Uses of Interface

Packages that use Measurements 
Package Description
  • Uses of Measurements in ij

    Classes in ij that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  CompositeImage  
    class  ImagePlus
    An ImagePlus contain an ImageProcessor (2D image) or an ImageStack (3D, 4D or 5D image).
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.gui

    Classes in ij.gui that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  HistogramWindow
    This class is an extended ImageWindow that displays histograms.
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.macro

    Classes in ij.macro that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  Functions
    This class implements the built-in macro functions.
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.plugin

    Classes in ij.plugin that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  BMP_Reader
    This plugin reads BMP files.
    class  ContrastEnhancer
    Implements ImageJ's Process/Enhance Contrast command.
    class  DICOM
    This plugin decodes DICOM files.
    class  FFT
    This class implements the FFT, Inverse FFT and Redisplay Power Spectrum commands in the Process/FFT submenu.
    class  FITS_Reader
    Opens and displays FITS images.
    class  GIF_Reader
    This plugin opens GIFs and Animated GIFs.
    class  LutLoader
    Opens NIH Image look-up tables (LUTs), 768 byte binary LUTs (256 reds, 256 greens and 256 blues), LUTs in text format, or generates the LUT specified by the string argument passed to the run() method.
    class  PGM_Reader
    This plugin opens PxM format images.
    class  Selection
    This plugin implements the commands in the Edit/Selection submenu.
    class  Thresholder
    This plugin implements the Process/Binary/Make Binary and Convert to Mask commands.
    class  ZAxisProfiler
    Implements the Image/Stacks/Plot Z-axis Profile command, which plots the selection mean gray value versus slice number.
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.plugin.filter

    Classes in ij.plugin.filter that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  Analyzer
    This plugin implements ImageJ's Analyze/Measure and Analyze/Set Measurements commands.
    class  Calibrator
    Implements the Analyze/Calibrate command.
    class  FFTCustomFilter
    This class implements the Process/FFT/Custom Filter command.
    class  FFTFilter
    This class implements the Process/FFT/Bandpass Filter command.
    class  Filler
    This plugin implements ImageJ's Fill, Clear, Clear Outside and Draw commands.
    class  LineGraphAnalyzer
    Implements ImageJ's Analyze/Tools/Analyze Line Graph command.
    class  ParticleAnalyzer
    Implements ImageJ's Analyze Particles command.
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.plugin.frame

    Classes in ij.plugin.frame that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  ColorThresholder
    Selects pixels according to hsb or rgb components.
    class  ThresholdAdjuster
    Adjusts the lower and upper threshold levels of the active image.
  • Uses of Measurements in ij.process

    Classes in ij.process that implement Measurements 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  ByteStatistics
    8-bit image statistics, including histogram.
    class  ColorStatistics
    RGB image statistics, including histogram.
    class  FloatStatistics
    32-bit (float) image statistics, including histogram.
    class  ImageStatistics
    Statistics, including the histogram, of an image or selection.
    class  ShortStatistics
    16-bit image statistics, including histogram.
    class  StackStatistics
    Statistics, including the histogram, of a stack.