);
167  }
170  if (my_nfft_plan.flags & PRE_LIN_PSI)
171  NFFT(precompute_lin_psi)(&my_nfft_plan);
173  if (my_nfft_plan.flags & PRE_PSI)
174  NFFT(precompute_psi)(&my_nfft_plan);
176  if (my_nfft_plan.flags & PRE_FULL_PSI)
177  NFFT(precompute_full_psi)(&my_nfft_plan);
180  for (t = 0; t < T; t++)
181  {
182  /* for(r=0; r<R/2; r++)
183  fft[r] = cexp(I*NFFT_KPI*r)*Rf[t*R+(r+R/2)];
184  for(r=0; r<R/2; r++)
185  fft[r+R/2] = cexp(I*NFFT_KPI*r)*Rf[t*R+r];
186  */
188  for (r = 0; r < S; r++)
189  fft[r] = Rf[t * S + r] + _Complex_I * NFFT_K(0.0);
191  NFFT(fftshift_complex_int)(fft, 1, &S);
192  FFTW(execute)(my_fftw_plan);
193  NFFT(fftshift_complex_int)(fft, 1, &S);
195  my_infft_plan.y[t * S] = NFFT_K(0.0);
196  for (r = -S / 2 + 1; r < S / 2; r++)
197  my_infft_plan.y[t * S + (r + S / 2)] = fft[r + S / 2] / KERNEL(r);
198  }
201  for (k = 0; k < my_nfft_plan.N_total; k++)
202  my_infft_plan.f_hat_iter[k] = NFFT_K(0.0) + _Complex_I * NFFT_K(0.0);
205  SOLVER(before_loop_complex)(&my_infft_plan);
207  if (max_i < 1)
208  {
209  l = 1;
210  for (k = 0; k < my_nfft_plan.N_total; k++)
211  my_infft_plan.f_hat_iter[k] = my_infft_plan.p_hat_iter[k];
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  for (l = 1; l <= max_i; l++)
216  {
217  SOLVER(loop_one_step_complex)(&my_infft_plan);
218  /*if (sqrt(my_infft_plan.dot_r_iter)<=1e-12) break;*/
219  }
220  }
221  /*printf("after %d iteration(s): weighted 2-norm of original residual vector = %g\n",l-1,sqrt(my_infft_plan.dot_r_iter));*/
224  for (k = 0; k < my_nfft_plan.N_total; k++)
225  f[k] = NFFT_M(creal)(my_infft_plan.f_hat_iter[k]);
228  FFTW(destroy_plan)(my_fftw_plan);
229  NFFT(free)(fft);
230  SOLVER(finalize_complex)(&my_infft_plan);
231  NFFT(finalize)(&my_nfft_plan);
232  NFFT(free)(x);
233  NFFT(free)(w);
234  return 0;
235 }
239 int main(int argc, char **argv)
240 {
241  int (*gridfcn)();
242  int T, S;
243  FILE *fp;
244  int N;
245  NFFT_R *Rf, *iRf;
246  int max_i;
248  if (argc != 6)
249  {
250  printf("inverse_radon gridfcn N T R max_i\n");
251  printf("\n");
252  printf("gridfcn \"polar\" or \"linogram\" \n");
253  printf("N image size NxN \n");
254  printf("T number of slopes \n");
255  printf("R number of offsets \n");
256  printf("max_i number of iterations \n");
257  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
258  }
260  if (strcmp(argv[1], "polar") == 0)
261  gridfcn = polar_grid;
262  else
263  gridfcn = linogram_grid;
265  N = atoi(argv[2]);
266  T = atoi(argv[3]);
267  S = atoi(argv[4]);
268  /*printf("N=%d, %s grid with T=%d, R=%d. \n",N,argv[1],T,R);*/
269  max_i = atoi(argv[5]);
271  Rf = (NFFT_R *) NFFT(malloc)((size_t)(T * S) * (sizeof(NFFT_R)));
272  iRf = (NFFT_R *) NFFT(malloc)((size_t)(N * N) * (sizeof(NFFT_R)));
275  fp = fopen("sinogram_data.bin", "rb");
276  if (fp == NULL)
277  return EXIT_FAILURE;
278  fread(Rf, sizeof(NFFT_R), (size_t)(T * S), fp);
279  fclose(fp);
282  inverse_radon_trafo(gridfcn, T, S, Rf, N, iRf, max_i);
285  fp = fopen("output_data.bin", "wb+");
286  if (fp == NULL)
287  return EXIT_FAILURE;
288  fwrite(iRf, sizeof(NFFT_R), (size_t)(N * N), fp);
289  fclose(fp);
292  NFFT(free)(Rf);
293  NFFT(free)(iRf);
295  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
296 }
static int max_i(int a, int b)
Definition: fastsum.c:46
#define MALLOC_X
Definition: nfft3.h:199
#define MALLOC_F_HAT
Definition: nfft3.h:200
static int polar_grid(int T, int S, NFFT_R *x, NFFT_R *w)
generates the points x with weights w for the polar grid with T angles and R offsets ...
Definition: inverse_radon.c:55
Definition: nfft3.h:789
static void fft(int N, int M, int Z, fftw_complex *mem)
fft makes an 1D-ftt for every knot through all layers
#define FFTW_INIT
Definition: nfft3.h:203
#define MALLOC_F
Definition: nfft3.h:201
Definition: nfft3.h:202
#define PRE_LIN_PSI
Definition: nfft3.h:195
int main(int argc, char **argv)
simple test program for the inverse discrete Radon transform
#define PRE_PSI
Definition: nfft3.h:197
#define CGNR
Definition: nfft3.h:786
static int linogram_grid(int T, int S, NFFT_R *x, NFFT_R *w)
generates the points x with weights w for the linogram grid with T slopes and R offsets ...
Definition: inverse_radon.c:79
#define KERNEL(r)
define weights of kernel function for discrete Radon transform
Definition: inverse_radon.c:50
#define PRE_FULL_PSI
Definition: nfft3.h:198
#define PRE_PHI_HUT
Definition: nfft3.h:193
static int inverse_radon_trafo(int(*gridfcn)(), int T, int S, NFFT_R *Rf, int NN, NFFT_R *f, int max_i)
computes the inverse discrete Radon transform of Rf on the grid given by gridfcn() with T angles and ...